National, International, Armenia, and Community News and Opinion

National, International, Armenia, and Community News and Opinion

National, International, Armenia, and Community News and Opinion

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The <strong>Armenia</strong>n Reporter | April 25, 2009<strong>International</strong>Berge Setrakian underscores AGBU’s dedication tohomel<strong>and</strong>-Diaspora symbiosisNEW YORK – On March 22, 2009,AGBU President Berge Setrakianarrived in Yerevan for discussionswith <strong>Armenia</strong>’s leaders on thechallenges faced by the <strong>Armenia</strong>npeople <strong>and</strong> issues pertaining tohomel<strong>and</strong>-diaspora relations, inlight of new international, regional<strong>and</strong> <strong>Armenia</strong>n community realities,as well as to follow up on, give newimpetus to, <strong>and</strong> bring into focusthe goals of AGBU’s programs in thehomel<strong>and</strong>.In the course of this visit, Mr. Setrakianmet with Karekin II, Catholicosof All <strong>Armenia</strong>ns, SergeSargsian, President of the Republicof <strong>Armenia</strong>, Tigran Sarkisian,Prime Minister of <strong>Armenia</strong>, HovikAbrahamian, Speaker of the <strong>National</strong>Assembly, Hranush Hakobyan,Diaspora Minister, EdwardNalb<strong>and</strong>ian, Minister of ForeignAffairs, <strong>and</strong> Spartak Seyranian,Minister of Education, accompaniedby members of the AGBU CentralBoard of Directors Vasken Yacoubian<strong>and</strong> Yervant Zorian, theVice Chairman of the AGBU SCDCHaig Messerlian, <strong>and</strong> the directorsof the AGBU RepresentativeOffice in <strong>Armenia</strong>.At his March 23 meeting withthe Ms. Hakobyan, Mr. Setrakianstressed the necessity of adoptinga strategy that goes beyondtraditional approaches <strong>and</strong> organizations,taking the new diasporanrealities into consideration. Astrategy based on a clear analysisof priorities that address the interestsof young diasporan <strong>Armenia</strong>nswho are not involved or feeldistanced from traditional <strong>Armenia</strong>ncommunity life. During themeeting, Ms. Hakobyan expressedher satisfaction about the productiveactivities being carried out byAGBU in both the homel<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong>the diaspora. She also presenteda brief overview of the ministry’sprograms for maintaining nationalidentity <strong>and</strong> bringing <strong>Armenia</strong>nstogether, along with programs adoptedby the <strong>Armenia</strong>n president<strong>and</strong> government to foster cooperationbetween <strong>Armenia</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Armenia</strong>ncommunities around theworld.Mr. Setrakian acknowledged theimportance of the activities of theDiaspora Ministry, wherein the balancedmerger of civil society <strong>and</strong>governmental approaches will inevitablylead to anticipated results.Special emphasis was placed on programsdeveloped by AGBU in recentyears that provide social <strong>and</strong> academicexperiences to diasporan <strong>Armenia</strong>nyouth in <strong>Armenia</strong>, in light ofthe potential these programs havein raising awareness <strong>and</strong> cultivatinga sense of national identity.Following this meeting, Mr. Setrakianmet with Mr. Seyranian,<strong>Armenia</strong>’s Minister of Education<strong>and</strong> Science. During the meeting,issues of mutual interest were discussed,especially those pertainingto AGBU’s educational programs,<strong>and</strong> particularly the soon-to-belaunchedAGBU Virtual College.Through the application of thelatest information technology, thisnew AGBU initiative creates opportunitiesfor individuals scatteredall over the world to access creditbearing<strong>and</strong> in-depth informationon topics of <strong>Armenia</strong>n language,history, <strong>and</strong> culture.The same day, <strong>Armenia</strong>n PrimeMinister Tigran Sarkisian receivedMr. Setrakian <strong>and</strong> Mr. Yacoubian