v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization


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842 INDEXreflection, 436, 437, 664invariance, 436vector, 648reflexivity, 103, 606regularlattice, 30, 319simplex, 492tetrahedron, 489, 502regularizationcardinality, 345, 370norm, 364, 702rank, 332, 355, 365, 389, 390, 575, 587relaxation, 70, 83, 230, 294, 297, 419, 461,483reweighting, 336, 574Riemann, 278robotics, 25, 31root, see function, fractionalrotation, 436, 649, 663invariance, 436of matrix, 650of range, 648vector, 132, 436, 647round, 784Rutman, 164− S −, 151saddle value, 161, 162scaling, 476multidimensional, 24, 476ordinal, 481unidimensional, 576Schoenberg, 395, 406, 458, 465, 467, 483,498, 554, 556, 721auxiliary matrix, 404, 644criterion, 30, 407, 471, 541, 729Schur, 595-form, 611–615anomaly, 249constraint, 70convex set, 117norm, Frobenius, 248norm, spectral, 268, 654nullspace, 613rank, 614, 615semidefinite program, 235, 248, 249,268, 485, 568, 580, 581, 654, 742sparse, 614complement, 324, 419, 611, 612, 614Schwarz, 88, 753self-distance, 397semidefinite program, see programsensor, 315, 316network localization, 315, 316, 417, 424sequence, 754setactive, 307Cartesian product, 47closed, 36, 39–41, 72–74, 183cone, 114, 119, 144, 148, 163, 164,170, 183, 284–286, 499exposed, 511polyhedron, 144, 147, 148connected, 36convex, 36invariance, 46, 47projection on, 174, 733–735difference, 47, 163empty, 38, 39, 46, 653affine, 38closed, 41cone, 100face, 92hull, 62, 65, 72open, 41feasible, 45, 70, 173, 203, 222, 274, 781dual, 284primal, 278, 284intersection, see intersectioninvariance, 467level, 204, 238, 240, 250, 259, 271, 274affine, 240minimal, 64, 77, 78, 144, 777affine, 720extreme, 110, 185halfspace, 145hyperplane, 145orthant, 221positive semidefinite cone, 115, 180,263

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