Review of Uranium CIX and RIP Systems - ALTA Metallurgical ...

Review of Uranium CIX and RIP Systems - ALTA Metallurgical ...

Review of Uranium CIX and RIP Systems - ALTA Metallurgical ...


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<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperREVIEW OF <strong>CIX</strong> AND <strong>RIP</strong> SYSTEMS FOR URANIUMEXTRACTIONPresented byAlan Taylor<strong>ALTA</strong> <strong>Metallurgical</strong> Services - Australiaalantaylor@altamet.com.au

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperINTRODUCTION• Reciprocating basket <strong>RIP</strong> system for de-s<strong>and</strong>ed slimesintroduced in USA in 1955.• CSIRO jigged bed <strong>RIP</strong> system piloted at Rum Jungle,Australia in 1958, but not commercialized.• Screen-mix <strong>RIP</strong> systems in USA in late nineteen fifties.Later used in Spain, USSR, <strong>and</strong> Eastern Europe. (alsoused for RIL).• Fluidized bed <strong>CIX</strong> systems introduced for unclarifiedsolutions in late nineteen sixties <strong>and</strong> seventies USA,Canada, <strong>and</strong> RSA.• Higgins loop moving bed applied nineteen seventies for Ufrom copper dump leach solution <strong>and</strong> then ISL solutions.• <strong>RIP</strong> <strong>and</strong> RIL systems have been used in Russia <strong>and</strong> theformer USSR.<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 2

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperCURRENT STATUS• Porter type multiple tank fluidized bed system iscurrently operating at Rossing acid leach , Namibia(Eluex arrangement; ie IX followed by SX).• New NIM<strong>CIX</strong> fluidized bed system installed atAngloGold’s Vaal River plant in RSA (also eluex).• Kemix <strong>RIP</strong> system included in Paladin’s KayelekeraProject under construction in Malawi.• <strong>RIP</strong> included in included in various feasibility studiesincluding Toro Energy’s Lakeway-Centipede Projectin Western Australia.<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 3

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperADVANTAGES• <strong>CIX</strong> can operate on unclarified solutions <strong>and</strong> <strong>RIP</strong> or RIL onslimes or finely ground ore (SX <strong>and</strong> fixed bed IX needclarified solutions).• Reduces cost <strong>of</strong>, or, eliminates solid/liquid separationcapex <strong>and</strong> opex.• In some cases reduces soluble uranium loss.• Applicable to difficult to settle ores due to clays <strong>and</strong> slimes.• Applicable to both acid <strong>and</strong> alkaline solutions (SX onlysuitable for acid systems).• Resins not soluble, which eliminates environmentalcontamination <strong>and</strong> attack on some construction materialsdue to organics which can occur with SX.• Smaller footprint area, depending on type <strong>of</strong> system.• Reduces fire risk inherent with SX.<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 4

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperDISADVANTAGES• Slower kinetics than SX.• Lower selectivity, therefore less pure product when usingstrong base resins. Commonly coupled with small SXcircuit to improve product purity- eluex process.• Weak base resins can get close to SX product purity buthave slower kinetics <strong>and</strong> lower SG• Resins degrade with mechanical attrition & osmotic shock.• Sensitive to silica, which tends to precipitate in the pores.• Suffers from poisons, eg Mb, silica, S, polythionates, Ti, Zr,Th, organics, CaCO 3 (alkaline solutions) which reducereactivity <strong>and</strong> loading. Periodic regeneration can be used.• Possible regenerants include caustic, ammonium hydroxideor nitrate, ammonium bifluoride, sodium chloride, sodiumsulphide or sulphite, sulphuric, hydrochloric or nitric acid.<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 5

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperACID LEACH-SXFLOWSHEET<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 6

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperACID LEACH-<strong>CIX</strong><strong>CIX</strong>-SXFLOWSHEET(ELUEX)<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 7

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperACID LEACH-<strong>RIP</strong><strong>RIP</strong>-SXFLOWSHEET(ELUEX)<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 8

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperACID RIL-SXFLOWSHEET(ELUEX)<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 9

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperALKALINELEACH-<strong>RIP</strong>FLOWSHEET<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 10

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free Paper<strong>CIX</strong> SYSTEMS<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 11

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperCURRENTLY USED URANIUM <strong>CIX</strong> SYSTEMS• NIM<strong>CIX</strong> fluidized bed column system in operation atVaal River South, South Africa – eluex arrangement.• Porter multiple tank countercurrent fluidized bedsystem in operation at Rossing, Namibia – eluexarrangement.<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 12

