v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

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664 APPENDIX C. SOME ANALYTICAL OPTIMAL RESULTSto the two-sided orthogonal Procrustes problemminimize ‖A − R T BR‖ FR= minimize tr ( A T A − 2A T R T BR + B T B )subject to R T = R −1 Rsubject to R T = R −1 (1725)maximizes tr(A T R T BR) over the nonconvex manifold of orthogonal matrices.Optimal product R ⋆T BR ⋆ has the eigenvectors of A but the eigenvalues of B .[164,7.5.1] The optimal value for the objective of minimization is, by (48)‖Q A Λ A Q T A −R ⋆T Q B Λ B Q T BR ⋆ ‖ F = ‖Q A (Λ A −Λ B )Q T A ‖ F = ‖Λ A −Λ B ‖ F (1726)while the corresponding trace maximization has optimal valuesup tr(A T R T BR) = tr(A T R ⋆T BR ⋆ ) = tr(Λ A Λ B ) ≥ tr(A T B) (1727)R T =R −1The lower bound on inner product of eigenvalues is due to Fan (p.603).C.4.0.2MaximizationAny permutation matrix is an orthogonal matrix. Defining a row- andcolumn-swapping permutation matrix (a reflection matrix,B.5.2)⎡ ⎤0 1·Ξ = Ξ T =⎢ ·⎥(1728)⎣ 1 ⎦1 0then an optimal solution R ⋆ to the maximization problem [sic]minimizes tr(A T R T BR) : [200] [239,2.1] [240]maximize ‖A − R T BR‖ FR(1729)subject to R T = R −1R ⋆ = Q B ΞQ T A ∈ R N×N (1730)The optimal value for the objective of maximization is‖Q A Λ A Q T A − R⋆T Q B Λ B Q T B R⋆ ‖ F = ‖Q A Λ A Q T A − Q A ΞT Λ B ΞQ T A ‖ F= ‖Λ A − ΞΛ B Ξ‖ F(1731)while the corresponding trace minimization has optimal valueinf tr(A T R T BR) = tr(A T R ⋆T BR ⋆ ) = tr(Λ A ΞΛ B Ξ) (1732)R T =R −1

C.4. TWO-SIDED ORTHOGONAL PROCRUSTES 665C.4.1Procrustes’ relation to linear programmingAlthough these two-sided Procrustes problems are nonconvex, a connectionwith linear programming [94] was discovered by Anstreicher & Wolkowicz[12,3] [239,2.1] [240]: Given A,B∈ S N , this semidefinite program in Sand Tminimize tr(A T R T BR) = maximize tr(S + T ) (1733)RS , T ∈S Nsubject to R T = R −1 subject to A T ⊗ B − I ⊗ S − T ⊗ I ≽ 0(where ⊗ signifies Kronecker product (D.1.2.1)) has optimal objectivevalue (1732). These two problems in (1733) are strong duals ( ordered diagonalizations (1723), make the observation:infR tr(AT R T BR) = inf tr(Λ ˆRT A Λ B ˆR) (1734)ˆRbecause ˆRQ B TRQ A on the set of orthogonal matrices (which includes thepermutation matrices) is a bijection. This means, basically, diagonal matricesof eigenvalues Λ A and Λ B may be substituted for A and B , so only the maindiagonals of S and T come into play;maximizeS,T ∈S N 1 T δ(S + T )subject to δ(Λ A ⊗ (ΞΛ B Ξ) − I ⊗ S − T ⊗ I) ≽ 0(1735)a linear program in δ(S) and δ(T) having the same optimal objective valueas the semidefinite program (1733).We relate their results to Procrustes problem (1725) by manipulatingsigns (1678) and permuting eigenvalues:maximize tr(A T R T BR) = minimize 1 T δ(S + T )RS , T ∈S Nsubject to R T = R −1 subject to δ(I ⊗ S + T ⊗ I − Λ A ⊗ Λ B ) ≽ 0= minimize tr(S + T )(1736)S , T ∈S Nsubject to I ⊗ S + T ⊗ I − A T ⊗ B ≽ 0This formulation has optimal objective value identical to that in (1727).

664 APPENDIX C. SOME ANALYTICAL OPTIMAL RESULTSto the two-sided orthogonal Procrustes problemminimize ‖A − R T BR‖ FR= minimize tr ( A T A − 2A T R T BR + B T B )subject to R T = R −1 Rsubject to R T = R −1 (1725)maximizes tr(A T R T BR) over the nonconvex manifold of orthogonal matrices.Optimal product R ⋆T BR ⋆ has the eigenvectors of A but the eigenvalues of B .[164,7.5.1] The optimal value for the objective of minimization is, by (48)‖Q A Λ A Q T A −R ⋆T Q B Λ B Q T BR ⋆ ‖ F = ‖Q A (Λ A −Λ B )Q T A ‖ F = ‖Λ A −Λ B ‖ F (1726)while the corresponding trace maximization has optimal valuesup tr(A T R T BR) = tr(A T R ⋆T BR ⋆ ) = tr(Λ A Λ B ) ≥ tr(A T B) (1727)R T =R −1The lower bound on inner product of eigenvalues is due to Fan (p.603).C.4.0.2MaximizationAny permutation matrix is an orthogonal matrix. Defining a row- andcolumn-swapping permutation matrix (a reflection matrix,B.5.2)⎡ ⎤0 1·Ξ = Ξ T =⎢ ·⎥(1728)⎣ 1 ⎦1 0then an optimal solution R ⋆ to the maximization problem [sic]minimizes tr(A T R T BR) : [200] [239,2.1] [240]maximize ‖A − R T BR‖ FR(1729)subject to R T = R −1R ⋆ = Q B ΞQ T A ∈ R N×N (1730)The optimal value for the objective of maximization is‖Q A Λ A Q T A − R⋆T Q B Λ B Q T B R⋆ ‖ F = ‖Q A Λ A Q T A − Q A ΞT Λ B ΞQ T A ‖ F= ‖Λ A − ΞΛ B Ξ‖ F(1731)while the corresponding trace minimization has optimal valueinf tr(A T R T BR) = tr(A T R ⋆T BR ⋆ ) = tr(Λ A ΞΛ B Ξ) (1732)R T =R −1

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