NCAE Results Utilization - DepEd Naga City

NCAE Results Utilization - DepEd Naga City NCAE Results Utilization - DepEd Naga City
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<strong>NCAE</strong> <strong>Results</strong> <strong>Utilization</strong>Department of EducationNational Education Testing and Research CenterMarch 2013

2ForewordThe psychological principle underpinning a successful career choice is paralleledinto this equation: Aptitude plus occupational interest equals successful post secondaryeducation. This is the rationale of the Department of Education through the NationalEducation Testing and Research Center for the simultaneous conduct of the NationalCareer Assessment Examination (<strong>NCAE</strong>) and the Occupational Interest Inventory ofStudents in Secondary Schools (OIISSS) to its clientele, the junior high school students;the results of which will serve as inputs for their career guidance which is given sufficienttime for them to have a wise decision for a career choice.Alongside, the NETRC in its complementary efforts, looked into the maximizedutilization of the <strong>NCAE</strong> test results by individual examinee in particular and by the schoollevel in providing career guidance.It is hoped that the findings of this descriptive research will be used to furtherenhance career guidance and its advocacies nationwide.NELIA V. BENITODirector IIINETRC-DepED

3Contents Slide #ForewordiA. Background and Rationale 41. Statement of Objectives 52. Conceptual Framework 6B. Research Design1. Research Method Used 72. The Respondents 83. Instrumentation 94. Data Collection Procedure 10C. The Findings1. Programs/Advocacies on <strong>NCAE</strong> <strong>Results</strong> <strong>Utilization</strong> 112. Procedures/Strategies Employed in <strong>NCAE</strong> Data <strong>Utilization</strong> 12-183. Topics Pursued by Secondary Schools in Career Guidance 19-26D. Policy Implications 27E. AppendicesAppendix 1 - List of Participating Schools 28-32Appendix 2 - List of Participants 33Appendix 3 - Duration of the Activities 34-36

A. Background and RationaleRecognizing the impact of the psychological principle of this equation:4Success in Post-Secondary Education = Aptitude + Occupational Interest,The DepED-NETRC took into consideration the utilization of applicable assessmenttools namely:a) The National Career Assessment Examination (<strong>NCAE</strong>): an aptitude test geared toprovide information through test results for self-assessment, career awarenessand career guidance of junior high schoolb) The Occupational Interest Inventory of Students in Secondary Schools (OIISSS):an inventory of occupational interests which provides an assessment oninclinations/preference for career guidanceThe test results generated from the said tools are inputs for the career guidance andadvocacies among the clientele, the junior high school students.Aside from providing each examinee the test results through a Certificate of Rating(COR), the NETRC wants to be assured if these results were utilized at the school level;hence, the conduct of this study.

1. Statement of Objectives5Broadly this study is aimed to benchmark on how <strong>NCAE</strong> test results are utilized atschool level relative to career guidance program. Specifically, the following are theobjectives:1. To identify the program and advocacies on <strong>NCAE</strong> results utilization;2. To find out the strategies on how <strong>NCAE</strong> results were utilized vis-a-vis the careerguidance program and advocacies;3. To document topics covered in career guidance programs;4. To draw insights in the applicability of the strategies used in different types ofsecondary schools; and5. To establish links on the full utilization of strategies on <strong>NCAE</strong> results utilization.

62. Conceptual FrameworkInputProcessDepED PolicyGuidelinesMaximized careerguidance amongjunior high schoolstudents for wisecareer choiceSchool Facilitiesand EnvironmentTeachers andNon-TeachingStaff GuidanceCounselorInstructionalLeadership ofSchool Heads<strong>NCAE</strong> andOIISSSAdministrationCareerGuidance andAdvocaciesWise CareerChoiceFeedback Mechanism

B. The Research Design71. The Research Method UsedThe qualitative descriptive research method was utilized in this research.It was deemed appropriate in the organization of data and in the presentation of thedescriptive responses of the respondents.

