Unit Rules / Work Instructions Emergency Response Team

Unit Rules / Work Instructions Emergency Response Team

Unit Rules / Work Instructions Emergency Response Team


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<strong>Unit</strong> <strong>Rules</strong> / <strong>Work</strong> <strong>Instructions</strong>Name:Last reviewed: 26 August 2009<strong>Emergency</strong> <strong>Response</strong> <strong>Team</strong>SECTION 1 - INTRODUCTION _____________________________________________________________2PURPOSESCOPE______________________________________________________________________2______________________________________________________________________2DEFINITIONS ______________________________________________________________________2CONTEXT______________________________________________________________________2SECTION 2 - UNIT RULES ________________________________________________________________3UNIT RULES ______________________________________________________________________3SECTION 3 - RELATED MATERIAL __________________________________________________________8SECTION 4 - GOVERNANCE ______________________________________________________________9RESPONSIBILITY ___________________________________________________________________9VERSION CONTROL AND CHANGE HISTORY ________________________________________________9Page 1 of 14

SECTION 1 - INTRODUCTIONPURPOSEThe purpose of these unit rules is to ensure that any form of emergency that interrupts normal andsafe working conditions in the university can be dealt with quickly and systematically.SCOPEThis unit rules are applicable to all staff, students and visitors of Swinburne University of TechnologySarawak Campus.DEFINITIONSWord/TermERTHSEDefinition<strong>Emergency</strong> <strong>Response</strong> <strong>Team</strong>Health & Safety ExecutiveCONTEXTName<strong>Emergency</strong> Management PolicyLocationPolicies & Procedures DirectoryPage 2 of 14

SECTION 2 – UNIT RULESUNIT RULES1. University Warden1.1 The University Warden is appointed to act as an overall controller for the University in anemergency. He or she is the Chair of the <strong>Emergency</strong> <strong>Response</strong> <strong>Team</strong>.1.2 The responsibilities of the University Warden include: assessing the situation and determining whether an emergency exists that requiresactivating the emergency procedures; directing all efforts in the area, including evacuating personnel; ensuring that outside emergency services, such as police, local fire departments andambulance, are called when necessary; controlling the evacuation; providing an accurate situation report to the University Senior Management – PVC andDirectors.1.3 The duties of a University Warden include:a) <strong>Emergency</strong> FunctionsOn sounding of the building evacuation signal, the University Warden shall: establish and maintain contact with officers from Facilities & Services and Pometia Sdn.Bhd, who have responsibility for the control of services (gas, water, and electricity). maintain control over campus evacuation procedures until relieved by Ambulance/Police/ Fire Department. In the case of emergency, the University Warden has the authority to override normalemployment designation and seniority. In the event of failing to comply with theUniversity Warden’s lawful instruction, disciplinary action may be taken against therespective staff member(s). undertake control of all emergency situations until relieved of duty by emergencyprofessionals such as the Ambulance, Police or Fire Department. advise the Public Authority Officer of the state of evacuation of the buildings, and liaisewith the officer until the emergency is over. when the emergency is over:o if appropriate to the given circumstances, inform the building occupants at theAssembly Points that they may return to the building. prepare a brief written report based on the Evacuation Checklist and liaise with HSEbefore forwarding to Audit & Compliance Department. convene a debriefing meeting of the <strong>Emergency</strong> <strong>Response</strong> <strong>Team</strong> and relevant personnelto assess and, if required to improve the procedure. inform Facilities & Services of any problems that may be maintenance related, e.g.failure of systems, unsafe conditions, etc. implement recommendations of the meeting.Page 3 of 14