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperNIM<strong>CIX</strong> SYSTEM• Developed in late nineteen sixties by NIM (nowMintek) in RSA; based on Cloete-Streat conceptpreviously developed at Imperial College, UK.• Several plants built in RSA in nineteen seventies forunclarified acid leach solutions.• One plant installed at Grants New Mexico 1980 forcarbonate recycle tails pond solution.• Uses orifice plates. A cap is placed over each hole inbottom tray to reduce resin transfer from bottom tray<strong>and</strong> avoid depletion <strong>of</strong> resin.• Transfer <strong>of</strong> resins is under hydraulic pressure viatransfer bins, <strong>and</strong> is automatic.<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 13

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperTYPICALNIMNIM<strong>CIX</strong>SYSTEM<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 14

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperNIM<strong>CIX</strong>INSTALLATION(Ref: MiningMagazine,June 1996)<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 15

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperNIM<strong>CIX</strong> COLUMN INSTALLATION AT VAAL RIVERSOUTH, SOUTH AFRICA(Ref: Mining Mirror Oct. 2007)<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 16

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperPORTER SYSTEM• Developed by consultant R.R. Porter in USA in thenineteen seventies.• Applied to unclarified acid solution at Rossing 1976• Multiple tank countercurrent fluidized bed adsorptionsystem; typically 5 stages.• Reported to be suitable for slimes with severalpercent solids.• Solution flows continuously through the system bygravity or using interstage pumps as at Rossing.• Flows in to the bottom <strong>of</strong> each stage via a distributor<strong>and</strong> up through the vessel to form a fluidized resinbed.<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 17

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperPORTER SYSTEM (CONT.)• Loaded resin is periodically moved by airlifts (4 perunit at Rossing) from the first stage to a holding tank,<strong>and</strong> resin is sequentially transferred batchwise fromtank to tank countercurrent to the solution.• Eluted resin is then transferred to final tank, <strong>and</strong>loaded resin to the elution column (Rossing initiallyhad 3 columns in series).• Elution columns are typically downflow fixed bed.• Likely to have higher resin loss than fluidized bedcolumn designs due to number <strong>and</strong> nature <strong>of</strong> resinmovements.• Has higher footprint than columns, but lower pr<strong>of</strong>ile –therefore more suitable for indoor location.<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 18

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperTYPICAL PORTER SYSTEM<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 19

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperPREVIOUSLY USED <strong>CIX</strong> SYSTEMSFluidized bed systems:• USBM fluidized bed column.• Utah USBM fluidized bed column.• Himsley USBM fluidized bed column.Moving bed systems:• Higgins loop.<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 20

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperFLUIDIZED BED SYSTEMS• Plants <strong>of</strong> various designs operated in RSA, USA <strong>and</strong>Canada in nineteen seventies.• Suitable for slimes with a maximum particle size <strong>of</strong> 45-75micr.• Pulp density limited to 10% solids, depending on the pulpviscosity. Work has been carried out on heavy resins toextend this range.• Adsorption column typically has compartments divided byorifice plates to prevent free mixing <strong>of</strong> resin <strong>and</strong> solution incolumn as a whole <strong>and</strong> achieve stage operation. Orificesare designed so upward flow <strong>of</strong> feed stream causes resinabove each plate to exp<strong>and</strong>.• Countercurrent flow obtained by incorporating periodicbrief stoppages <strong>of</strong> feed flow, <strong>and</strong> removing a portion <strong>of</strong>loaded resin from bottom, while resin moves down fromplate to plate <strong>and</strong> eluted resin is added to top.<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 21

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperFLUIDIZED BED SYSTEMS CONT.)• Elution columns are designed to operate in a similarmanner.• For some applications a fixed bed column can be used.• Typical specific flow rate range 5-20 USGPM/Ft 2 .• Resin inventory typically 2.5 times less than fixed bed IXcolumns.• Typical resin loss up to 5% per annum.• All commercial applications to date have used strongbase resins. However, NIM (now Mintek) <strong>and</strong> DavyPowergas (now Aker Solutions) ran pilot plants withweak base resins, which indicated that product puritiessimilar to SX plants could be obtained.• Weak base resins would only be applicable for low silicasolutions. Strong base resins are less affected but silicacan still be a problem.<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 22

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperTYPICALFLUIDIZEDBED <strong>CIX</strong>COLUMN<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 23

