v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

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BIBLIOGRAPHY 805[237] Monique Laurent and Svatopluk Poljak. On a positive semidefinite relaxation of thecut polytope. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 223/224:439–461, 1995.[238] Monique Laurent and Svatopluk Poljak. On the facial structure of the setof correlation matrices. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications,17(3):530–547, July 1996.[239] Monique Laurent and Franz Rendl. Semidefinite programming and integerprogramming. Optimization Online, 2002.http://www.optimization-online.org/DB HTML/2002/12/585.html[240] Monique Laurent and Franz Rendl. Semidefinite programming and integerprogramming. In K. Aardal, George L. Nemhauser, and R. Weismantel, editors,Discrete Optimization, volume 12 of Handbooks in Operations Research andManagement Science, chapter 8, pages 393–514. Elsevier, 2005.[241] Charles L. Lawson and Richard J. Hanson. Solving Least Squares Problems. SIAM,1995.[242] Jung Rye Lee. The law of cosines in a tetrahedron. Journal of the Korea Societyof Mathematical Education Series B: The Pure and Applied Mathematics, 4(1):1–6,1997.[243] Claude Lemaréchal. Note on an extension of “Davidon” methods to nondifferentiablefunctions. Mathematical Programming, 7(1):384–387, December 1974.http://www.convexoptimization.com/TOOLS/Lemarechal.pdf[244] Vladimir L. Levin. Quasi-convex functions and quasi-monotone operators. Journalof Convex Analysis, 2(1/2):167–172, 1995.[245] Scott Nathan Levine. Audio Representations for Data Compression and CompressedDomain Processing. PhD thesis, Stanford University, Department of ElectricalEngineering, 1999.http://www-ccrma.stanford.edu/~scottl/thesis/thesis.pdf[246] Adrian S. Lewis. Eigenvalue-constrained faces. Linear Algebra and its Applications,269:159–181, 1998.[247] Anhua Lin. Projection algorithms in nonlinear programming. PhD thesis, JohnsHopkins University, 2003.[248] Miguel Sousa Lobo, Lieven Vandenberghe, Stephen Boyd, and Hervé Lebret.Applications of second-order cone programming. Linear Algebra and itsApplications, 284:193–228, November 1998. Special Issue on Linear Algebrain Control, Signals and Image Processing.http://www.stanford.edu/~boyd/socp.html[249] Lee Lorch and Donald J. Newman. On the composition of completely monotonicfunctions and completely monotonic sequences and related questions. Journal ofthe London Mathematical Society (second series), 28:31–45, 1983.http://www.convexoptimization.com/TOOLS/Lorch.pdf

BIBLIOGRAPHY 805[237] Monique Laurent and Svatopluk Poljak. On a positive semidefinite relaxation of thecut polytope. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 223/224:439–461, 1995.[238] Monique Laurent and Svatopluk Poljak. On the facial structure of the setof correlation matrices. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications,17(3):530–547, July 1996.[239] Monique Laurent and Franz Rendl. Semidefinite programming and integerprogramming. <strong>Optimization</strong> Online, 2002.http://www.optimization-online.org/DB HTML/2002/12/585.html[240] Monique Laurent and Franz Rendl. Semidefinite programming and integerprogramming. In K. Aardal, George L. Nemhauser, and R. Weismantel, editors,Discrete <strong>Optimization</strong>, volume 12 of Handbooks in Operations Research andManagement Science, chapter 8, pages 393–514. Elsevier, 2005.[241] Charles L. Lawson and Richard J. Hanson. Solving Least Squares Problems. SIAM,1995.[242] Jung Rye Lee. The law of cosines in a tetrahedron. Journal of the Korea Societyof Mathematical Education Series B: The Pure and Applied Mathematics, 4(1):1–6,1997.[243] Claude Lemaréchal. Note on an extension of “Davidon” methods to nondifferentiablefunctions. Mathematical Programming, 7(1):384–387, December 1974.http://www.convexoptimization.com/TOOLS/Lemarechal.pdf[244] Vladimir L. Levin. Quasi-convex functions and quasi-monotone operators. Journalof <strong>Convex</strong> Analysis, 2(1/2):167–172, 1995.[245] Scott Nathan Levine. Audio Representations for Data Compression and CompressedDomain Processing. PhD thesis, Stanford University, Department of ElectricalEngineering, 1999.http://www-ccrma.stanford.edu/~scottl/thesis/thesis.pdf[246] Adrian S. Lewis. Eigenvalue-constrained faces. Linear Algebra and its Applications,269:159–181, 1998.[247] Anhua Lin. Projection algorithms in nonlinear programming. PhD thesis, JohnsHopkins University, 2003.[248] Miguel Sousa Lobo, Lieven Vandenberghe, Stephen Boyd, and Hervé Lebret.Applications of second-order cone programming. Linear Algebra and itsApplications, 284:193–228, November 1998. Special Issue on Linear Algebrain Control, Signals and Image Processing.http://www.stanford.edu/~boyd/socp.html[249] Lee Lorch and Donald J. Newman. On the composition of completely monotonicfunctions and completely monotonic sequences and related questions. Journal ofthe London Mathematical Society (second series), 28:31–45, 1983.http://www.convexoptimization.com/TOOLS/Lorch.pdf

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