) Non-emergency FunctionsPrepare a University emergency evacuation procedure document for the buildings, anddocument the procedures in the University <strong>Emergency</strong> Evacuation Plan.Nominate all members of the <strong>Emergency</strong> <strong>Response</strong> <strong>Team</strong> and arrange replacements asvacancies arise, in consultation with the relevant Head of Management <strong>Unit</strong>.Ensure that the <strong>Unit</strong> <strong>Rules</strong> for the <strong>Emergency</strong> <strong>Response</strong> <strong>Team</strong> are updated andapproved, and information is accessible on the University website.Coordinate the training for new members of the <strong>Emergency</strong> <strong>Response</strong> <strong>Team</strong> as they areappointed.Take appropriate action to correct the problems such as obstructions to aisles,passageways, stairways and fire exits.Nominate times and dates of at least one emergency evacuation drill per year for eachbuilding.Prepare and display notices regarding evacuation procedures and the duties ofoccupants in the event of an emergency, in consultation with the relevant Head ofManagement <strong>Unit</strong>.Determine the most appropriate evacuation routes for the building and ensure thatBuilding and Floor Wardens advise occupants accordingly.Determine the Assembly Point location in consultation with the relevant Head ofManagement <strong>Unit</strong>, and take steps to make occupants aware of the location.In consultation with Building Wardens, construct a plan of action to deter persons fromentering the building after the alarm has sounded (e.g. delegate staff to stand atentrances to prevent entry).Prepare an evacuation plan for the lecture theatres, class rooms and teachinglaboratories and implement action items (Evacuation of lecture theatres, classrooms,and teaching laboratories.)Undertake control of all emergency situations until relieved of duty by emergencyprofessionals such as the Ambulance, Police or Fire Department.Page 4 of 14

1.4 In the absence of the University Warden, the Campus Warden i.e. Health & Safety Executivewill take over these functions.2. Building Wardens2.1 Building Wardens are appointed to act as overall controllers for a building in an emergencysituation. They are members of the <strong>Emergency</strong> <strong>Response</strong> <strong>Team</strong>.2.2 The responsibilities of an emergency building warden include: establishing the nature of an emergency where possible; ordering the evacuation where necessary; controlling the evacuation; providing an accurate situation report to the University Warden; recording evacuations using the Evacuation Checklist; prevention of re-entry to building.2.3 The duties of an emergency building warden include:a) <strong>Emergency</strong> FunctionsOn sounding of the building evacuation signal, the Building Warden shall: don a white Building Warden helmet proceed to the building emergency control station (usually at the Fire Main Control Panel)and liaise with Security Control Room. check the Fire Indicator Panel (FIP) and take reasonable steps to ascertain the cause ofthe alarm. (e.g. send a Floor Warden to the location.) ensure that University Warden and Security have been contacted on University<strong>Emergency</strong> number 5001/3333 receive reports from Floor Wardens on the state of evacuation of their areas ofresponsibility direct the Floor Wardens to:o remain at the control point, oro go to a floor which has not been evacuated, oro proceed to the Assembly Point maintain control over individual building evacuation procedures until relieved by Police /Fire Department. In the case of emergency, the Building Wardens have the authority to override normalemployment designation and seniority. In the event of failing to comply with the BuildingWardens’ lawful instruction, disciplinary action may be taken against the respective staffmember(s). advise the University Warden of the state of evacuation of the building, and liaise with himor her until the termination of the emergency.b) Non-emergency Functions Report obstructions to aisles, passageways, stairways and fire exits to the UniversityWarden. In consultation with the University Warden, determine the most appropriate evacuationroutes for the building and ensure that Floor Wardens advise occupants accordingly. Report overcrowding of rooms to the University Warden.2.4 In the absence of the Building Warden, the Campus Warden i.e. Health & Safety Executive willtake over these functions.2.5 The tenure term for the Building Warden shall be for a period of two years. At the end of theterm, the same person may be re-appointed.2.6 Please refer to Schedule 1 below for the list of the Building Wardens.3. Floor Wardens3.1 <strong>Emergency</strong> Floor Wardens are appointed to assist the Building Warden in the orderlyevacuation of the building. They are members of the <strong>Emergency</strong> <strong>Response</strong> <strong>Team</strong>.3.2 The responsibilities of an emergency Floor Warden, under the guidance of the Building Wardeninclude: systematically checking all areas that they have been assigned;Page 5 of 14

