v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization


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7.2. SECOND PREVALENT PROBLEM: 577an optimal solution to semidefinite program (1700a)minimize −〈VN T WD⋆ V N , W 〉subject to 0 ≼ W ≼ ItrW = N − 1(1380)one of which is known in closed form. Semidefinite programs (1379) and(1380) are iterated until convergence in the sense defined on page 309. Thisiteration is not a projection method. ( <strong>Convex</strong> problem (1379)is neither a relaxation of unidimensional scaling problem (1378); instead,problem (1379) is a convex equivalent to (1378) at convergence of theiteration.Jan de Leeuw provided us with some test data⎡H =⎢⎣0.000000 5.235301 5.499274 6.404294 6.486829 6.2632655.235301 0.000000 3.208028 5.840931 3.559010 5.3534895.499274 3.208028 0.000000 5.679550 4.020339 5.2398426.404294 5.840931 5.679550 0.000000 4.862884 4.5431206.486829 3.559010 4.020339 4.862884 0.000000 4.6187186.263265 5.353489 5.239842 4.543120 4.618718 0.000000and a globally optimal solution⎤⎥⎦(1381)X ⋆ = [ −4.981494 −2.121026 −1.038738 4.555130 0.764096 2.822032 ]= [ x ⋆ 1 x ⋆ 2 x ⋆ 3 x ⋆ 4 x ⋆ 5 x ⋆ 6 ](1382)found by searching 6! local minima of (1308) [105]. By iterating convexproblems (1379) and (1380) about twenty times (initial W = 0) we find theglobal infimum 98.12812 of stress problem (1308), and by (1132) we find acorresponding one-dimensional point list that is a rigid transformation in Rof X ⋆ .Here we found the infimum to accuracy of the given data, but that ceasesto hold as problem size increases. Because of machine numerical precisionand an interior-point method of solution, we speculate, accuracy degradesquickly as problem size increases beyond this.

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