v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

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BIBLIOGRAPHY 801[182] Johan Håstad. Some optimal inapproximability results. Journal of the Associationfor Computing Machinery, 48(4):798–859, July 2001.[183] Timothy F. Havel and Kurt Wüthrich. An evaluation of the combined use ofnuclear magnetic resonance and distance geometry for the determination of proteinconformations in solution. Journal of Molecular Biology, 182:281–294, 1985.[184] Tom L. Hayden and Jim Wells. Approximation by matrices positive semidefinite ona subspace. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 109:115–130, 1988.[185] Tom L. Hayden, Jim Wells, Wei-Min Liu, and Pablo Tarazaga. The cone of distancematrices. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 144:153–169, 1991.[186] Uwe Helmke and John B. Moore. Optimization and Dynamical Systems.Springer-Verlag, 1994.[187] Bruce Hendrickson. Conditions for unique graph realizations. SIAM Journal onComputing, 21(1):65–84, February 1992.[188] T. Herrmann, Peter Güntert, and Kurt Wüthrich. Protein NMR structuredetermination with automated NOE assignment using the new software CANDIDand the torsion angle dynamics algorithm DYANA. Journal of Molecular Biology,319(1):209–227, May 2002.[189] Mar Hershenson. Design of pipeline analog-to-digital converters via geometricprogramming. In Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM International Conference onComputer Aided Design (ICCAD), pages 317–324, November 2002.[190] Mar Hershenson. Efficient description of the design space of analog circuits. InProceedings of the 40 th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference, pages 970–973,June 2003.[191] Mar Hershenson, Stephen Boyd, and Thomas Lee. Optimal design of a CMOSOpAmp via geometric programming. IEEE Transactions on Computer-AidedDesign of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 20(1):1–21, January 2001.http://www.stanford.edu/~boyd/papers/opamp.html[192] Mar Hershenson, Dave Colleran, Arash Hassibi, and Navraj Nandra. Synthesizablefull custom mixed-signal IP. Electronics Design Automation Consortium (EDA),2002.http://www.eda.org/edps/edp02/PAPERS/edp02-s6 2.pdf[193] Mar Hershenson, Sunderarajan S. Mohan, Stephen Boyd, and Thomas Lee.Optimization of inductor circuits via geometric programming. In Proceedings of the36 th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference, pages 994–998, June 1999.http://www.stanford.edu/~boyd/papers/inductor opt.html[194] Nick Higham. Matrix Procrustes problems, 1995.http://www.ma.man.ac.uk/~higham/talksLecture notes.[195] Richard D. Hill and Steven R. Waters. On the cone of positive semidefinite matrices.Linear Algebra and its Applications, 90:81–88, 1987.

BIBLIOGRAPHY 801[182] Johan Håstad. Some optimal inapproximability results. Journal of the Associationfor Computing Machinery, 48(4):798–859, July 2001.[183] Timothy F. Havel and Kurt Wüthrich. An evaluation of the combined use ofnuclear magnetic resonance and distance geometry for the determination of proteinconformations in solution. Journal of Molecular Biology, 182:281–294, 1985.[184] Tom L. Hayden and Jim Wells. Approximation by matrices positive semidefinite ona subspace. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 109:115–130, 1988.[185] Tom L. Hayden, Jim Wells, Wei-Min Liu, and Pablo Tarazaga. The cone of distancematrices. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 144:153–169, 1991.[186] Uwe Helmke and John B. Moore. <strong>Optimization</strong> and Dynamical Systems.Springer-Verlag, 1994.[187] Bruce Hendrickson. Conditions for unique graph realizations. SIAM Journal onComputing, 21(1):65–84, February 1992.[188] T. Herrmann, Peter Güntert, and Kurt Wüthrich. Protein NMR structuredetermination with automated NOE assignment using the new software CANDIDand the torsion angle dynamics algorithm DYANA. Journal of Molecular Biology,319(1):209–227, May 2002.[189] Mar Hershenson. Design of pipeline analog-to-digital converters via geometricprogramming. In Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM International Conference onComputer Aided Design (ICCAD), pages 317–324, November 2002.[190] Mar Hershenson. Efficient description of the design space of analog circuits. InProceedings of the 40 th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference, pages 970–973,June 2003.[191] Mar Hershenson, Stephen Boyd, and Thomas Lee. Optimal design of a CMOSOpAmp via geometric programming. IEEE Transactions on Computer-AidedDesign of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 20(1):1–21, January 2001.http://www.stanford.edu/~boyd/papers/opamp.html[192] Mar Hershenson, Dave Colleran, Arash Hassibi, and Navraj Nandra. Synthesizablefull custom mixed-signal IP. Electronics Design Automation Consortium (EDA),2002.http://www.eda.org/edps/edp02/PAPERS/edp02-s6 2.pdf[193] Mar Hershenson, Sunderarajan S. Mohan, Stephen Boyd, and Thomas Lee.<strong>Optimization</strong> of inductor circuits via geometric programming. In Proceedings of the36 th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference, pages 994–998, June 1999.http://www.stanford.edu/~boyd/papers/inductor opt.html[194] Nick Higham. Matrix Procrustes problems, 1995.http://www.ma.man.ac.uk/~higham/talksLecture notes.[195] Richard D. Hill and Steven R. Waters. On the cone of positive semidefinite matrices.Linear Algebra and its Applications, 90:81–88, 1987.

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