informing staff and students of the requirement to evacuate; providing an accurate picture of the state of evacuation to the Building Warden orUniversity Warden.3.3 Floor Wardens must be familiar with: the operation of the fire alarm system, the emergency warning system and any otherequipment used to assist in the operation of emergency procedures for the building; the floor they represent, including:o all means of egress and alternative escape routes;o the existence and positions of rooms leading off blind passages, doors leading todead-ends and any other confined areas in which persons could be located;o potentially hazardous materials or operations undertaken in their zone. the location and operation of fire doors, smoke doors, fire blankets, portable fireextinguishers and fire hoses on their floor; the number and location of mobility-impaired persons on their floor.3.4 It is important that the Floor Warden or a Deputy Floor Warden be available for each floorduring periods of normal occupancy.3.5 A Floor Warden, on becoming aware of an emergency, should implement the emergencyprocedures for his or her floor which should include the following actions: if the circumstances on their floor warrant it, order the evacuation of the occupants oftheir floor; communicate with the Building Warden and act on his or her instructions; direct wardens to check the floor for any abnormal situation; advise the Building Warden as soon as possible of the circumstances on his or her floorand of the action taken.3.6 A Deputy Floor Warden shall assume the Floor Warden’s responsibilities if the Floor Warden isabsent and otherwise assist as required by the Floor Warden. In case of emergency, theDeputy Floor Warden is also to undertake the emergency functions as describe in 3.7 & 3.8(a)3.7 In the event of an emergency, Floor Wardens may be required to carry out a number ofactivities, including the following: check to ensure fire doors and smoke doors are properly closed; search floor to ensure all persons are accounted for; ensure orderly movement of occupants; assist mobility-impaired persons;act as leaders of groups during building evacuation;operate first attack fire-fighting equipment (portable fire extinguishers, hose reels, andfire blankets).3.8 The responsibilities of an emergency Floor Warden include:a) <strong>Emergency</strong> functionsOn sounding of the building evacuation alarm the Floor Wardens shall: don a yellow helmet; enter each accessible room including toilets and direct occupants to leave the building; refrain from opening doors which have hot handles or smoke coming from under door; report to the Building Warden on the state of evacuation of his or her floor; take direction from the Building Warden. In the case of emergency, the Floor Wardens have the authority to override normalemployment designation and seniority. In the event of failing to comply with the FloorWardens’ lawful instruction, disciplinary action may be taken against the respective staffmember(s).b) Non-emergency functionsThe Floor Warden shall report to the Building Warden: any obstructions to egress routes within building; local changes in the use of the building, hazardous goods or equipment; fire isolating doors which are prevented from closing unaided; faulty or missing fire extinguishers.Page 6 of 14

3.9 The tenure for the Floor Warden shall be of two years. At the end of the term, the same personmay be re-appointed.3.10 Please refer to Schedule 1 below for the list of the Floor Wardens.4. First Aid Responders4.1 First Aid Responders are appointed to provide first aid assistance on campus. They aremembers of the <strong>Emergency</strong> <strong>Response</strong> <strong>Team</strong>.4.2 First aid responders are trained in basic or advanced first aid. First aid is based on knowledge,training and expertise. A first aider will have completed a practical training course under thesupervision of a recognised first aid organisation.4.3 First Aid Responders should be prepared to render first aid whenever a building emergencyoccurs. It is preferable for First Aid Responders not to take on other warden roles that couldconflict with this. Consideration should be given to providing First Aid Responders who will haveeasily portable (e.g. back-pack style) first aid kits to assist them in this role. When a buildingemergency occurs First Aid Responders should follow instructions, evacuate if required andreport to the University Warden and be ready to treat injured people. Building emergencyplanning and post-emergency de-briefing should involve the First Aid Responders.4.4 If First Aid Responders are present at the scene of an accident, or during a medical emergency,First Aid Responders need to go through the following stages:4.4.1 Assess the situation Take control of your feelings, don’t act impulsively Look for continuing danger, to the casualties and to yourself Decide whether to call for emergency help4.4.2 Assess the casualtiesA quiet casualty may be an indication that the person is unconscious. Quiet casualties shouldalways be your first priority. prioritise treatment of casualties according to severity of injury; check response by asking casualties whether they are all right; check pulse check airway; check breathing; if a casualty is not breathing, ask somebody to call for emergency services immediatelyand give 30 chest compressions followed by two rescue breaths; continue this sequence until emergency help arrives or the casualty starts to show someresponse.4.4.3 Further assistance to casualties Aim to give all casualties early and effective help Arrange for casualties to be taken to hospital where necessary Remain with casualty until help arrivesPrevent cross-infection between yourself and the casualtyTake care of casualty’s possessions and ensure they accompany the casualty tohospital.4.5 The tenure term for the First Aid Responders shall be for a period of two years. At the end of theterm, the same person may be re-appointed.4.6 Please refer to Schedule 1 below for the list of the First Aid Responders.5. Declaration5.1 Members of the <strong>Emergency</strong> <strong>Response</strong> <strong>Team</strong> should make a declaration to the University if theyare physically or medically unfit to perform the functions required of them.Page 7 of 14