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperUSBM FLUIDIZED BED SYSTEM• Developed by USBM, USA, the late nineteen sixties.• Applied commercially for several ISL plants in USA.• Orifice plate column, similar to NIM<strong>CIX</strong>.• Deflector plates mounted about 19 mm above eachorifice to prevent direct impingement <strong>of</strong> upflow on theresin bed <strong>and</strong> reduce the amount <strong>of</strong> resin falling backthrough the holes during the flow stoppages<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 24

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperUTAH FLUIDIZED BED SYSTEM• Several commercial plants were built in New Mexicoto recover uranium from mine waters <strong>and</strong> from ISLsolutions.• Comprised modules <strong>of</strong> two units in series; each unitwas a single stage fluidized bed.• Feed solution flowed down a central feed pipe thenup through an orifice plate through a bed <strong>of</strong> fluidizedresin, then overflowed to the next unit.• Periodically one <strong>of</strong> the units taken <strong>of</strong>f line <strong>and</strong> resintransferred to conventional fixed bed elution column.• Adsorption from dilute carbonate solution involves alarge driving force, so that a relatively high efficiencyis obtained in few stages.<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 25

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperTYPICALUTAH DESIGN<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 26

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperHIMSLEY FLUIDIZED BED SYSTEM• Developed by Himsley Engineering in Canada.• Commercial plants were built in the nineteenseventies in Canada, RSA <strong>and</strong> USA for unclarifiedacid leach solution <strong>and</strong> for uranium from copperleach solution.• Orifices not used. Each plate has central singleinverted weir flow distributor.• Transfer <strong>of</strong> resin from adsorption to elution ishydraulic via a measuring chamber used to setamount <strong>of</strong> resin to be transferred, remainder beingreturning to bottom <strong>of</strong> adsorption column. A washingstep can be incorporated.<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 27

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperHIMSLEY FLUIDIZED BED SYSTEM (CONT.)• Movement <strong>of</strong> resin down the column is sequential,starting from the second bottom to the bottom plate,<strong>and</strong> is achieved by pumping solution at a higher ratethan the feed flow. Thus there are no stoppages, <strong>and</strong>column operation is continuous.• Nature <strong>of</strong> the resin transfer between stageseliminates preferential downflow <strong>of</strong> coarser resinbeads, which can occur in orifice plate columnsdesigns.• Elution takes place in a downflow multi-stage packedmoving bed.• Resin is pushed up the column, <strong>and</strong> overflows backto the adsorption column. A water rinse is included,<strong>and</strong> a scrubbing step can also be used if appropriate.<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 28

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperTYPICAL HIMSLEY SYSTEM<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 29

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperMOVING BED SYSTEMS: HIGGINS LOOP• Developed in nineteen sixties at Oak Ridge National Lab.• Currently available through Severn Trent Services, USA.• Suitable for very dilute solutions with low solids content.• Commercial operation installed at Kennecott BinghamCanyon operation in nineteen seventies for recovery <strong>of</strong>uranium from copper dump leach solution. Eluate wastreated by SX. Also was used for alkaline ISL.• Continuous countercurrent pulsed bed system consisting<strong>of</strong> single closed loop - by valves.• Resin is moved in small increments by water pressurepulse action during which solution flows are stopped.• Solutions flow countercurrently to the resin in all sections.<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 30

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperHIGGINS LOOP (CONT.)• Advantages include :− Compact design, with low footprint.− Ability to operate at high solution flow rates.− Simple control.• Disadvantages include:− Valves close on resins, which will increase resin loss.− Resin movements in adsorption <strong>and</strong> elution cannot beseparated, which reduces flexibility.− Limited to feed solution with low solids content.(Himsley Engineering <strong>of</strong> Canada also developed amoving bed contactor which was applied commercially.)<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 31

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperHIGGINSLOOPSYSTEM<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 32

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperHIGGINS LOOPINSTALLATION(POTASIUMCARBONATEPRODUCTION)(Ref: Severn Trentweb site)<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 33

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperOTHER AVAILABLE <strong>CIX</strong> SYSTEMS• Clean Teq cFLX continuous fluidized liquid extractionsystem.• Clean Teq cLX continuous liquid extraction system.• Gekko G-REX Resin Ion Exchange Column.• SepTor carousel system.• IONEX carousel system.• ISEPS carousel system.<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 34

