v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

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794 BIBLIOGRAPHY[90] Frank Critchley. On certain linear mappings between inner-product andsquared-distance matrices. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 105:91–107, 1988.http://www.convexoptimization.com/TOOLS/Critchley.pdf[91] Ronald E. Crochiere and Lawrence R. Rabiner. Multirate Digital Signal Processing.Prentice-Hall, 1983.[92] Lawrence B. Crowell. Quantum Fluctuations of Spacetime. World Scientific, 2005.[93] Joachim Dahl, Bernard H. Fleury, and Lieven Vandenberghe. Approximatemaximum-likelihood estimation using semidefinite programming. In Proceedings ofthe IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing,volume VI, pages 721–724, April 2003.http://www.convexoptimization.com/TOOLS/Dahl.pdf[94] George B. Dantzig. Linear Programming and Extensions.Princeton University Press, 1963 (Rand Corporation).[95] Alexandre d’Aspremont, Laurent El Ghaoui, Michael I. Jordan, and Gert R. G.Lanckriet. A direct formulation for sparse PCA using semidefinite programming.In Lawrence K. Saul, Yair Weiss, and Léon Bottou, editors, Advances inNeural Information Processing Systems 17, pages 41–48. MIT Press, CambridgeMassachusetts USA, 2005.http://books.nips.cc/papers/files/nips17/NIPS2004 0645.pdf[96] Jon Dattorro. Constrained least squares fit of a filter bank to an arbitrarymagnitude frequency response, 1991.http://ccrma.stanford.edu/~dattorro/Hearing.htmhttp://ccrma.stanford.edu/~dattorro/PhiLS.pdf[97] Jon Dattorro. Effect Design, part 1: Reverberator and other filters. Journal of theAudio Engineering Society, 45(9):660–684, September 1997.http://www.convexoptimization.com/TOOLS/EffectDesignPart1.pdf[98] Jon Dattorro. Effect Design, part 2: Delay-line modulation and chorus. Journal ofthe Audio Engineering Society, 45(10):764–788, October 1997.http://www.convexoptimization.com/TOOLS/EffectDesignPart2.pdf[99] Jon Dattorro. Effect Design, part 3: Oscillators: Sinusoidal and pseudonoise.Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 50(3):115–146, March 2002.http://www.convexoptimization.com/TOOLS/EffectDesignPart3.pdf[100] Jon Dattorro. Equality relating Euclidean distance cone to positive semidefinitecone. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 428(11+12):2597–2600, June 2008.http://www.convexoptimization.com/TOOLS/DattorroLAA.pdf[101] Joel Dawson, Stephen Boyd, Mar Hershenson, and Thomas Lee. Optimal allocationof local feedback in multistage amplifiers via geometric programming. IEEETransactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications,48(1):1–11, January 2001.http://www.stanford.edu/~boyd/papers/fdbk alloc.html