6. Assembly Points6.1 All persons who are evacuated from the buildings should go directly to their designatedAssembly Point for safety, and stay clear of the buildings.6.2 The Assembly Points identified are:BuildingAssembly PointsB, E, G, L Outdoor fieldA, P, R Front PlazaC, D, H, HL, HM, LB1, LB2 Open space parking in front ofBuilding HL7. Appointment made in Good faith7.1 Staff appointed as Floor/Building Wardens and/or First Aid Responders will be indemnifiedagainst civil action resulting from practice or emergency evacuation of a building where theperson acted in good faith, in the course of their duties and within the scope of their training.Swinburne places no obligation on any staff to fight a fire, or intervene in any emergency if thisaction places their own or another person’s safety at risk.8. After office hour8.1 Security officers are appointed to act as overall controllers of buildings in an emergencysituation after office hours. The duties of the security officers include:a) <strong>Emergency</strong> FunctionsOn sounding of the building evacuation signal, the security officers shall: proceed to the building emergency control station (usually at the Fire Main Control Panel); check the Fire Indicator Panel (FIP) and take reasonable steps to ascertain the cause ofthe alarm; ensure that University Warden and Security Supervisor have been contacted onUniversity <strong>Emergency</strong> number 5001/3333; maintain control over individual building evacuation procedures until relieved by Police /Fire Department. In the case of emergency, security officers have the authority to override normalemployment designation and seniority. In the event of failing to comply with the securityofficers’ lawful instruction, disciplinary action may be taken against the respective staffmember(s) and student.Page 8 of 14

SECTION 3 - RELATED MATERIALRelated MaterialName Location Document TypeEvacuation ChecklistChecklist<strong>Emergency</strong> Evacuation PlanPlanSECTION 4 - GOVERNANCERESPONSIBILITYOwnerManager, Facilities & ServicesVERSION CONTROL AND CHANGE HISTORYVersion Approval Date Approved by AmendmentNumber1 26 August 2009 SMT New unit rulesPage 9 of 14

SCHEDULE 1EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAMDescription Name Term Location ContactUniversity Warden -ChairpersonCampus Warden – DeputyChairManager, Facilities &Services - Dennis ChinHealth & SafetyExecutive - TBAEx-officio G617 8806Ex-officio TBA TBABuilding WardensNo. Building Location Name Schools / <strong>Unit</strong>s ContactResponsibility1. A A003D Gabriel Liew Business Development 7607& Communications2. B A409 Abang Azhari Abang Hadari School of Business & 7674Enterprise3. C G107 Zebba Chung Student Services 88274. E E206 Wallace Wong School of Engineering & 7628Science5. G G617 Andy Rodrick Facilities & Services 88086. H G102 Melissa Ramanair Student Services 87997. HL G107 Valentine Henry Student Services8. HM G102 Abang Arfizan bin Abang Student Services 8824Ariffin9. L G003 Tommy Tang Information Technology 8907Services10. LB1 LB1 Azizan Pometia Sdn Bhd 24317711. LB2 G101 Abg. Zulkarnian Student Services 879812. P B009 Abdul Rahim Facilities & Services 770413. R R001 Ahmad Jumry Student Services 7737Page 10 of 14

