National, International, Armenia, and Community News and Opinion

National, International, Armenia, and Community News and Opinion

National, International, Armenia, and Community News and Opinion

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The <strong>Armenia</strong>n Reporter | April 25, 2009<strong>International</strong><strong>Armenia</strong>n Caucusco-chair Rep.Mark Kirk (R.-Ill.) addressesthe congressionalcommemorationof the <strong>Armenia</strong>nGenocide onApril 22, withother memberswaiting theirturn, from left:Caucus foundingco-chair Rep.Frank Pallone, Jr.(D.-N.J.), Reps.Jackie Speier(D.-Calif.), JimMcGovern (D.-Mass.), AdamSchiff (D.-Calif.)<strong>and</strong> Ed Royce(R.-Calif.) Photo:<strong>Armenia</strong>nReporter.In comments on April 22 Rep. Tim Walz (D.-Minn.) said he was disappointedwhen President Obama missed an opportunity to state his position on the<strong>Armenia</strong>n Genocide during his recent trip to Turkey. Photo: <strong>Armenia</strong>n Reporter.Rep. Jim Langevin (D.-R.I.) did not miss the congressional commemoration of the<strong>Armenia</strong>n Genocide even though April 22 is his birthday. At the commemoration,he was recognized by Speaker Pelosi for his commitment to <strong>Armenia</strong>n Genocideaffirmation. Photo: <strong>Armenia</strong>n Reporter.Speaker Nancy Pelosi addressing at the annual congressional commemoration of the <strong>Armenia</strong>n Genocide on April 22. Shecalled for “mass mobilization” to surmount opposition to the <strong>Armenia</strong>n Genocide resolution but did not pledge to act on themeasure now backed by more than 100 members of the House of Representatives. Photo: <strong>Armenia</strong>n Reporter.House MajorityLeader Rep.Steny Hoyer(D.-Md.) saidhe would againco-sponsor the<strong>Armenia</strong>n Genocideresolution.He would notrespond directlywhen asked bythe <strong>Armenia</strong>nReporter whetherthe congressionalleadership wasready to disagreewith the Obamaadministrationon the genocideresolution, ifnecessary, sayinghe remainedhopeful therewould be nodisagreements.Photo: <strong>Armenia</strong>nReporter.

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