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperCLEAN TEQ CFLX SYSTEM• Available from Clean Teq, Australia.• Series <strong>of</strong> fluidized columns with countercurrent flows.• Loaded resin airlifted from first contactor to elution.• Interstage tanks <strong>and</strong> pumps eliminates cascade system.• Utilizes expansion <strong>of</strong> resin bed to allow good contact <strong>and</strong>mixing with solutions, while allowing particulates to pass.Bed expansion up to 200% to avoid channelling <strong>and</strong>blockages.• Solid concentrations up to 10% can be processed.• Resin transportation from bottom <strong>of</strong> columns using airliftssimilar to Porter system.• No screens needed, columns designed for expansion <strong>of</strong>smallest resin particles <strong>and</strong> a resin disengagement.<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 35

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperCLEAN TEQ CFLX ARRANGEMENT(Ref: Clean Teq paper at <strong>ALTA</strong> 2008)<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 36

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperCLEAN TEQ CLX SYSTEM• Continuous countercurrent ion exchange system.• Packed bed column with liquid upflow resindownflow.• Loaded resin transferred via airlift to a fluidized waterwash column to remove particulates.• Allows for up to 100ppm solids in feed solutionwithout affecting performance.<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 37

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperCLEAN TEQ ELUTION SYSTEM• Utilizes countercurrent operation to ensure highconcentration <strong>and</strong> purity pregnant liquors withminimum resin inventory.• Can be designed to fit with all the different types <strong>of</strong>Clean-iX® <strong>Systems</strong>.• Generally preceded by a fluidized wash column toremove particulates from resin to protect the purity <strong>of</strong>the pregnant liquor stream.• Resin is airlifted from bottom <strong>of</strong> wash column to theelution column.<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 38

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperCLEAN TEQELUTIONARRANGEMENT(Ref: Clean Teqpaper at <strong>ALTA</strong>2006)<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 39

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperGEKKO G-REX SYSTEM• Available from Gekko <strong>Systems</strong>, Australia.• Multistage countercurrent, pulsed, resin ion exchangecolumn contactor. Stages separated by internal screens.• Can h<strong>and</strong>le unclarified solutions with up to 3% solids.• Feed flows down column, column pulsed to fluidise resin.• Resin transferred upwards between compartments usingeductor.• Loaded resin transferred to upflow batch elution column.• Developed for gold recovery, but applicable to other IXprocesses.• Has small footprint designed for low resin wear.<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 40

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperMark II – G-REX SYSTEM FOR GOLD, ARGENTINA(Ref: Gekko paper at <strong>ALTA</strong> 2008)<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 41

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperSEPTOR CAROUSEL SYSTEM• Available from SepTor Technologies (Outotec),Netherl<strong>and</strong>s.• Carousel arrangement with turntable <strong>and</strong> drive system.• Multiport Distributor Valve with PTFE inner seal.• Stationary bottom part with inlet/outlet fluid connectionports.• Stepwise rotating top part with corresponding inlet/outletpiping to/from columns.• Reduced resin requirement (40-60%) versus fixed bedsystems.• Flexibility to modify process while operating.• Suitable for solutions with low suspended solids.<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 42

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperSEPTOR ARRANGEMENT (Ref: Outotec Presentation <strong>ALTA</strong> 2006)<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 43

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperSEPTOR INSTALLATION (Ref: Outotec Presentation <strong>ALTA</strong> 2006)<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 44

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperSEPTOR CENTAL VALVE (Ref: Outotec Presentation <strong>ALTA</strong> 2006)<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 45

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperIONEX CAROUSEL SYSTEM• Available form Ionex Separations Inc., USA.• Similar concept <strong>and</strong> alternative to SepTor.<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 46

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperISEPS CAROUSEL SYSTEM• Available form Calgon Carbon Corporation, USA.• Similar concept <strong>and</strong> alternative to SepTor.<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 47

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free Paper<strong>RIP</strong> SYSTEMS<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 48

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperCURRENTLY USED <strong>RIP</strong> SYSTEMSKEMIX PUMP CELL• Included in Keyelekera Plant, Paladin Energy, Malawi,commissioning due March 2009.• Available from Kemix Pty Ltd, South Africa.• Commercial installations for gold CIP-CIL-RIL.• Resin-pulp separation by cylindrical wiped screenequipped with pump for interstage transfer <strong>of</strong> pulp.• Resin is not moved between stages, reducing breakdown.• Series <strong>of</strong> pump cells set at the same elevation operating ina carousel mode by rotating the feed <strong>and</strong> discharge pointsto simulate countercurrent flow <strong>of</strong> resin.• Relatively small retention time per stage.<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 49