Floor WardensNo. Building / Location Floor Warden Deputy Floor School / <strong>Unit</strong> ContactLevelWarden1. A&B/Grd Flr A003/A101 Ismail Zailani Victor Mark Business 7607/7844Development &Communications/Library2. A&B/1 A101 Sena Anus Hudson Balan Library 7844/76183. A&B/2 E306/B338 Ha How Ung Mohamed Fadzlli School of 7634/7708Mohammad Amin Engineering &Science/Schoolof Business &Enterprise4. A&B/3 B337/B340 George Ngui Kueh Chare Nee School of 7702/7713Business &Enterprise5. A&B/4 A408/A406 Markson Chin Karen Kueh School of 7720/7728Business &Enterprise6. B/5 A406/A412 Rodney Lim Vacant School ofBusiness &7726/77367. B/6 B409/B409 Jennifer Ho ChinChinNg Lee TzeEnterpriseSchool ofEngineering &Science8. B/7 B701 Iris Wong Ye Ern Vacant School ofEngineering &Science9. C G111 Lai Teck Boon Raymond Ong StudentServices/ITS10. E/Grd Flr E004A Fadillah Johari Terrence Vine School ofEngineering &Science11. E/1 E217/E104 Anand Mutu Lee Ker Chia School ofEngineering &Science12. E/2 E217/E331 Napie Entalang Almon Chai School ofEngineering &Science13. E/3 E323/E328 Chiong Joon Woo Ngu Lock Hei School ofEngineering &Science14. E/4 E322/E331 Awang Azman Dyg Liong Siok Jen School ofHasmahEngineering &Science15. E/5 E322/E327 Nasarudin BinAsnawiTing Sie KingSchool ofEngineering &Science16. E/6 E317/E328 Luk Tien Boh Mark Lim School ofEngineering &Science17. G/Grd Flr G003 James Bong Heyward Maxwell InformationTechnologyServices77388804/89157754/77507753/70127751/76637739/76607753/77497754/76547644/76578907/8909Page 11 of 14

18. G/1 G107/G101 Mohd Hisyam Graciella Imah Student Services 8787/879519. G/2 G202/G208 Sylvia Dinius Shirley Bak School of 8303/8312Language &Foundation20. G/3 G308/G202 Darren Angking Hu Ting Feng Human8757/8307Resources/School ofLanguage &Foundation21. G/4 G506/G618 Michael Lee Doreen Sim School of 8691/8723Computing &Design22. G/5 G504/G513 Augustus Raymond Lau Bee Theng School of 8690/8686Computing &Design23. G/6 G605/G508 Patrick Then Wilson Suai School of 8682/8842Computing &Design24. G/7 G605/G506 Gregory Wee Lik Ahmad Azuar School of 8681/8697HooComputing &Design25. G/8 G617 Sia Chee Fui Vacant Facilities & 8807Services26. G/9 G617 Zaidi Ngaiman Vacant Facilities & 8810Services27. H Sheffi Marion JevinaNasa28. HL Steve Tang Cyril Heng Hiang29. HM Dominic Ow Han Sim Hui Tze30. L G003 Mohd. Faisal Matthias Briane Information 8913/8914TechnologyServices31. LB1 LB1 Azizan Awang Yunus Pometia Sdn Bhd 24317732. LB2 G101 Abg. Zulkarnian Vacant Student Services 879833. R R001/R002 Ahmad Jumry David Sanged Student Services 7737Page 12 of 14

First Aid RespondersNo. Location Name School / <strong>Unit</strong> Contact1. A002B Clarissa Chew Business Development &7614Communications2. B102 Khadijah Bt Morshidi Library 77483. B340 Chan Soon Hua School of Business & Enterprise 77124. B340 Damien Lee School of Business & Enterprise 77155. B410 Sabrina Sim School of Business & Enterprise 77366. E102 Fong Kian Kiong School of Engineering & Science 70137. E317 Elizabeth Chong School of Engineering & Science 76438. E322 Goh Wei Pin School of Engineering & Science 77329. G102 Abang Arfizan bin Abang Ariffin Student Services 882410. G102 Melissa Ramanair Student Services 879911. G305 Kok Mei Lan Finance 876212. G308 Jane Frances Juseng Human Resources 874913. G617 Lawrence Sijem Facilities & Services 880914. R002 David Sanged Client Services 773715. Ashikur Rahman Student -16. Chin Wan Ching Student17. Infeoluwa Bukunmi Student -18. Lai Wei Nie Student -19. Muneera Said Student -20. Yong Suk Seng Student -Page 13 of 14

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