2. The RespondentsThe Division Testing Coordinators and Private School Supervisors in every schoolsdivision nationwide served as the respondents of this study. Below is the list of SchoolsDivisions they represented.8RegionIIIIIIIIIIIIIIV-AIV-AIV-AIV-AIV-BVVVIIIVIIIVIIIVIIIXXXXDivisionIsabelaBatanesPampangaSan Jose del MonteScience <strong>City</strong> of MuñozBatangasLipa <strong>City</strong>Tanauan <strong>City</strong>QuezonCalapan <strong>City</strong>MasbateAlbaySouthern LeyteCalbayog <strong>City</strong>Borongan <strong>City</strong>Maasin <strong>City</strong>Valencia <strong>City</strong>Malaybalay <strong>City</strong>Iligan <strong>City</strong>Cagayan de Oro <strong>City</strong>RegionXIXIXIXIXIIXIIXIIXIINCRNCRCARCARCARARMMCARAGACARAGADivisionDavao del NorteDavao OrientalIsland Garden <strong>City</strong> of SamalDigos <strong>City</strong>Sultan KudaratSouth CotabatoGeneral Santos <strong>City</strong>Cotabato <strong>City</strong>MakatiPasay <strong>City</strong>Baguio <strong>City</strong>Mountain ProvinceBenguetBasilanSurigao del SurAgusan del Norte

93. InstrumentationTo draw out the desired data from the respondents, a matrix was presented to themto fill out based on how <strong>NCAE</strong> test results are utilized for career guidance at the schoollevel. The matrix used is shown below.Program/AdvocacyTopicsCoveredProcedure/StrategiesEmployedDuration Participants SchoolOtherInformation

104. Data Collection Procedure and AnalysisThe procedure was part of the workshop undertaken during the 2012 <strong>NCAE</strong>National Orientation in recognition of valuable inputs which could be contributed by theparticipants. Fifty-five percent of the participants had submitted their outputs right afterthe workshop while the remaining percentage distribution outputs were sent to NETRCthru e-mails.The data were encoded and then subjected to qualitative analysis for commonalitiesand uniqueness of responses. The data were plotted in matrices. The frequency countswere provided to common responses.

11C. The Findings1. Programs/Advocacies on <strong>NCAE</strong> <strong>Results</strong> <strong>Utilization</strong>1. Analysis and Interpretation of <strong>NCAE</strong> Test <strong>Results</strong>2. Strengths and Weaknesses: Analysis on <strong>NCAE</strong> Test Findings3. Individualized Career Counseling4. Involvement of Parents5. Career Talks6. Student’s Career Education and Career Pathing

122. Procedures/Strategies Employed in <strong>NCAE</strong> Data <strong>Utilization</strong>Individualized Career Orientationf• One-on-one Discussion with the students on career option 4• Individual Career Counseling 15• Student Orientation 2• Self-Assessment/Self-Awareness Activity 3• Hit-one Take-one Activity 1• Make 10-year plan seeing one’s future 1• Individualized Assessment by Domain 1

13Test <strong>Results</strong> <strong>Utilization</strong>f• Evaluation on <strong>NCAE</strong> <strong>Results</strong> 4• Strengths and Weaknesses: Analysis on <strong>NCAE</strong> <strong>Results</strong> to come upwith career decision 6• Thorough interpretation <strong>NCAE</strong> results for course fit 4• Explain COR and its utilization 5• Analysis of <strong>NCAE</strong> results 4• Conduct a trend analysis on the <strong>NCAE</strong> performance of theSchool, over the years 1

14Involvement of ParentsfOrientation on <strong>NCAE</strong> results Dissemination and Interpretation• Meeting with the parents 23• Parents Assembly 12• Discussion with parents during PTA meeting 16• Students-Parents-Teachers’ Conference 10• Meeting to inform the Parents on the <strong>NCAE</strong> results 6• Orientation with parents 4•Meeting with parents on important/implications of <strong>NCAE</strong> results 11• Encourage the Parents to have moral support 1• Symposium/Fora with Parents to Discuss thoroughly 3Career Pathways• Parents and Students’ orientation on career pathways 4• Holding Parents-Students Career Day 1• Career opportunities of their child 1