ofthe AGBU Central Board. Mr. Sarkisianexpressed thanks to AGBU <strong>and</strong>its leader personally, adding thathe was satisfied with the courseof the implementation of projectsunderway by AGBU. Mr. Setrakianstated that through its projects inthe homel<strong>and</strong>, AGBU is engaged inthe task of connecting membersof the young diasporan <strong>Armenia</strong>ngenerations to their national roots<strong>and</strong> inspiring them with the realityof the homel<strong>and</strong>. He expressed theconviction that while the impact oftraditional organizations <strong>and</strong> theiractivities has weakened in the diaspora,<strong>and</strong> the new generation is distancingitself from <strong>Armenia</strong>n life<strong>and</strong> gradually losing the language,<strong>Armenia</strong> remains the only strongfoothold that can inspire <strong>and</strong> energizethe youth <strong>and</strong> ignite in theman interest <strong>and</strong> pride in their identity<strong>and</strong> heritage.On March 24, Mr. Setrakian <strong>and</strong>Mr. Yacoubian were received bySpeaker Abrahamian. The Speakerhighly praised AGBU’s activity in <strong>Armenia</strong><strong>and</strong> welcomed the programsaimed at acquainting the youth withnational traditions, culture <strong>and</strong> history,while strengthening their tieswith the homel<strong>and</strong>. Mr. Setrakianunderlined AGBU’s commitment tocontinue its extensive programs inthe homel<strong>and</strong> despite the internationalfinancial <strong>and</strong> economic crisis.He noted AGBU’s vision of buildinga contemporary center in Yerevanfor young <strong>Armenia</strong>n specialists <strong>and</strong>intellectuals, endowed with all thenecessary resources.Later on, Mr. Setrakian <strong>and</strong> Mr.Yacoubian had a meeting with ForeignMinister Nalb<strong>and</strong>ian <strong>and</strong> theydiscussed supporting <strong>Armenia</strong>’sforeign policy, defending <strong>Armenia</strong>nrights <strong>and</strong> assisting <strong>Armenia</strong>ndiplomatic missions abroad.The same day, Karekin II receivedMr. Setrakian at the MotherSee of Holy Etchmiadzin. Duringthe meeting, Mr. Setrakianunderscored the important role ofthe <strong>Armenia</strong>n Church <strong>and</strong> clergyin the spiritual <strong>and</strong> national life ofthe <strong>Armenia</strong>n people, pointing outBerge Setrakian in Yerevan.Prime Minister with Vasken Yacoubian <strong>and</strong> Berge Setrakian.the necessity of putting the priorityof that role above other issues.On March 25, the opening ofthe new building of the sports<strong>and</strong> cultural center took place inthe Nubarashen district of Yerevan.In cooperation with theWorld Bank <strong>and</strong> <strong>Armenia</strong>n SocialInvestment Fund, AGBU helpedrealize the Nubarashen Sports<strong>and</strong> Cultural Center by underwritingmore than 55 percent ofthe overall cost. In response tojournalists’ questions, Mr. Setrakianexpressed joy for the openingof such a building in the communityfounded by Boghos Nubar,which can be considered apayment of respect for the memoryof AGBU’s founder. Participatingin the opening ceremonywere Mr. Setrakian, AGBU CentralBoard of Directors membersMr. Yacoubian <strong>and</strong> Mr. Zorian,World Bank Executive DirectorEdward Djerejian: <strong>Armenia</strong>’s future depends on goodrelations with neighborsn Continued from page in these countries would suffer. Andwe can never rule out prospects ofanother war with Azerbaijan.But why waste more time, whenparameters of a settlement between<strong>Armenia</strong> <strong>and</strong> Azerbaijan <strong>and</strong>between <strong>Armenia</strong> <strong>and</strong> Turkey arepretty well defined.Genocide affirmationAR: Over the years, many <strong>Armenia</strong>n-Americansmust have askedyou about what to do to have ourgovernment take a clear st<strong>and</strong>on the <strong>Armenia</strong>n Genocide <strong>and</strong>send an unambiguous message toTurkey. Why