v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

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706 APPENDIX E. PROJECTIONTxT ⊥ R(Q)cone(Q)cone(U)PxFigure 162: Nonorthogonal projection of x∈ R 3 on R(U)= R 2 underbiorthogonality condition; id est, Px=UQ T x such that Q T U =I . Anypoint along imaginary line T connecting x to Px will be projectednonorthogonally on Px with respect to horizontal plane constitutingR 2 = aff cone(U) in this example. Extreme directions of cone(U) correspondto two columns of U ; likewise for cone(Q). For purpose of illustration, wetruncate each conic hull by truncating coefficients of conic combination atunity. Conic hull cone(Q) is headed upward at an angle, out of plane ofpage. Nonorthogonal projection would fail were N(Q T ) in R(U) (were Tparallel to a line in R(U)).

E.1. IDEMPOTENT MATRICES 707are linearly independent. Otherwise, any component of x in N(P)= N(Q T )will be annihilated. Direction of nonorthogonal projection is orthogonal toR(Q) ⇔ Q T U =I ; id est, for Px∈ R(U)Px − x ⊥ R(Q) in R m (1898)E. Example. Illustration of nonorthogonal projector.Figure 162 shows cone(U) , the conic hull of the columns of⎡ ⎤1 1U = ⎣−0.5 0.3 ⎦ (1899)0 0from nonorthogonal projector P = UQ T . Matrix U has a limitless numberof left inverses because N(U T ) is nontrivial. Similarly depicted is left inverseQ T from (1886)⎡Q = U †T + ZB T = ⎣⎡= ⎣0.3750 0.6250−1.2500 1.25000 00.3750 0.6250−1.2500 1.25000.5000 0.5000⎤⎡⎦ + ⎣⎤⎦001⎤⎦[0.5 0.5](1900)where Z ∈ N(U T ) and matrix B is selected arbitrarily; id est, Q T U = Ibecause U is full-rank.Direction of projection on R(U) is orthogonal to R(Q). Any point alongline T in the figure, for example, will have the same projection. Were matrixZ instead equal to 0, then cone(Q) would become the relative dual tocone(U) (sharing the same affine hull;2.13.8, confer Figure 56a). In thatcase, projection Px = UU † x of x on R(U) becomes orthogonal projection(and unique minimum-distance).E.1.2Idempotence summaryNonorthogonal subspace-projector P is a (convex) linear operator defined byidempotence or biorthogonal decomposition (1889), but characterized not bysymmetry or positive semidefiniteness or nonexpansivity (1917).

E.1. IDEMPOTENT MATRICES 707are linearly independent. Otherwise, any component of x in N(P)= N(Q T )will be annihilated. Direction of nonorthogonal projection is orthogonal toR(Q) ⇔ Q T U =I ; id est, for Px∈ R(U)Px − x ⊥ R(Q) in R m (1898)E. Example. Illustration of nonorthogonal projector.Figure 162 shows cone(U) , the conic hull of the columns of⎡ ⎤1 1U = ⎣−0.5 0.3 ⎦ (1899)0 0from nonorthogonal projector P = UQ T . Matrix U has a limitless numberof left inverses because N(U T ) is nontrivial. Similarly depicted is left inverseQ T from (1886)⎡Q = U †T + ZB T = ⎣⎡= ⎣0.3750 0.6250−1.2500 1.25000 00.3750 0.6250−1.2500 1.25000.5000 0.5000⎤⎡⎦ + ⎣⎤⎦001⎤⎦[0.5 0.5](1900)where Z ∈ N(U T ) and matrix B is selected arbitrarily; id est, Q T U = Ibecause U is full-rank.Direction of projection on R(U) is orthogonal to R(Q). Any point alongline T in the figure, for example, will have the same projection. Were matrixZ instead equal to 0, then cone(Q) would become the relative dual tocone(U) (sharing the same affine hull;2.13.8, confer Figure 56a). In thatcase, projection Px = UU † x of x on R(U) becomes orthogonal projection(and unique minimum-distance).E.1.2Idempotence summaryNonorthogonal subspace-projector P is a (convex) linear operator defined byidempotence or biorthogonal decomposition (1889), but characterized not bysymmetry or positive semidefiniteness or nonexpansivity (1917).

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