15Group Career Orientationf• School Head/Guidance Counselor and teachers discussion on<strong>NCAE</strong> results and career fits 8• Conference with Y4 Students on explaining career interests 2• Meeting with Y3 & Y4 Students for group counseling 1• Conduct lecture on wise career choice 7• Career Guidance Forum 1• Overview lectures on different courses 4• Audition on different talents/talent shows 1• Prepare Bulletin on Career Displays 1• Career Pathing and Seminar 1• Established Career Coaching Team 1• Three-day Exposure on a career of their choice guided withmultiple intelligences & <strong>NCAE</strong> results 1• Counseling Process on occupational skills 1• Join in LAKBAY-ARAL sponsored by LGU’s 1• Set-up Career Booth where students could shop career opportunities 1• Career Symposium/ Seminars 12• University field trip 1• Inter ED career tour 1

16Group Career Orientationf• Brainstorming/Focused Group Discussion 2• Video Presentation/Film Viewing of Different Careers 6• Workshop-Seminar on how to guide and encourage students 1• Sharing lecturrette s 1• Career Planning 1• Lecture/Forum/Conference/Symposium 1• Invite Colleges/Universities to sponsor career festival 5• General Assembly 1

17Home Room Activitiesf• Hold Career Orientation Classes 2• Room to room information/dissemination by Guidance Counselor 1• Inventory Career Assistance 1• Home Room Guidance 1• Subject Area Integration 1• Integrate in Subjects topics related to career path 2• Catch-up Stories, Paragraph/Sentence Reading/Story Telling 1• Home Room Guidance Program 1• Classroom activities in collaboration with TLE and Values EducationSubjects 4• Students Conduct “Mirror Me” activity for them to write about theirown personality 1

18Career Talksf• Invite alumni to share insights in choosing a career 4• Invite resource speaker for career symposium 11• Symposium with resource speakers from colleges/universities 10• Invite experts/professionals in different careers/fields 5• Career Talk from TESDA resource speaker 4• Partnership with Municipal PESO 1Othersf• Posting of Courses, Scholarships and other information 1

193. Topics Pursued by Secondary Schools in Career GuidanceInterpreting the <strong>NCAE</strong> <strong>Results</strong>f• <strong>NCAE</strong> <strong>Results</strong> Dissemination and Career Orientation 2• <strong>NCAE</strong> <strong>Results</strong> Interpretation 10• Meaning of GSA, TVA, ES: Implications of Standard Scores,Percentile Rank, Descriptive Rating 1• Interpretation of Individual <strong>Results</strong> 1• Rationale of <strong>NCAE</strong>, Correlating <strong>NCAE</strong> <strong>Results</strong> and Career Choice 1• Interpretation of the test results in every domain based on thegiven description and the presentation of the occupational fieldoptions 1• Selection of Courses on Career According to the <strong>NCAE</strong> <strong>Results</strong> 1

20Importance of <strong>NCAE</strong> and <strong>NCAE</strong> <strong>Results</strong> <strong>Utilization</strong>f• Importance of <strong>NCAE</strong>, its relationship to career choice 1• What is Career Guidance? 1• The Need for Career Counseling 1• <strong>NCAE</strong> <strong>Results</strong>, Identifying Career Preference and Availability of Jobs 1• Career opportunities for Students 1• World of work, <strong>NCAE</strong> <strong>Results</strong>, Occupational Activities/Interests ofStudents 1• The Different Courses appropriate to Students Based on <strong>NCAE</strong><strong>Results</strong> 2• Appropriateness of the Course to take up in College based on the<strong>NCAE</strong> <strong>Results</strong> 1• Career Pathways 13• Career Choosing and Decision Making 26• Selection of Courses on Career According to <strong>NCAE</strong> <strong>Results</strong> 23• Alignment of Students’ Interests 1• Courses/Career Information & Career Mismatch 1• Career Alignment 3• Career that Students may pursue based on <strong>NCAE</strong> <strong>Results</strong> 1• Off-beat careers 1

