National, International, Armenia, and Community News and Opinion

National, International, Armenia, and Community News and Opinion

National, International, Armenia, and Community News and Opinion

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The <strong>Armenia</strong>n Reporter | April 25, 2009 11<strong>Community</strong>on first anniversaryplex is the western anchor of CSMedia City in Yerevan.The large financial investments<strong>and</strong> the vast network of antenna,cable, satellite, <strong>and</strong> Internet portalswere created by CS Media tofulfill Mr. Cafesjian’s vision for aprofessional, global <strong>Armenia</strong>n medianetwork – a network rooted inhis desire to help <strong>Armenia</strong> <strong>and</strong> the<strong>Armenia</strong>n people survive.Mr. Cafesjian has said he feelsstrongly that if, for any reason,<strong>Armenia</strong> no longer existed, in effectthe Genocide would be complete.He believes it would only bea couple of generations before the<strong>Armenia</strong>n community – throughdissipation, intermarriage, <strong>and</strong> theloss of a strong, central identity– becomes a footnote of history. ForMr. Cafesjian, it is of utmost importancethat <strong>Armenia</strong> – the homel<strong>and</strong>– survive.To ensure his philanthropic effortsare fully utilized in <strong>Armenia</strong>,Mr. Cafesjian created the CafesjianFamily Foundation (cff) in 1996after his retirement from WestPublishing.The twin goals identified for cffwere to help bolster relations betweenthe United States <strong>and</strong> <strong>Armenia</strong><strong>and</strong> to work on strengtheningthe Republic of <strong>Armenia</strong>, primarilythrough economic development.Childhood <strong>and</strong> careerMr. Cafesjian grew up in New York,served in the U.S. Navy, finishedlaw school, <strong>and</strong> worked in the NewYork offices of West Publishing forover a decade. He then moved toMinnesota to work at West Publishing’sheadquarters until he retiredin 1996.Grateful for the blessings of success,Mr. Cafesjian would like to see<strong>Armenia</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Armenia</strong>ns experiencethe opportunities that he hasexperienced throughout his career.A core component of Mr. Cafesjian’svision for <strong>Armenia</strong> is tomaintain a solid friendship withthe United States, <strong>and</strong> he consistentlycontributes to this goal byremaining active on the politicalfront, helping build relationshipswith American elected officials,including administration <strong>and</strong> Congressmembers. Many <strong>Armenia</strong>n-Americans commend Mr. Cafesjianfor helping to better the dialogue,improve mutual underst<strong>and</strong>ing,<strong>and</strong> ultimately deepen relationsbetween the United States <strong>and</strong> <strong>Armenia</strong>.cff <strong>and</strong> mediaMr. Cafesjian’s interest in mediadeveloped well before he had establishedhis endeavors within theframework of the Cafesjian FamilyFoundation. His interest in investingin media stems from the factthat media help shape public discourse,help inform <strong>and</strong> educate,<strong>and</strong> entertain. These are all importantaspects in <strong>Armenia</strong>’s transitionfrom a Soviet-style republicinto an independent nation withits own democratic values <strong>and</strong> economicprinciples. Participating inmedia was one way Mr. Cafesjianwanted to share values that wereimportant to him with the <strong>Armenia</strong>ncommunity.Fueling Mr. Cafesjian’s interest inmedia was his vision that a medianetwork could be built not only in<strong>Armenia</strong> but globally, <strong>and</strong> becomea dynamic way of connecting theworldwide <strong>Armenia</strong>n nation.cff’s media enterprise beganwith an investment in journalistictraining, which grew into aninvestment in broadcast media,which then grew into radio <strong>and</strong>print. Starting from <strong>Armenia</strong>, cffworked outward as <strong>Armenia</strong> TVwent up on satellite <strong>and</strong> becameavailable in Europe, Russia, <strong>and</strong> theMiddle East, then eventually in theUnited States, in 2005.The recent launch of US-<strong>Armenia</strong>TV advances Mr. Cafesjian’svision of connecting <strong>Armenia</strong>nsaround the world through media.Mr. Cafesjian was pleased to havebeen able to share media contentcreated in <strong>Armenia</strong> with the restof the world starting in 2005, <strong>and</strong>he is extremely pleased now thathe can take U.S.