v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

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minimizeR662 APPENDIX C. SOME ANALYTICAL OPTIMAL RESULTSOptimal solution R ⋆ can reveal rotation/reflection (5.5.2,B.5) of onelist in the columns of matrix A with respect to another list in B . Solution isunique if rankBV N = n . [113,2.4.1] In the case that A is a vector andpermutation of B , solution R ⋆ is not necessarily a permutation matrix( although the optimal objective will be zero. More generally, theoptimal value for objective of minimization istr ( A T A + B T B − 2AB T R ⋆) = tr(A T A) + tr(B T B) − 2 tr(UΣU T )= ‖A‖ 2 F + ‖B‖2 F − 2δ(Σ)T 1while the optimal value for corresponding trace maximization is(1715)sup tr(A T R T B) = tr(A T R ⋆T B) = δ(Σ) T 1 ≥ tr(A T B) (1716)R T =R −1The same optimal solution R ⋆ solvesC.3.0.1Procrustes relaxationmaximize ‖A + R T B‖ FR(1717)subject to R T = R −1By replacing its feasible set with the convex hull of orthogonal matrices(Example, we relax Procrustes problem (1712) to a convex problem‖A − R T B‖ 2 Fsubject to R T = R −1= tr(AT A + B T B) − 2 maximizeRsubject towhose adjusted objective must always equal Procrustes’. C.4C.3.1Effect of translationtr(A T R T B)[ ] I RR T ≽ 0 (1718)IConsider the impact on problem (1712) of dc offset in known listsA,B∈ R n×N . Rotation of B there is with respect to the origin, so betterresults may be obtained if offset is first accounted. Because the geometriccenters of the lists AV and BV are the origin, instead we solveminimize ‖AV − R T BV ‖ FR(1719)subject to R T = R −1C.4 (because orthogonal matrices are the extreme points of this hull) and whose optimalnumerical solution (SDPT3 [348]) [167] is reliably observed to be orthogonal for n≤N .

C.4. TWO-SIDED ORTHOGONAL PROCRUSTES 663where V ∈ S N is the geometric centering matrix (B.4.1). Now we define thefull singular value decompositionand an optimal rotation matrixAV B T UΣQ T ∈ R n×n (1720)R ⋆ = QU T ∈ R n×n (1713)The desired result is an optimally rotated offset listR ⋆T BV + A(I − V ) ≈ A (1721)which most closely matches the list in A . Equality is attained when the listsare precisely related by a rotation/reflection and an offset. When R ⋆T B=Aor B1=A1=0, this result (1721) reduces to R ⋆T B ≈ A .C.3.1.1Translation of extended listSuppose an optimal rotation matrix R ⋆ ∈ R n×n were derived as beforefrom matrix B ∈ R n×N , but B is part of a larger list in the columns of[C B ]∈ R n×M+N where C ∈ R n×M . In that event, we wish to applythe rotation/reflection and translation to the larger list. The expressionsupplanting the approximation in (1721) makes 1 T of compatible dimension;R ⋆T [C −B11 T 1 NBV ] + A11 T 1 N(1722)id est, C −B11 T 1 N ∈ Rn×M and A11 T 1 N ∈ Rn×M+N .C.4 Two-sided orthogonal ProcrustesC.4.0.1MinimizationGiven symmetric A,B∈ S N , each having diagonalization (A.5.1)A Q A Λ A Q T A , B Q B Λ B Q T B (1723)where eigenvalues are arranged in their respective diagonal matrix Λ innonincreasing order, then an optimal solution [130]R ⋆ = Q B Q T A ∈ R N×N (1724)

C.4. TWO-SIDED ORTHOGONAL PROCRUSTES 663where V ∈ S N is the geometric centering matrix (B.4.1). Now we define thefull singular value decompositionand an optimal rotation matrixAV B T UΣQ T ∈ R n×n (1720)R ⋆ = QU T ∈ R n×n (1713)The desired result is an optimally rotated offset listR ⋆T BV + A(I − V ) ≈ A (1721)which most closely matches the list in A . Equality is attained when the listsare precisely related by a rotation/reflection and an offset. When R ⋆T B=Aor B1=A1=0, this result (1721) reduces to R ⋆T B ≈ A .C.3.1.1Translation of extended listSuppose an optimal rotation matrix R ⋆ ∈ R n×n were derived as beforefrom matrix B ∈ R n×N , but B is part of a larger list in the columns of[C B ]∈ R n×M+N where C ∈ R n×M . In that event, we wish to applythe rotation/reflection and translation to the larger list. The expressionsupplanting the approximation in (1721) makes 1 T of compatible dimension;R ⋆T [C −B11 T 1 NBV ] + A11 T 1 N(1722)id est, C −B11 T 1 N ∈ Rn×M and A11 T 1 N ∈ Rn×M+N .C.4 Two-sided orthogonal ProcrustesC.4.0.1MinimizationGiven symmetric A,B∈ S N , each having diagonalization (A.5.1)A Q A Λ A Q T A , B Q B Λ B Q T B (1723)where eigenvalues are arranged in their respective diagonal matrix Λ innonincreasing order, then an optimal solution [130]R ⋆ = Q B Q T A ∈ R N×N (1724)

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