National, International, Armenia, and Community News and Opinion

National, International, Armenia, and Community News and Opinion

National, International, Armenia, and Community News and Opinion

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16 The <strong>Armenia</strong>n Reporter | April 25, 2009<strong>Armenia</strong>From <strong>Armenia</strong>, in briefThe Adana Massacres,100 years onThe <strong>Armenia</strong>n Genocide Museum-Institute organized an internationalconference to commemorate thecentennial of the <strong>Armenia</strong>n massacresin the Adana district of theOttoman Empire, Arminfo reported.The two day conference, April20-21 brought together historiansfrom <strong>Armenia</strong>, Italy, Hungary, Austria,France, the United States <strong>and</strong>Sweden.Hayk Demoyan, director of the<strong>Armenia</strong>n Genocide Museum-Institutesaid that the Adana massacresof April 1909 became a symbolicprelude for the state orchestrated<strong>and</strong> executed policy of genocideagainst the <strong>Armenia</strong>n populationof the Ottoman Empire. He wenton to say that the true perpetrators<strong>and</strong> organizers of the <strong>Armenia</strong>nsmassacre in Adana still remain unpunished.Also taking part in the conferencewere Diaspora Minister HranushHakobyan, Minister ofScience <strong>and</strong> Education SpartakSeyranian <strong>and</strong> other high rankingofficials.The official address of the Catholicosof All <strong>Armenia</strong>ns His HolinessKarekin II on the occasion of thecentennial of the Adana massacrewas read out at the conference.In 1908, the Young Turkishrevolution brought some hope forchange for the Empire’s Christianminorities. However, the initial euphoria<strong>and</strong> hopes for equal rightsfor Muslims <strong>and</strong> Christians weredashed in with the brutal slaughterof the <strong>Armenia</strong>n population inCilicia <strong>and</strong> its center Adana. Thismassacre revived the fears of Christianminorities, particularly of <strong>Armenia</strong>nstowards the traditionalOttoman policy against them.Ethnic cleansing <strong>and</strong> large-scalemassacres were carried out evenearlier; during the Hamidian massacresin 1894-1896 when 300,000<strong>Armenia</strong>ns were annihilated <strong>and</strong>deported.Diasporan <strong>Armenia</strong>narchitects take part inconference organizedby Diaspora MinistryPanelists at the conference to commemorate the centennial of the <strong>Armenia</strong>nmassacres in Adana. Photo: Melik Baghdasaryan/Photolure.<strong>Armenia</strong>’s Diaspora Ministry organizedthe first-ever pan-<strong>Armenia</strong>nconference on <strong>Armenia</strong>n architecturein the 21st Century, which tookplace from April 21-24 in Yerevan.According to the ministry’s pressoffice, the objective of the conferencewas to support the developmentof <strong>Armenia</strong>-Diaspora cooperation;to bring together <strong>Armenia</strong>narchitectural potential toward theresolution of <strong>Armenia</strong>n architecturalissues; to create the necessaryconditions for the preservation of<strong>Armenia</strong>n architectural heritage aswell as the establishment of a pan-<strong>Armenia</strong>n association of architects.More than 100 <strong>Armenia</strong>n architectsfrom around the world tookpart in the conference as well as studentsfrom Yerevan State Universityof Architecture <strong>and</strong> Engineering.During the opening ceremonies,<strong>Armenia</strong>narchitects fromaround the world.Photo: MkhitarKhachatryan/Photolure.<strong>Armenia</strong>’s Prime Minister TigranSarkisian told conference participantsthat <strong>Armenia</strong> will be participatingin Expo-2010 in Shanghai<strong>and</strong> the Image of <strong>Armenia</strong> will becreated by the efforts of <strong>Armenia</strong>narchitects from all over theworld. According to Arminfo, theprime minister said, “I would liketo draw your attention to the factthat the next World Exhibitionwill be held in Shanghai in 2010, inwhich <strong>Armenia</strong> will also take part.What kind of br<strong>and</strong> will we showthe whole world? This will be conditionedby your imaginations <strong>and</strong>suggestions which we are waitingfor. We have already received materials,which have interested us includingthe creation of a City of <strong>Armenia</strong>ns.And we shall be gratefulif these materials will also becomea topic for you to discuss.”President Serge Sargsian, Catholicosof All <strong>Armenia</strong>ns KarekinII <strong>and</strong> President of Nagorno-KarabakhBako Sahakyan sent messagesto conference participants.Within the framework of the conference,a Diaspora Park will beestablished on the grounds