v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

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744 APPENDIX E. PROJECTIONTo project a matrix on nonnegative orthant R m×n+ , simply clip allnegative entries to 0. Likewise, projection on nonpositive orthant R m×n−sees all positive entries clipped to 0. Projection on other orthants isequally simple with appropriate clipping.Projecting on hyperplane, halfspace, slab:E. of y ∈ R n on Euclidean ball B = {x∈ R n | ‖x − a‖ ≤ c} :for y ≠ a , P B y = (y − a) + a .c‖y−a‖Clipping in excess of |1| each entry of point x∈ R n is equivalent tounique minimum-distance projection of x on a hypercube centered atthe origin. (conferE.10.3.2)Projection of x∈ R n on a (rectangular) hyperbox: [61,8.1.1]C = {y ∈ R n | l ≼ y ≼ u, l ≺ u} (2041)⎧⎨ l k , x k ≤ l kP(x) k=0...n = x k , l k ≤ x k ≤ u k (2042)⎩u k , x k ≥ u kOrthogonal projection of x on a Cartesian subspace, whose basis issome given subset of the Cartesian axes, zeroes entries correspondingto the remaining (complementary) axes.Projection of x on set of all cardinality-k vectors {y | cardy ≤k} keepsk entries of greatest magnitude and clips to 0 those remaining.Unique minimum-distance projection of H ∈ S n on positive semidefinitecone S n + in Euclidean/Frobenius sense is accomplished by eigenvaluedecomposition (diagonalization) followed by clipping all negativeeigenvalues to 0.Unique minimum-distance projection on generally nonconvex subset ofall matrices belonging to S n + having rank not exceeding ρ ( accomplished by clipping all negative eigenvalues to 0 and zeroingsmallest nonnegative eigenvalues keeping only ρ largest. (7.1.2)

E.9. PROJECTION ON CONVEX SET 745Unique minimum-distance projection, in Euclidean/Frobenius sense,of H ∈ R m×n on generally nonconvex subset of all m ×n matrices ofrank no greater than k is singular value decomposition (A.6) of Hhaving all singular values beyond k th zeroed. This is also a solution toprojection in sense of spectral norm. [328, p.79, p.208]Projection on monotone nonnegative cone K M+ ⊂ R n in less than onecycle (in sense of alternating projectionsE.10): [Wıκımization].Fast projection on a simplicial cone: [Wıκımization].Projection on closed convex cone K of any point x∈−K ∗ , belonging topolar cone, is equivalent to projection on origin. (E.9.2)P S N+ ∩ S N c= P S N+P S N c(1264)P RN×N+ ∩ S N h= P RN×NP + S Nh( RN×N+ ∩ S= P N RN×N+P S N(E.9.5)E. Exercise. Projection on spectral norm ball.Find the unique minimum-distance projection on the convex set of allm ×n matrices whose largest singular value does not exceed 1 ; id est, on{X ∈ R m×n | ‖X‖ 2 ≤ 1} the spectral norm ball ( E.9.4.1notesProjection on Lorentz (second-order) cone: [61, exer.8.3c].Deutsch [112] provides an algorithm for projection on polyhedral cones.Youla [392,2.5] lists eleven “useful projections”, of square-integrableuni- and bivariate real functions on various convex sets, in closed form.Unique minimum-distance projection on an ellipsoid: Example algorithms for projection on the nonnegative simplex and1-norm ball are in [126].E.9.5Projection on convex set in subspaceSuppose a convex set C is contained in some subspace R n . Then uniqueminimum-distance projection of any point in R n ⊕ R n⊥ on C can be

744 APPENDIX E. PROJECTIONTo project a matrix on nonnegative orthant R m×n+ , simply clip allnegative entries to 0. Likewise, projection on nonpositive orthant R m×n−sees all positive entries clipped to 0. Projection on other orthants isequally simple with appropriate clipping.Projecting on hyperplane, halfspace, slab:E. of y ∈ R n on Euclidean ball B = {x∈ R n | ‖x − a‖ ≤ c} :for y ≠ a , P B y = (y − a) + a .c‖y−a‖Clipping in excess of |1| each entry of point x∈ R n is equivalent tounique minimum-distance projection of x on a hypercube centered atthe origin. (conferE.10.3.2)Projection of x∈ R n on a (rectangular) hyperbox: [61,8.1.1]C = {y ∈ R n | l ≼ y ≼ u, l ≺ u} (2041)⎧⎨ l k , x k ≤ l kP(x) k=0...n = x k , l k ≤ x k ≤ u k (2042)⎩u k , x k ≥ u kOrthogonal projection of x on a Cartesian subspace, whose basis issome given subset of the Cartesian axes, zeroes entries correspondingto the remaining (complementary) axes.Projection of x on set of all cardinality-k vectors {y | cardy ≤k} keepsk entries of greatest magnitude and clips to 0 those remaining.Unique minimum-distance projection of H ∈ S n on positive semidefinitecone S n + in Euclidean/Frobenius sense is accomplished by eigenvaluedecomposition (diagonalization) followed by clipping all negativeeigenvalues to 0.Unique minimum-distance projection on generally nonconvex subset ofall matrices belonging to S n + having rank not exceeding ρ ( accomplished by clipping all negative eigenvalues to 0 and zeroingsmallest nonnegative eigenvalues keeping only ρ largest. (7.1.2)

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