21Importance of <strong>NCAE</strong> and <strong>NCAE</strong> <strong>Results</strong> <strong>Utilization</strong>f• Planning and Preparing for a Career 1• How to find out a suitable career based on aptitude andoccupational interest 1• Career Planning: Making Decisions and opportunities 1• SWAK Courses for life 1• Career, Trending Jobs, Different Occupations based on the <strong>NCAE</strong>results 1• Alignment of Students Interests 3• Occupational Interests of Students 2• Students’ Field of Interest 1• Students’ Field of Excellence 1• Academic Subjects, Technical-Vocational and Entrepreneurship 2• Students’ Field of Interest Based on <strong>NCAE</strong> <strong>Results</strong> 1• Disadvantages of Wrong Career Choice to future Work Places 1• Self-Exploration by knowing one’s Skills, Abilities, Interact, PersonalPreferences and Life Experiences 1• Assisting Students in Identifying and Assessing their Skills andInterests 1• My Occupational Field of Interest (Based on <strong>NCAE</strong> <strong>Results</strong>) 1

22Importance of <strong>NCAE</strong> and <strong>NCAE</strong> <strong>Results</strong> <strong>Utilization</strong>f• Students’ Career Orientation within the Context of Different Courses 1• Focusing on Inclination of Seniors’ <strong>NCAE</strong> <strong>Results</strong> 1• Individual results of students <strong>NCAE</strong> in terms of their skills, attitudesand readiness and matched as to what courses best suit them 1• Opportunities for students in actual work setting to test life/workdecisions and develop effective work attitudes & behaviours/Internships, youth apprenticeships co-op programs, volunteerismand paid work are some examples 1• Group Counseling of parents as regards tracking of students’ futureprocess. 1

23Entrance to College and Universitiesf• Different Colleges/Universities Course offerings 5• College/Institution/University Features 1• Courses Offered, Qualifications, Requirements 2• Courses to be Taken in College 1• Career Orientation by the Different Colleges and Universities 1• Presentation of the courses the school is offering including thebackground and details of each course. Orientation of scholarshipand privileges the school can offer to every student 1

24Parental Supportf• Parents’ Seminar 1• The Role of Parents in Choosing the Degree/Course to Pursue 3• Parents’ Guidance for their children’s career choice 1• <strong>NCAE</strong> <strong>Results</strong>, Parents’ Role in Career Planning 1• Orientation on <strong>NCAE</strong> and its Importance, Parents’ Support 1• The Most Suited Course for my child 1• Parents Orientation-Conference on the <strong>NCAE</strong> <strong>Results</strong> 1

25Establishing links with other Institutionsf• DOLE Recommended Career, Relevant careers for possible jobemployment, TESDA updates 1• Organizing itineraries to Places/Offices to be visited(e.g. banks, TESDA, SAMELCO, etc.) 1• Labor Market Updates 1• Project Jobs Fit DOLE 2020 vision 1• Labor Market Monitor 1• Labor Code of the Philippines 1• Latest Survey of Course, Job Opportunities, Scholarships and otherInformation 1• Scholarships Offered to Deserving Students 1• The nature of available scholarships offered by governmentagencies, tertiary schools, TESDA schools 1• The courses that are available in the schools included in theschool fair 1• The courses that are suited to the different aptitude levels as well asthe inclination of the students given as one of the plenary sessions 1• Lecture on current job demands in the local and internationalmarkets 1

26Others:f• Literacy based instruction aligned with <strong>NCAE</strong> 1• Tips for a successful career, pointers for exploring career 1• Alumni as role models 1• Tips on how to identify students areas of interest 1• The guidelines for a successful goal setting 1

27D. Policy Recommendation1. A policy review on the implementation of the <strong>NCAE</strong> results utilization and careerguidance is important.2. There is a need to institutionalize the development of a standardized Career GuidanceProgram with scope and sequence.3. There is a need to institutionalize the conduct of study visits, benchmarkingundertakings to document best practices on <strong>NCAE</strong> results utilization and careerguidance.4. Institute a research agenda on the implementation of career guidance to look into thegaps and issues.5. Determine the training needs of the field staff handling career guidance and otherrelated aspects.6. Capacitate guidance counselors and coordinators relative to maximizing <strong>NCAE</strong> resultsin the context of career guidance.7. Adopting formal structures for the context of career guidance needs stipulations