-based productionback into <strong>Armenia</strong>. Thus thecreation of US-<strong>Armenia</strong> TV hasclosed an important loop for CSMedia, enabling it to take thehomel<strong>and</strong>-diaspora bridge <strong>and</strong>make it a conduit for a true twowaydialogue.Daily on US-<strong>Armenia</strong> TV <strong>and</strong> <strong>Armenia</strong>TV, hosts <strong>and</strong> guests talk livefrom the studios in Burbank withguests in studios in Yerevan, Moscow,<strong>and</strong> Paris. Participating in thedialogue about issues of interest to<strong>Armenia</strong>ns <strong>and</strong> <strong>Armenia</strong> are callersfrom all corners of the world.CS PublishingFour years ago CS Media establishedits publishing entity <strong>and</strong>has since published a very popularweekly TV guide that offers entertainmentnews as well as specialsupplements for women <strong>and</strong> children.As Mr. Cafesjian believed that itwas important to have a significantprint publication in the UnitedStates as well, three years ago inMay, CS Media acquired the <strong>Armenia</strong>nReporter, one of a h<strong>and</strong>ful ofcommunity newspapers producedin the United States.The Reporter was primarily focusedon the New York-New Jerseyarea. But CS Media quickly exp<strong>and</strong>edthe reach of the paper <strong>and</strong>made it a national br<strong>and</strong> availablethroughout the country.The Reporter was redesigned, itseditorial team exp<strong>and</strong>ed, <strong>and</strong> it isdistributed on both coasts of theUnited States.Going forward, CS Media hopesto offer consumers news <strong>and</strong> informationfrom a variety of sources.Whether it’s via the Internet, You-Tube, e-mail, podcasts, television,radio, or print, CS Media is ableto deliver news, information, <strong>and</strong>entertainment to <strong>Armenia</strong>ns anywherein the world.As all these information technologiescome together <strong>and</strong> converge,CS Media is staying alert<strong>and</strong> creating a new, super mediamodel, where its journalists preparenews <strong>and</strong> information acrossmultiple platforms. Just like anyother media organization strivingto survive in an ever-changingmedia l<strong>and</strong>scape, CS Mediais also continually evolving <strong>and</strong>adapting.HyeFilm in HollywoodThe legendary HyeFilm Studios,which was part of the studio systemcreated in Soviet <strong>Armenia</strong>, isnow represented in the entertainmentcapital of the world. CS Mediaacquired HyeFilm three yearsago, when the <strong>Armenia</strong>n governmentoffered a national tender forthe privatization of the studios.After acquiring HyeFilm, CSMedia also obtained the rights toa film library <strong>and</strong> began to restore,digitize, <strong>and</strong> preserve an importantpart of <strong>Armenia</strong>’s national heritage<strong>and</strong> culture.The first goal for CS Media was toinvest in rehabilitating the existingfacilities at HyeFilm. Renovationscontinue, <strong>and</strong> the studios alreadyhave new roofing <strong>and</strong> windows. CSMedia hopes to complete its restorationof many of the facilities bythis summer.But more crucial than facilities<strong>and</strong> equipment in the process of rejuvenating<strong>Armenia</strong>’s film industryis the need for talented professionals,according to CS Media managers.HyeFilm has already producedfour or five films over the lastcouple of years, <strong>and</strong> identified thenecessary components for developingthe industry: writers, actors,<strong>and</strong> cinematographers. HyeFilmofficials are also talking tomedia companies in Europe, India,<strong>and</strong> Hollywood to fuel interestin films being made in <strong>Armenia</strong>.Many foreigners are surprised todiscover that in a country as smallas <strong>Armenia</strong>, there are as many as50-75 microclimates. From heavyforest to desert, from beautifulwaterfalls to wide-open lakes <strong>and</strong>blooming prairies, <strong>Armenia</strong> offersa diverse mix of natural l<strong>and</strong>scapes<strong>and</strong> backdrops for a varietyof scenes in films.Hollywood <strong>and</strong><strong>Armenia</strong>One example of HyeFilm reachingout to the world to help develop<strong>Armenia</strong>’s film industry is its involvementin the high-budget,mainstream Hollywood productionof filmmaker Robert Altman’s lastfilm, A Prairie Home Companion, written<strong>and</strong> starring radio <strong>and</strong> televisionpersonality Garrison Keillor.Because of Altman’s renown <strong>and</strong>his ability to attract a number ofacclaimed actors <strong>and</strong> actresses tocome together to make the film,Mr. Cafesjian <strong>and</strong> HyeFilm co-producedthe film. The venture madeit possible for Mr. Cafesjian to hosta number of <strong>Armenia</strong>ns in Minnesotato watch <strong>and</strong> participate in thefilm’s production, <strong>and</strong> to meet witha very experienced director, thedirector of cinematography, <strong>and</strong>some of the actors <strong>and</strong> actresses.The relationships that wereforged by the HyeFilm-Altmancollaboration include an importantconnection with the awardwinning<strong>and</strong> very talented KevinKline, who has had starring rolesin dozens of motion pictures.CS Media, with its new locationin Hollywood, is also tapping intoCalifornia’s large <strong>Armenia</strong>n population,which continues to be activelyengaged in the film <strong>and</strong> entertainmentindustries. Talks are underwaywith gifted filmmakers, writers, <strong>and</strong>performers of <strong>Armenia</strong>n origin whowill help CS Media <strong>and</strong> US<strong>Armenia</strong>TV develop news, information, <strong>and</strong>entertainment programming, includingtelevision series, as well asfeature films, for global audiences. connect:csmedia.amusarmeniaTV.comarmeniaTV.amOne of thepopularprograms on<strong>Armenia</strong> TV is MyBig Fat <strong>Armenia</strong>nWedding.

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