v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

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BIBLIOGRAPHY 789[23] Dror Baron, Michael B. Wakin, Marco F. Duarte, Shriram Sarvotham, andRichard G. Baraniuk. Distributed compressed sensing. Technical Report ECE-0612,Rice University, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, December 2006.http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=[24] Alexander I. Barvinok. Problems of distance geometry and convex properties ofquadratic maps. Discrete & Computational Geometry, 13(2):189–202, 1995.[25] Alexander I. Barvinok. A remark on the rank of positive semidefinite matricessubject to affine constraints. Discrete & Computational Geometry, 25(1):23–31,2001.http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=[26] Alexander I. Barvinok. A Course in <strong>Convex</strong>ity. American Mathematical Society,2002.[27] Alexander I. Barvinok. Approximating orthogonal matrices by permutationmatrices. Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly, 2:943–961, 2006.[28] Heinz H. Bauschke and Jonathan M. Borwein. On projection algorithms for solvingconvex feasibility problems. SIAM Review, 38(3):367–426, September 1996.[29] Steven R. Bell. The Cauchy Transform, Potential Theory, and Conformal Mapping.CRC Press, 1992.[30] Jean Bellissard and Bruno Iochum. Homogeneous and facially homogeneous self-dualcones. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 19:1–16, 1978.[31] Richard Bellman and Ky Fan. On systems of linear inequalities in Hermitianmatrix variables. In Victor L. Klee, editor, <strong>Convex</strong>ity, volume VII of Proceedings ofSymposia in Pure Mathematics, pages 1–11. American Mathematical Society, 1963.[32] Adi Ben-Israel. Linear equations and inequalities on finite dimensional, real orcomplex, vector spaces: A unified theory. Journal of Mathematical Analysis andApplications, 27:367–389, 1969.[33] Adi Ben-Israel. Motzkin’s transposition theorem, and the related theorems ofFarkas, Gordan and Stiemke. In Michiel Hazewinkel, editor, Encyclopaedia ofMathematics. Springer-Verlag, 2001.http://www.convexoptimization.com/TOOLS/MOTZKIN.pdf[34] Aharon Ben-Tal and Arkadi Nemirovski. Lectures on Modern <strong>Convex</strong> <strong>Optimization</strong>:Analysis, Algorithms, and Engineering Applications. SIAM, 2001.[35] Aharon Ben-Tal and Arkadi Nemirovski. Non-Euclidean restricted memorylevel method for large-scale convex optimization. Mathematical Programming,102(3):407–456, January 2005.http://www2.isye.gatech.edu/~nemirovs/Bundle-Mirror rev fin.pdf[36] John J. Benedetto and Paulo J.S.G. Ferreira editors. Modern Sampling Theory:Mathematics and Applications. Birkhäuser, 2001.

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