E. Appendices28Appendix 1DIVISIONPampangaSCHOOLSAndres N. Luciano High SchoolSan Vicente National High SchoolMapaniqui High SchoolPulong Santol High School-MainBahay Pare High SchoolDela Paz-Libutad High SchoolPlanas High SchoolPulong Santol High School-Annex 1Malino High SchoolTarik Suliman High SchoolDoña Asuncion Lee Integrated SchoolConception Integrated SchoolFlorida Blanca National Agricultural SchoolSan Vicente-San Francisco High SchoolSan Isidro High School-Sta. AnaBecuran High SchoolGeneral Santos <strong>City</strong> Bula National High SchoolA.G. Busano Sr. National High SchoolNew Society National High SchoolBanisil National High SchoolLagao National High SchoolE. Valdomar NHSGS<strong>City</strong> High SchoolDIVISIONSCHOOLSIsland Garden <strong>City</strong> of Samal Mambago-B NHSBalet NHSNieves Villarica NHSCogon NHSSan Antonio NHSKaputian NHSBatangasSto. Niño Formation & Science SchoolSan Nicolas AcademyOur Lady of MercyBlue Isle Integrated SchoolSt. Claire AcademyPedagogia SchoolRB Cordero AcademyOur Lady of Caysasay AcademyDr. Conception A. Aguila Mem. CollegeSt. Joseph AcademyMabini College of BatangasMKA College & Institute of TechnologyTalisay High SchoolNicolites Montesori SchoolDr. Francisco L. Calingasan Mem. CollegeFoundationDFLCMCF

29DIVISIONBatangasSCHOOLSSto. Rosarion AcademyHoly Trinity School of Padre GarciaNasugbu Christian Faith AcademyAdelaido A. Bayot Memorial School Inc.Calaca AcademyBlessed Christ Child Montessori FoundationSt. Paul College-BalayanTalisay Polytechnique InstituteSt. Thomas Academy, Sto. Tomas, BatangasLobo Institute Inc.Sta. Teresa College, Bauan BatangasHoly Family MontessoriAlitagtag Col. Inc.Balete Family Fam SchoolOur lady of Carmel School, Clatagan, BatangasGratia de Rigina SchoolCalatagan InstituteImmaculate Concepcion College, BalayanSt. Anne AcademyOur Lady of Peace Academy Tuy, batangasSt. Blaise Community SchoolSan Luis AcademyRizal College of TaalSan Guillermo AcademyLa Purisima Concepcion AcademyOSJ Minor SeminarySt. James AcademyAgoncillo College Inc.St. Bridget CollegeBatangas Eastern CollegesPadre Vicente Garcia Mem. AcademyDIVISIONBatangasSCHOOLSPadre Vicente Garcia Mem. AcademyHoly Family Academy (Padre Garcia)St. Joseph Institute of Rosario, BatangasJoseph Marello InstituteSt. Mary's Educational InstituteSt. Clare Community FoundationSt. Anthony MontessoriHis Care InstituteSt. Thomas MontessoriSt. Paul Foundational LCBaybayin NHSBatangas NHSBalas Buco-Sta. Maria NHSWenceslao Trinidad MNHSSan Nicolas NHSAlupay NHSCalubcub NHSSico NHSLaiya NHSBukal NHSKalayaan Christian SchoolDr. Bonifacio A. Masilungan NHSCoral na Munti NHSMalapad na Bato NHSTala NHSLooc NHSLumbangan NHSKaylaway NHSCahil NHSMaximo T. Hernandez NHSDr. Crisogono B. Ermita Sr. MNHS

