v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

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656 APPENDIX C. SOME ANALYTICAL OPTIMAL RESULTSFor A∈ S N + and β ∈ Rβ trA = maximize tr(XA)X∈ S Nsubject to X ≼ βI(1689)But the following statement is numerically stable, preventing anunbounded solution in direction of a 0 eigenvalue:maximize sgn(β) tr(XA)X∈ S Nsubject to X ≼ |β|IX ≽ −|β|I(1690)where β trA = tr(X ⋆ A). If β ≥ 0, then X ≽−|β|I ← X ≽ 0.For symmetric A∈ S N , its smallest and largest eigenvalue in λ(A)∈ R Nis respectively [11,4.1] [43,I.6.15] [202,4.2] [239,2.1] [240]min{λ(A) i } = inf x T Ax = minimizei‖x‖=1X∈ S N +subject to trX = 1max{λ(A) i } = sup x T Ax = maximizei‖x‖=1X∈ S N +subject to trX = 1tr(XA) = maximize tt∈Rsubject to A ≽ tI(1691)tr(XA) = minimize tt∈Rsubject to A ≼ tI(1692)The largest eigenvalue λ 1 is always convex in A∈ S N because, givenparticular x , x T Ax is linear in matrix A ; supremum of a family oflinear functions is convex, as illustrated in Figure 74. So for A,B∈ S N ,λ 1 (A + B) ≤ λ 1 (A) + λ 1 (B). (1504) Similarly, the smallest eigenvalueλ N of any symmetric matrix is a concave function of its entries;λ N (A + B) ≥ λ N (A) + λ N (B). (1504) For v 1 a normalized eigenvectorof A corresponding to the largest eigenvalue, and v N a normalizedeigenvector corresponding to the smallest eigenvalue,v N = arg inf x T Ax (1693)‖x‖=1v 1 = arg sup x T Ax (1694)‖x‖=1

C.2. TRACE, SINGULAR AND EIGEN VALUES 657For A∈ S N having eigenvalues λ(A)∈ R N , consider the unconstrainednonconvex optimization that is a projection on the rank-1 subset(, of the boundary of positive semidefinite cone S N + :Defining λ 1 max i {λ(A) i } and corresponding eigenvector v 1minimizex‖xx T − A‖ 2 F = minimize tr(xx T (x T x) − 2Axx T + A T A)x{‖λ(A)‖ 2 , λ 1 ≤ 0=(1695)‖λ(A)‖ 2 − λ 2 1 , λ 1 > 0arg minimizex‖xx T − A‖ 2 F ={0 , λ1 ≤ 0v 1√λ1 , λ 1 > 0(1696)Proof. This is simply the Eckart & Young solution from7.1.2:x ⋆ x ⋆T ={0 , λ1 ≤ 0λ 1 v 1 v T 1 , λ 1 > 0(1697)minimizexGiven nonincreasingly ordered diagonalization A = QΛQ T whereΛ = δ(λ(A)) (A.5), then (1695) has minimum value⎧‖QΛQ T ‖ 2 F = ‖δ(Λ)‖2 , λ 1 ≤ 0⎪⎨⎛⎡‖xx T −A‖ 2 F =λ 1 Q ⎜⎢0⎝⎣. ..⎪⎩ ∥0⎤ ⎞ ∥ ∥∥∥∥∥∥2⎡⎥ ⎟⎦− Λ⎠Q T ⎢=⎣∥Fλ 10.0⎤⎥⎦− δ(Λ)∥2(1698), λ 1 > 0C. Exercise. Rank-1 approximation.Given symmetric matrix A∈ S N , prove:v 1 = arg minimize ‖xx T − A‖ 2 Fxsubject to ‖x‖ = 1(1699)where v 1 is a normalized eigenvector of A corresponding to its largesteigenvalue. What is the objective’s optimal value?

656 APPENDIX C. SOME ANALYTICAL OPTIMAL RESULTSFor A∈ S N + and β ∈ Rβ trA = maximize tr(XA)X∈ S Nsubject to X ≼ βI(1689)But the following statement is numerically stable, preventing anunbounded solution in direction of a 0 eigenvalue:maximize sgn(β) tr(XA)X∈ S Nsubject to X ≼ |β|IX ≽ −|β|I(1690)where β trA = tr(X ⋆ A). If β ≥ 0, then X ≽−|β|I ← X ≽ 0.For symmetric A∈ S N , its smallest and largest eigenvalue in λ(A)∈ R Nis respectively [11,4.1] [43,I.6.15] [202,4.2] [239,2.1] [240]min{λ(A) i } = inf x T Ax = minimizei‖x‖=1X∈ S N +subject to trX = 1max{λ(A) i } = sup x T Ax = maximizei‖x‖=1X∈ S N +subject to trX = 1tr(XA) = maximize tt∈Rsubject to A ≽ tI(1691)tr(XA) = minimize tt∈Rsubject to A ≼ tI(1692)The largest eigenvalue λ 1 is always convex in A∈ S N because, givenparticular x , x T Ax is linear in matrix A ; supremum of a family oflinear functions is convex, as illustrated in Figure 74. So for A,B∈ S N ,λ 1 (A + B) ≤ λ 1 (A) + λ 1 (B). (1504) Similarly, the smallest eigenvalueλ N of any symmetric matrix is a concave function of its entries;λ N (A + B) ≥ λ N (A) + λ N (B). (1504) For v 1 a normalized eigenvectorof A corresponding to the largest eigenvalue, and v N a normalizedeigenvector corresponding to the smallest eigenvalue,v N = arg inf x T Ax (1693)‖x‖=1v 1 = arg sup x T Ax (1694)‖x‖=1

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