v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

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554 CHAPTER 7. PROXIMITY PROBLEMSwhere we have made explicit an imposed upper bound ρ on affine dimensionr = rankV T NDV N = rankV DV (1042)that is benign when ρ =N−1 or H were realizable with r ≤ρ. Problems(1310.2) and (1310.3) are Euclidean projections of a vectorized matrix H onan EDM cone (6.3), whereas problems (1310.1) and (1310.4) are Euclideanprojections of a vectorized matrix −VHV on a PSD cone. 7.2 Problem(1310.4) is not posed in the literature because it has limited theoreticalfoundation. 7.3Analytical solution to (1310.1) is known in closed form for any bound ρalthough, as the problem is stated, it is a convex optimization only in the caseρ =N−1. We show in7.1.4 how (1310.1) becomes a convex optimizationproblem for any ρ when transformed to the spectral domain. When expressedas a function of point list in a matrix X as in (1308), problem (1310.2)becomes a variant of what is known in statistics literature as a stress problem.[53, p.34] [103] [354] Problems (1310.2) and (1310.3) are convex optimizationproblems in D for the case ρ =N−1 wherein (1310.3) becomes equivalentto (1309). Even with the rank constraint removed from (1310.2), we will seethat the convex problem remaining inherently minimizes affine dimension.Generally speaking, each problem in (1310) produces a different resultbecause there is no isometry relating them. Of the various auxiliaryV -matrices (B.4), the geometric centering matrix V (913) appears in theliterature most often although V N (897) is the auxiliary matrix naturallyconsequent to Schoenberg’s seminal exposition [312]. Substitution of anyauxiliary matrix or its pseudoinverse into these problems produces anothervalid problem.Substitution of VNT for left-hand V in (1310.1), in particular, produces adifferent result becauseminimize ‖−V (D − H)V ‖ 2 FD(1311)subject to D ∈ EDM N7.2 Because −VHV is orthogonal projection of −H on the geometric center subspace S N c(E., problems (1310.1) and (1310.4) may be interpreted as oblique (nonminimumdistance) projections of −H on a positive semidefinite cone.7.3 D ∈ EDM N ⇒ ◦√ D ∈ EDM N , −V ◦√ DV ∈ S N + (5.10)

7.1. FIRST PREVALENT PROBLEM: 555finds D to attain Euclidean distance of vectorized −VHV to the positivesemidefinite cone in ambient isometrically isomorphic R N(N+1)/2 , whereasminimize ‖−VN T(D − H)V N ‖ 2 FD(1312)subject to D ∈ EDM Nattains Euclidean distance of vectorized −VN THV N to the positivesemidefinite cone in isometrically isomorphic subspace R N(N−1)/2 ; quitedifferent projections 7.4 regardless of whether affine dimension is constrained.But substitution of auxiliary matrix VW T (B.4.3) or V † Nyields the sameresult as (1310.1) because V = V W VW T = V N V † N; id est,‖−V (D − H)V ‖ 2 F = ‖−V W V T W (D − H)V W V T W ‖2 F = ‖−V T W (D − H)V W‖ 2 F= ‖−V N V † N (D − H)V N V † N ‖2 F = ‖−V † N (D − H)V N ‖ 2 F(1313)We see no compelling reason to prefer one particular auxiliary V -matrixover another. Each has its own coherent interpretations; e.g.,5.4.2,6.6,B.4.5. Neither can we say any particular problem formulation producesgenerally better results than another. 7.57.1 First prevalent problem:Projection on PSD coneThis first problemminimize ‖−VN T(D − H)V ⎫N ‖ 2 F ⎪⎬Dsubject to rankVN TDV N ≤ ρ Problem 1 (1314)⎪D ∈ EDM N ⎭7.4 The isomorphism T(Y )=V †TN Y V † N onto SN c = {V X V | X ∈ S N } relates the map in(1312) to that in (1311), but is not an isometry.7.5 All four problem formulations (1310) produce identical results when affinedimension r , implicit to a realizable measurement matrix H , does not exceed desiredaffine dimension ρ; because, the optimal objective value will vanish (‖ · ‖ = 0).

554 CHAPTER 7. PROXIMITY PROBLEMSwhere we have made explicit an imposed upper bound ρ on affine dimensionr = rankV T NDV N = rankV DV (1042)that is benign when ρ =N−1 or H were realizable with r ≤ρ. Problems(1310.2) and (1310.3) are Euclidean projections of a vectorized matrix H onan EDM cone (6.3), whereas problems (1310.1) and (1310.4) are Euclideanprojections of a vectorized matrix −VHV on a PSD cone. 7.2 Problem(1310.4) is not posed in the literature because it has limited theoreticalfoundation. 7.3Analytical solution to (1310.1) is known in closed form for any bound ρalthough, as the problem is stated, it is a convex optimization only in the caseρ =N−1. We show in7.1.4 how (1310.1) becomes a convex optimizationproblem for any ρ when transformed to the spectral domain. When expressedas a function of point list in a matrix X as in (1308), problem (1310.2)becomes a variant of what is known in statistics literature as a stress problem.[53, p.34] [103] [354] Problems (1310.2) and (1310.3) are convex optimizationproblems in D for the case ρ =N−1 wherein (1310.3) becomes equivalentto (1309). Even with the rank constraint removed from (1310.2), we will seethat the convex problem remaining inherently minimizes affine dimension.Generally speaking, each problem in (1310) produces a different resultbecause there is no isometry relating them. Of the various auxiliaryV -matrices (B.4), the geometric centering matrix V (913) appears in theliterature most often although V N (897) is the auxiliary matrix naturallyconsequent to Schoenberg’s seminal exposition [312]. Substitution of anyauxiliary matrix or its pseudoinverse into these problems produces anothervalid problem.Substitution of VNT for left-hand V in (1310.1), in particular, produces adifferent result becauseminimize ‖−V (D − H)V ‖ 2 FD(1311)subject to D ∈ EDM N7.2 Because −VHV is orthogonal projection of −H on the geometric center subspace S N c(E., problems (1310.1) and (1310.4) may be interpreted as oblique (nonminimumdistance) projections of −H on a positive semidefinite cone.7.3 D ∈ EDM N ⇒ ◦√ D ∈ EDM N , −V ◦√ DV ∈ S N + (5.10)

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