30DIVISIONBatangasSCHOOLSMaria Paz Fronda NHSPapaya NHSSta. Teresita NHS Brgy Bihis, Sta. Teresita, BatangasFermin Larosa NHSCuenca NHSBalayan NHSBSU - ARASOF Nasigbo, BatangasSta. Anastacia-San Rafael NHSSta. Clara NHSSan Jose NHSDon Julio LMNHSLucban NHSBolbok NHSAnanias C. Hernandez NHSLian NHSTaal NHSCalatagan NHSJose Lopez Manzano NHSBauan Tach HSBilaran NHSTuy NHSSan Pidro NHSOacita Ramos Mendoza NHSTaysan NHSItlugan NHSBigain NHSAgoncillo NHSMaabud NHSAlalum NHSAlitagtag NHSMalaking Pook NHSDIVISIONBatangasSCHOOLSInicbulan NHSIlat NHSBilogo NHSMataas na Kahoy NHSFrancisco G. Perez MNHS<strong>Naga</strong>saulay NHSBauan National Agricultural and Vocational High SchoolSantiago NHSTipas NHSMatabungkay NHSSenator Gil Puyat NHSLucsuhin NHSMalvar NHSSan Pascual NHSBanilad NHSBayanan NHSPansol NHSDr. Juan A Pastor MNHSDagatan NHSTilambo NHSMasagitsit-Banalo NHSTimbugan NHSPinagbayanan NHSPalakpak NHSBanoyo NHSBulihan NHSMayuro NHSManalupang NHSAnselmo Sandoval MNHSRosario NHSTulos NHS

31DIVISIONBatangasDavao del NorteCalbayog <strong>City</strong>South CotabatoValencia <strong>City</strong>SCHOOLSTumalim NHSSt. Isidore NHSMacalamcam NHSSan Pedro NHSBalagunan National High SchoolSawata National High SchoolSemong National High SchoolCalbayog <strong>City</strong> Night HSTrinidad NHSOquendo NHSPilar National Agricultural HSMag-ubay NHSRLMSFMigara NHSMalaga NHSChrist the King CollegeSan Policarpo NHSRLMSFSan Joaquin NHSTarabucan NHSLa Milagrosa Academy (LMA)Suralla National High SchoolNorala National High SchoolLibertad National High SchoolBentung Sukit National High SchoolVNHS - Catumbalon AnnexSan Agustin Institute of TechnologyConception AnnexBukidnon Faith Christian AcademyValencia Baptist Christian AcademyIba College of MindanaoFirst Fruits Christian AcademyDIVISIONSCHOOLSBasilan Mangal NHSTairan NHSLubukan NHSAtong-Atong National High SchoolJacinto Cuevas National High SchoolSumisip Argo Fisheries High SchoolMaluso NHSSumisip NHSSangbay Small NHSSouthern Leyte NO SCHOOL LISTEDSultan Kudarat All secondary schools in the Division of Sultan KudalatIsulan National High SchoolAll secondary schools province wide as perDavao Oriental memorandized instruction from the Division Office onthe utilization of <strong>NCAE</strong> resultsMalaybalay <strong>City</strong> 16 Public Schools of Malaybalay <strong>City</strong> DivisionIligan <strong>City</strong>Borongan <strong>City</strong>Lipa <strong>City</strong>Butuan <strong>City</strong>Tanauan <strong>City</strong>Tandag <strong>City</strong>MasbatePublic and Private Schools of Malaybalay <strong>City</strong> DivisionNO SCHOOL LISTEDNO SCHOOL LISTEDAll the 15 National High SchoolsNO SCHOOL LISTED12 Secondary SchoolsNO SCHOOL LISTEDNO SCHOOL LISTED

32DIVISIONQuezonSCHOOLSRecto Memorial NHSQuezon Educational College Inc.Dagatan NHSNabangka NHSLPNHSWest Papale NHSPerez NHSTongohin NHSSt. Francis SchoolBinulasan Integrated SchoolBantulinao Integrated SchoolTayabas Western AcademyCabay NHSRecto Memorial NHS AnnexPagbilao Central SchoolHoly Child jesus CollegePakiing NHSEastern Quezon CollogeBagong Silang NHSLopez National Comprehensive High SchoolManuel Macasaet NHSSilangan Malicboy NHSPSHNMeralco Foundation DOLENagsinamo NHSCagbalete Island NHSRicardo O Macasaet Sr. Memorial Academy Foundation INC.Quezon National High SchoolOlongtao NHSSampaloc NHSGNHSDIVISIONQuezonSCHOOLSLamon Bay School of FisheriesBagupaye NHSPatabog NHSMagsaysay NHSBuenavista NHSUnisan NHSSINHSHinguiwin NHSSan Isidro NHS (Catanauan)GMTMSAT CommunityElias A. Salvador NHSAbuyon NHSPagsangahan NHSPNHSBakal Sur NHSDao NHSIlayang Ilog A NHSPitogo Community High SchoolLina Gayeta-Lasquety NHSPaiisa NHSHondagua NHSVilla Perez NHSPanikihan NHSPagbilao Grande Island NHSDNHSTalipan NHSMalinao Ilaya NHSTayuman NHSMarcial B. Villanueva NHS (San Francisco)Alabat NHS

