v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization


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644 APPENDIX B. SIMPLE MATRICESwhere b is a vector. Then because H is nonsingular (A. [184,3][ A 0−V DV = −H0 T 0]H ≽ 0 ⇔ −A ≽ 0 (1653)and affine dimension is r = rankA when D is a Euclidean distance matrix.B.4.2Schoenberg auxiliary matrix V N1. V N = 1 √2[ −1TI2. V T N 1 = 03. I − e 1 1 T = [ 0 √ 2V N]4. [ 0 √ 2V N]VN = V N5. [ 0 √ 2V N]V = V]∈ R N×N−16. V [ 0 √ 2V N]=[0√2VN]7. [ 0 √ 2V N] [0√2VN]=[0√2VN]8. [ 0 √ 2V N] †=[ 0 0T0 I]V9. [ 0 √ 2V N] †V =[0√2VN] †10. [ 0 √ ] [ √ ] †2V N 0 2VN = V11. [ 0 √ [ ]] † [ √ ] 0 0T2V N 0 2VN =0 I12. [ 0 √ ] [ ]0 02V TN = [ 0 √ ]2V0 IN[ ] [ ]0 0T [0 √ ] 0 0T13.2VN =0 I0 I

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