of theGenocide Memorial Museum-Institute.On April 24, the participants ofthe conference took part in the processionto the Genocide memorialafter which they left for Gyumri tomeet with the architects of <strong>Armenia</strong>’ssecond largest city.OSCE Minsk Group inthe regionOn April 21, OSCE Minsk Groupco-chairs were in Yerevan <strong>and</strong> metwith the president <strong>and</strong> foreign affairsminister of the country. YuriThe Singing Men of Oklahoma,otherwise known as the SingingChurchmen of Oklahoma were in<strong>Armenia</strong> on the invitation of the<strong>Armenia</strong>n Evangelical Church toperform throughout the country<strong>and</strong> at the Genocide Memorial onApril 24. Leading the group was Dr.Bill Green of the Oklahoma BaptistChurch. The group of almostabout 270 spiritual troubadourssang in English <strong>and</strong> <strong>Armenia</strong>n.However, their trip was marredby controversy as certain statementswere placed on their website,which said that <strong>Armenia</strong>nswere antisemitic <strong>and</strong> describedthe <strong>Armenia</strong>n Church as oppressive.The <strong>Armenia</strong>n Church issuedthe following statement: “The <strong>Armenia</strong>nChurch appreciates <strong>and</strong>values all organizations, representativesof religious organizations,<strong>and</strong> all people of goodwill who callfor the universal recognition <strong>and</strong>condemnation of the <strong>Armenia</strong>nGenocide. However, we criticizeefforts made by any organizationor religious community to characterize<strong>Armenia</strong> as anti-Semitic<strong>and</strong> intolerant, <strong>and</strong> assess suchaccusations as being false <strong>and</strong> irresponsible.“We also condemn the actions ofthe leaders of the local <strong>Armenia</strong>nEvangelical Church for taking advantageof the solemnity of theApril 24 commemoration of the<strong>Armenia</strong>n Genocide, by invitinga choir group who has obviouslylittle or no accurate knowledgeabout life in <strong>Armenia</strong>, to give aseries of concerts in <strong>Armenia</strong> thisMerzlyakov (Russia), MatthewBryza (USA), Bernard Fassier(France) <strong>and</strong> personal representativeof the OSCE chairperson-in-officeAndrzej Kasprzyk discussedthe current round of the Nagorno-Karabakh talks <strong>and</strong> the possibilityof bringing the parties to the conflictcloser within the framework ofContinued on page 17 mPastor Garik Khachatryan of the <strong>Armenia</strong>n Evangelical Baptist Church of<strong>Armenia</strong> at a press conference with reporters in Yerevan. Pastor Khachatryan isshowing the apology issued by Dr. Bill Green of the Oklahoma Baptist Churchfor derogatory comments placed on their website about <strong>Armenia</strong> <strong>and</strong> the<strong>Armenia</strong>n Church. Photo: Tigran Tadevosyan/Photolure.The Singing Men of Oklahomacause controversy in <strong>Armenia</strong>OSCE MinskGroup co-chairsmeeting withPresidentSerge Sargsian.Photo: MelikBaghdasaryan/Photolure.week, including one on April 24at the Memorial to the <strong>Armenia</strong>nGenocide in Yerevan. Further, theleaders of the local <strong>Armenia</strong>nEvangelical community shouldhave quickly refuted <strong>and</strong> publiclydisavowed the comments madeby members of the Singing Menof Oklahoma, which they knew tobe inaccurate. The fact that theydid not should guide our faithfulin their evaluation <strong>and</strong> assessmentof the <strong>Armenia</strong>n Evangelicalleaders in <strong>Armenia</strong>.”The organization for theirpart stated: “The Singing Men ofOklahoma have sung around theworld as ambassadors of goodwill<strong>and</strong> faith. As Christian people<strong>and</strong> Americans, the choir worksto build bridges for strengtheningrelationships among peopleacross the world. They go to <strong>Armenia</strong>with great respect for theChristian heritage of the <strong>Armenia</strong>npeople.“We have recently become awareof statements made <strong>and</strong> put intoprint regarding our upcomingtrip to <strong>Armenia</strong>. These statementswere not posted on our officialWeb site <strong>and</strong> were writtenby someone who is not an officialrepresentative of the choir <strong>and</strong>does not speak for them. We regretthat these statements do notaccurately communicate the purposeof our trip to <strong>Armenia</strong> <strong>and</strong>have caused offense <strong>and</strong> misunderst<strong>and</strong>ings.It is our desire tobuild bridges of unity <strong>and</strong> goodwillthrough our participation inApril events commemorating the<strong>Armenia</strong>n Genocide.” f

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