v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization


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C.4. TWO-SIDED ORTHOGONAL PROCRUSTES 667B = W B ΛW T B ∈ S n , δ(Λ) ∈ K M (1744)having their respective eigenvalues in diagonal matrices Υ, Λ ∈ S n arrangedin nonincreasing order (membership to the monotone cone K M (436)). Thenby splitting eigenvalue signs, we invent a symmetric SVD-like decompositionA U A Σ A Q H A ∈ S n , B U B Σ B Q H B ∈ S n (1745)where U A , U B , Q A , Q B ∈ C n×n are unitary matrices defined by (conferA.6.5)U A W A√δ(ψ(δ(Υ))) , QA W A√δ(ψ(δ(Υ)))H, ΣA = |Υ| (1746)U B W B√δ(ψ(δ(Λ))) , QB W B√δ(ψ(δ(Λ)))H, ΣB = |Λ| (1747)where step function ψ is defined in (1579). In this circumstance,S ⋆ = U A U H B = R ⋆T ∈ C n×n (1748)optimal matrices (1739) now unitary are related by transposition.optimal value of objective (1740) isThe‖U A Σ A Q H A − S ⋆ U B Σ B Q H BR ⋆ ‖ F = ‖ |Υ| − |Λ| ‖ F (1749)while the corresponding optimal value of trace maximization (1741) isC.4.2.2supR H =R −1S H =S −1 re tr(A T SBR) = tr(|Υ| |Λ|) (1750)Diagonal matricesNow suppose A and B are diagonal matricesA = Υ = δ 2 (Υ) ∈ S n , δ(Υ) ∈ K M (1751)B = Λ = δ 2 (Λ) ∈ S n , δ(Λ) ∈ K M (1752)both having their respective main diagonal entries arranged in nonincreasingorder:minimize ‖Υ − SΛR‖ FR , Ssubject to R H = R −1(1753)S H = S −1

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