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperKEMIX PUMP CELL INSTALLATION FOR GOLD(Ref: Kemix Web Site)<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 50

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperPREVIOUSLY USED <strong>RIP</strong> SYSTEMS• Reciprocating basket system• Screen-mix system<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 51

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperRECIPROCATING BASKET SYSTEM• Applied to both acid <strong>and</strong> carbonate leach pulps.• Limited to de-s<strong>and</strong>ed slimes, maximum particle size 45micr. Pulp density limited to < 10% solids.• Resin make-up due to attrition was 15-20% per annum.• Suffered from relatively high maintenance costs.• Baskets typically cube shaped, with stainless steel orrubber lined frames <strong>and</strong> stainless steel or plastic screencloth.• Baskets moved up <strong>and</strong> down at 6-12 strokes/minute inrectangular tanks through which feed slurry or eluantflowed.• Resin bed contracted during up stroke <strong>and</strong> exp<strong>and</strong>edduring down stroke.<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 52

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperTYPICAL 14 STAGE BASKET <strong>RIP</strong> SYSTEM, USA• Typically two parallel systems <strong>of</strong> 14 stages (or banks) were used.• Each stage contained 2-10 baskets.• 6-11 stages used for adsorption at any one time.• Central distributor box could feed any bank.• interstage slurry transfer was by gravity or airlift.<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 53

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperSCREEN-MIX SYSTEM• Applied to acid leach pulps in USA, Russia <strong>and</strong> USSR.• Feed pulp de-s<strong>and</strong>ed to a maximum particle size <strong>of</strong> 45-75micr.• Pulp density limited to 12-20% solids in USA, though oneoperation achieved 30%.< 10% solids. Operation with upto 50% solids reported in USSR.• Resin make-up due to attrition was 20-30% per annum.However, resin inventory was only one third to one half <strong>of</strong>that for basket systems.• Multi-stage countercurrent system with interstage transfer<strong>of</strong> pulp <strong>and</strong> resin via airlifts <strong>and</strong> vibrating screens.Stationary sloping screens have been used in USSR <strong>and</strong>Eastern Europe together with separate airlifts for resintransfer.• Screen maintenance cost significant.<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 54

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperSCREEN-MIX SYSTEM (CONT.)• Typically 6-7 adsorption stages, 10-12 elution, 1-2 wash.Fixed bed elution also used.• Typical resin size range 300 to 850 micr. as used in IXcolumns. Finer than used for baskets, cheaper, tougher<strong>and</strong> more efficient.• Typically, interstage screen size opening was 210 micr.• Forerunner <strong>of</strong> gold CIP designs. Subsequent extensiveexperience gained in gold CIP <strong>and</strong> <strong>RIP</strong> plants can now beutilized for uranium <strong>RIP</strong>.<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 55

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperTYPICAL AIR AGITATED SCREEN-MIX SYSTEM, USA<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 56

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperOTHER AVAILABLE <strong>RIP</strong> SYSTEMS• Clean Teq Clean-iX® system• MeTRIX system<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 57

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperCLEAN TEQ CLEAN-IX SYSTEM• Uses low shear, two-stage mechanical agitator to mixthe resin <strong>and</strong> pulp.• Uses airlift to lift both resin <strong>and</strong> pulp to woven wirestatic separation screen.• Air agitated alternative also available.• Air agitated system has higher poser consumptionbut lower resin attrition loss.• Clean Teq Clean-iX® used for elution.<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 58

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperCLEAN-IXARRANGEMENTWITHMECHANICALAGITATION(Ref: Clean Teqpaper at <strong>ALTA</strong>2008)<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 59

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperMETRIX SYSTEM• Developed by Mintek <strong>and</strong> Bateman in South Africa.• Screen-mix type system in absorption <strong>and</strong> elution.• Countercurrent movement <strong>of</strong> pulp <strong>and</strong> resin.<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 60

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperMETRIX ABSORPTION CIRCUIT(Ref: Bateman-Mintek Presentation <strong>ALTA</strong> 2007)ScreenslurryslurryResin + slurryFeedResin + slurry<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 61

<strong>ALTA</strong> Free PaperMETRIX PILOT PLANT(Ref: Bateman-Mintek Presentation <strong>ALTA</strong> 2007)<strong>ALTA</strong> 2008 62

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