33Appendix 2PARTICIPANTSSTUDENTS f SCHOOL STAFF f GUEST SPEAKERS f PARENTS/GUARDIANS f STAKEHOLDERS f3rd & 4th Students 70 Administrators 14Guest Speaker from TESDA &DOST1 Parents 132 LGU's 32nd Year Students 2Career GuidanceCounselor1 Invited Speakers 1 NGO 23rd Year Students 77 Chief Examiner 1 Peso Personnel 1ConcernedIndividuals24th Year Students 73 Class Adviser 61 Resource Person 11 Stakeholders 6GovernmentStudents 121 Faculty 6 Professionals 52AgenciesPupils 2 Guidance Counselor 115Representative fromCollege/UniversitiesClasses who gotlower MPS4 Guidance Teacher 3 Alumni 3Peer Tutor 1 Principal 38<strong>NCAE</strong>/NAT Examinee 7 Room Examiner 3Room Supervisor 1School Administrator 14School Head 36School Staff 2School TestingCoordinator24Teacher 139Proctors 1ScholarshipCoordinatorDivision TestingCoordinator1312

34Appendix 3DURATIONMONTHS f WEEKS f DAYS f HOURS f OTHER CATEGORY f1 Month 11 1 Week 14 1 Day 33 1:00 - 4:00 pm 2 1st Semester 12 Months 2 2 Weeks 3 2 Days 13 30 Minutes 1 1st Quarter 13 Months 2 3 Weeks 1 3 Days 4 1 Hour 13 2nd Quarter 16 Months 1 Once a week 1 Half Day 18 2 Hours 4 Quarterly 15Monthly 1 Twice a week 1 3 Mondays 1 3 Hours 73rd Quarter of SchoolYear1Once a Month 8 1st week of August 1 Saturday 8am - 12noon 1 4 Hours 1 Year Round 25January 31st two weeks ofNovember1 Saturday 1 5 Hours 1 2 Years 1January to February 33rd week ofJanuary 24, 2012 8pm1Novemberto 10am1 1-2 Hours 8 Once a Year 20January to March 19Two consecutiveFridays1 2-3 Hours 1 Twice a Year 6February 2012 5 10 minutes 3 times a week 1 3 times a Year 3February to March 4 1:00pm - 3:30pm 1Before the end ofschool year1March 2012 18Before thedistribution of <strong>NCAE</strong>result or every1JanuaryMarch 2013 4After the release of8March 4, 2011 1March 2011 to June2012April-May 1June 4test resultsOnce per cycle (14cycles/year)3 As Scheduled 1Upon the receipt of<strong>NCAE</strong> results until thesigning of clearanceEvery end of GradingPeriod132

35DURATIONMONTHS f WEEKS f DAYS f HOURS f OTHER CATEGORY fJune 2012 to January 2013 3Anytime within theschool year1June 2012 to March 2013 10 Whole school year 1June to July 43 meetings everyhomeroom PTA meetings1June to August 2011 1SchoolAnniversary/Foundation1June 2012 to August 2012 8Subject to the availabilityof appropriate andproper time based on the 6sequence ofcompetenciesJune to October 6Consultation andCoordination with the 1facultyJuly 2012 52 sessions/as perinstruction1July 7-8, 2011 13 sessions/as perinstruction1July to January 1Starting S.Y. 2012 - 2013onwards2July to March 4July to October 6July to August 2012 4July to December 1August 13August 2012 & November20121August to February 1August to September 3August to October 2August to December 1

DURATIONMONTHS f WEEKS f DAYS f HOURS f OTHER CATEGORY fSeptember 5September to February 1September to March 1September to October 3September to December 1October 4October to November 2October to January 2October to February 1November 3November to December 2November to March 2November to April 2December 2December to March 23-6 Months/as needed 136

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