v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

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92 CHAPTER 2. CONVEX GEOMETRYthen vectorized matrix A is normal to a hyperplane (of dimension M 2 −1)that contains both vectorized nullspaces (each of whose dimension is M −ρ);vec A ⊥ vec basis N(A), vec basis N(A T ) ⊥ vec A (166)These vectorized subspace orthogonality relations represent a departure(absent T ) from fundamental subspace relations (137) stated at the outset.2.6 Extreme, Exposed2. Definition. Extreme point.An extreme point x ε of a convex set C is a point, belonging to its closure C[42,3.3], that is not expressible as a convex combination of points in Cdistinct from x ε ; id est, for x ε ∈ C and all x 1 ,x 2 ∈ C \x εµx 1 + (1 − µ)x 2 ≠ x ε , µ ∈ [0, 1] (167)△In other words, x ε is an extreme point of C if and only if x ε is not apoint relatively interior to any line segment in C . [358,2.10]Borwein & Lewis offer: [55,4.1.6] An extreme point of a convex set C isa point x ε in C whose relative complement C \x ε is convex.The set consisting of a single point C ={x ε } is itself an extreme point. Theorem. Extreme existence. [307,18.5.3] [26,II.3.5]A nonempty closed convex set containing no lines has at least one extremepoint.⋄ Definition. Face, edge. [199,A.2.3]Aface F of convex set C is a convex subset F ⊆ C such that everyclosed line segment x 1 x 2 in C , having a relatively interior point(x∈rel intx 1 x 2 ) in F , has both endpoints in F . The zero-dimensionalfaces of C constitute its extreme points. The empty set ∅ and C itselfare conventional faces of C . [307,18]All faces F are extreme sets by definition; id est, for F ⊆ C and allx 1 ,x 2 ∈ C \Fµx 1 + (1 − µ)x 2 /∈ F , µ ∈ [0, 1] (168)

2.6. EXTREME, EXPOSED 93A one-dimensional face of a convex set is called an edge.△Dimension of a face is the penultimate number of affinely independentpoints ( belonging to it;dim F = sup dim{x 2 − x 1 , x 3 − x 1 , ... , x ρ − x 1 | x i ∈ F , i=1... ρ} (169)ρThe point of intersection in C with a strictly supporting hyperplaneidentifies an extreme point, but not vice versa. The nonempty intersection ofany supporting hyperplane with C identifies a face, in general, but not viceversa. To acquire a converse, the concept exposed face requires introduction:2.6.1 Exposure2. Definition. Exposed face, exposed point, vertex, facet.[199,A.2.3, A.2.4]Fis an exposed face of an n-dimensional convex set C iff there is asupporting hyperplane ∂H to C such thatF = C ∩ ∂H (170)Only faces of dimension −1 through n −1 can be exposed by ahyperplane.An exposed point, the definition of vertex, is equivalent to azero-dimensional exposed face; the point of intersection with a strictlysupporting hyperplane.Afacet is an (n −1)-dimensional exposed face of an n-dimensionalconvex set C ; facets exist in one-to-one correspondence with the(n −1)-dimensional faces. 2.26{exposed points} = {extreme points}{exposed faces} ⊆ {faces}△2.26 This coincidence occurs simply because the facet’s dimension is the same as thedimension of the supporting hyperplane exposing it.

92 CHAPTER 2. CONVEX GEOMETRYthen vectorized matrix A is normal to a hyperplane (of dimension M 2 −1)that contains both vectorized nullspaces (each of whose dimension is M −ρ);vec A ⊥ vec basis N(A), vec basis N(A T ) ⊥ vec A (166)These vectorized subspace orthogonality relations represent a departure(absent T ) from fundamental subspace relations (137) stated at the outset.2.6 Extreme, Exposed2. Definition. Extreme point.An extreme point x ε of a convex set C is a point, belonging to its closure C[42,3.3], that is not expressible as a convex combination of points in Cdistinct from x ε ; id est, for x ε ∈ C and all x 1 ,x 2 ∈ C \x εµx 1 + (1 − µ)x 2 ≠ x ε , µ ∈ [0, 1] (167)△In other words, x ε is an extreme point of C if and only if x ε is not apoint relatively interior to any line segment in C . [358,2.10]Borwein & Lewis offer: [55,4.1.6] An extreme point of a convex set C isa point x ε in C whose relative complement C \x ε is convex.The set consisting of a single point C ={x ε } is itself an extreme point. Theorem. Extreme existence. [307,18.5.3] [26,II.3.5]A nonempty closed convex set containing no lines has at least one extremepoint.⋄ Definition. Face, edge. [199,A.2.3]Aface F of convex set C is a convex subset F ⊆ C such that everyclosed line segment x 1 x 2 in C , having a relatively interior point(x∈rel intx 1 x 2 ) in F , has both endpoints in F . The zero-dimensionalfaces of C constitute its extreme points. The empty set ∅ and C itselfare conventional faces of C . [307,18]All faces F are extreme sets by definition; id est, for F ⊆ C and allx 1 ,x 2 ∈ C \Fµx 1 + (1 − µ)x 2 /∈ F , µ ∈ [0, 1] (168)

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