you think that campaignhas been unable to achieveits stated goal over the last 30-plus years?ED: The reasons are geopoliticalin terms of U.S. interests inthe broader Middle East region.Turkey is a major NATO ally. It is asecular state with majority Muslimpopulation. There are manygeopolitical assets that Turkeyoffers to the United States <strong>and</strong>therefore every administration,Democratic or Republican, hasbeen hesitant to alienate theTurkish government on the genocideissue.That has been a clear factor in thereluctance of American presidents<strong>and</strong> administrations to come out<strong>and</strong> call it genocide.We <strong>Armenia</strong>ns can be frustratedover the fact that the word isnot used specifically. But for yearsI have been saying that the onlyway this issue is going to be resolvedis through state-to-staterelations between <strong>Armenia</strong> <strong>and</strong>Turkey.The issue is not just about theuse of the word but about dealingwith the genocide issue in asustainable manner. That is whyI am bolstered by the latest newsfrom <strong>Armenia</strong>. [Ed. Note: the conversationtook place before the April22 joint statement by <strong>Armenia</strong>, Switzerl<strong>and</strong>,<strong>and</strong> Turkey.]fBerge Setrakian with President Serge Sargsian.Rudolf Yan Trefers, <strong>Armenia</strong>nSocial Investment Fund DirectorAshot Kirakosian, Nubarashencommunity leader Mher Hovhannisian,colleagues of thecommunity administrative center,<strong>and</strong> prominent communityfigures.The same day, Mr. Setrakian<strong>and</strong> other AGBU leaders attendedan awards ceremony for the Yerevanfinals of the Yerevan RepublicanInterscholastic ChessOlympiad. For the second yearin a row, AGBU is sponsoring theinterscholastic chess Olympiad,together with <strong>Armenia</strong>’s Ministryof Education <strong>and</strong> Science <strong>and</strong>the Chess Academy of <strong>Armenia</strong>.The sponsorship of the interscholasticchess Olympiad is one ofAGBU’s newest youth programs<strong>and</strong> it is designed to generate interestin chess <strong>and</strong> identify futuretalents, through whom <strong>Armenia</strong>can maintain its st<strong>and</strong>ingas a frontrunner in internationalchess competitions.In the evening of the same day,President Sargsian received Mr. Setrakian.During their meeting, Mr.Sargsian expressed high appreciationfor AGBU’s activity in <strong>Armenia</strong><strong>and</strong> the diaspora for the benefit ofthe nation <strong>and</strong> preservation of the<strong>Armenia</strong>n identity. He also hailedthe organization’s new programs in<strong>Armenia</strong>.Mr. Setrakian, in turn, briefedthe <strong>Armenia</strong>n president on AGBU’supcoming programs. They spokeabout preserving the diaspora’spotential, rallying diasporan <strong>Armenia</strong>nsaround national goals <strong>and</strong>maintaining the <strong>Armenia</strong>n identity.During their meeting, Mr. Sargsian<strong>and</strong> Mr. Setrakian exchanged opinionsabout certain national issuesof political significance.On the evening of March 25, Mr.Setrakian <strong>and</strong> the members of theCentral Board of Directors had ameeting with the staff of the AGBU<strong>Armenia</strong>n Virtual College (AVC),to assess the work being done inthe various developmental aspectsof the program. AVC has alreadylaunched a pilot version of theirinitiative which is open to the publicfor review <strong>and</strong> feedback at www.avc-agbu.org.Established in 1906, the <strong>Armenia</strong>nGeneral Benevolent Union(AGBU) is the world’s largest nonprofit<strong>Armenia</strong>n organization.Headquartered in New York City,AGBU (www.agbu.org) preserves<strong>and</strong> promotes the <strong>Armenia</strong>nidentity <strong>and</strong> heritage througheducational, cultural <strong>and</strong> humanitarianprograms, annually servingsome 400,000 <strong>Armenia</strong>ns in35 countries. f

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