BIBLIOGRAPHY 795[102] Etienne de Klerk. Aspects of Semidefinite Programming: Interior Point Algorithmsand Selected Applications. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.[103] Jan de Leeuw. Fitting distances by least squares. UCLA Statistics Series TechnicalReport No. 130, Interdivisional Program in Statistics, UCLA, Los Angeles CaliforniaUSA, 1993.http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=[104] Jan de Leeuw. Multidimensional scaling. In International Encyclopedia of theSocial & Behavioral Sciences, pages 13512–13519. Elsevier, 2004.http://preprints.stat.ucla.edu/274/274.pdf[105] Jan de Leeuw. Unidimensional scaling. In Brian S. Everitt and David C. Howell,editors, Encyclopedia of Statistics in Behavioral Science, volume 4, pages 2095–2097.Wiley, 2005.http://www.convexoptimization.com/TOOLS/deLeeuw2005.pdf[106] Jan de Leeuw and Willem Heiser. Theory of multidimensional scaling. In P. R.Krishnaiah and L. N. Kanal, editors, Handbook of Statistics, volume 2, chapter 13,pages 285–316. North-Holland Publishing, Amsterdam, 1982.[107] Erik D. Demaine, Francisco Gomez-Martin, Henk Meijer, David Rappaport, PerouzTaslakian, Godfried T. Toussaint, Terry Winograd, and David R. Wood. Thedistance geometry of music. Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications,42(5):429–454, July 2009.http://www.convexoptimization.com/TOOLS/dgm.pdf[108] John R. D’Errico. DERIVEST, 2007.http://www.convexoptimization.com/TOOLS/DERIVEST.pdf[109] Frank Deutsch. Best Approximation in Inner Product Spaces. Springer-Verlag, 2001.[110] Frank Deutsch and Hein Hundal. The rate of convergence of Dykstra’s cyclicprojections algorithm: The polyhedral case. Numerical Functional Analysis andOptimization, 15:537–565, 1994.[111] Frank Deutsch and Peter H. Maserick. Applications of the Hahn-Banach theoremin approximation theory. SIAM Review, 9(3):516–530, July 1967.[112] Frank Deutsch, John H. McCabe, and George M. Phillips. Some algorithms forcomputing best approximations from convex cones. SIAM Journal on NumericalAnalysis, 12(3):390–403, June 1975.[113] Michel Marie Deza and Monique Laurent. Geometry of Cuts and Metrics.Springer-Verlag, 1997.[114] Carolyn Pillers Dobler. A matrix approach to finding a set of generators and findingthe polar (dual) of a class of polyhedral cones. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysisand Applications, 15(3):796–803, July 1994. Erratum: p.212 herein.[115] Elizabeth D. Dolan, Robert Fourer, Jorge J. Moré, and Todd S. Munson.Optimization on the NEOS server. SIAM News, 35(6):4,8,9, August 2002.

794 BIBLIOGRAPHY[90] Frank Critchley. On certain linear mappings between inner-product andsquared-distance matrices. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 105:91–107, 1988.http://www.convexoptimization.com/TOOLS/Critchley.pdf[91] Ronald E. Crochiere and Lawrence R. Rabiner. Multirate Digital Signal Processing.Prentice-Hall, 1983.[92] Lawrence B. Crowell. Quantum Fluctuations of Spacetime. World Scientific, 2005.[93] Joachim Dahl, Bernard H. Fleury, and Lieven Vandenberghe. Approximatemaximum-likelihood estimation using semidefinite programming. In Proceedings ofthe IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing,volume VI, pages 721–724, April 2003.http://www.convexoptimization.com/TOOLS/Dahl.pdf[94] George B. Dantzig. Linear Programming and Extensions.Princeton University Press, 1963 (Rand Corporation).[95] Alexandre d’Aspremont, Laurent El Ghaoui, Michael I. Jordan, and Gert R. G.Lanckriet. A direct formulation for sparse PCA using semidefinite programming.In Lawrence K. Saul, Yair Weiss, and Léon Bottou, editors, Advances inNeural Information Processing Systems 17, pages 41–48. MIT Press, CambridgeMassachusetts USA, 2005.http://books.nips.cc/papers/files/nips17/NIPS2004 0645.pdf[96] Jon Dattorro. Constrained least squares fit of a filter bank to an arbitrarymagnitude frequency response, 1991.http://ccrma.stanford.edu/~dattorro/Hearing.htmhttp://ccrma.stanford.edu/~dattorro/PhiLS.pdf[97] Jon Dattorro. Effect Design, part 1: Reverberator and other filters. Journal of theAudio Engineering Society, 45(9):660–684, September 1997.http://www.convexoptimization.com/TOOLS/EffectDesignPart1.pdf[98] Jon Dattorro. Effect Design, part 2: Delay-line modulation and chorus. Journal ofthe Audio Engineering Society, 45(10):764–788, October 1997.http://www.convexoptimization.com/TOOLS/EffectDesignPart2.pdf[99] Jon Dattorro. Effect Design, part 3: Oscillators: Sinusoidal and pseudonoise.Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 50(3):115–146, March 2002.http://www.convexoptimization.com/TOOLS/EffectDesignPart3.pdf[100] Jon Dattorro. Equality relating Euclidean distance cone to positive semidefinitecone. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 428(11+12):2597–2600, June 2008.http://www.convexoptimization.com/TOOLS/DattorroLAA.pdf[101] Joel Dawson, Stephen Boyd, Mar Hershenson, and Thomas Lee. Optimal allocationof local feedback in multistage amplifiers via geometric programming. IEEETransactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications,48(1):1–11, January 2001.http://www.stanford.edu/~boyd/papers/fdbk alloc.html

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