v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

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516 CHAPTER 6. CONE OF DISTANCE MATRICES6. Expository. Normal cone, tangent cone, elliptope.Define T E (11 T ) to be the tangent cone to the elliptope E at point 11 T ;id est,T E (11 T ) {t(E − 11 T ) | t≥0} (1223)The normal cone K ⊥ E (11T ) to the elliptope at 11 T is a closed convex conedefined (E., Figure 175)K ⊥ E (11 T ) {B | 〈B , Φ − 11 T 〉 ≤ 0, Φ∈ E } (1224)The polar cone of any set K is the closed convex cone (confer (297))K ◦ {B | 〈B , A〉≤0, for all A∈ K} (1225)The normal cone is well known to be the polar of the tangent cone,and vice versa; [199,A.5.2.4]K ⊥ E (11 T ) = T E (11 T ) ◦ (1226)K ⊥ E (11 T ) ◦ = T E (11 T ) (1227)From Deza & Laurent [113, p.535] we have the EDM coneEDM = −T E (11 T ) (1228)The polar EDM cone is also expressible in terms of the elliptope. From (1226)we haveEDM ◦ = −K ⊥ E (11 T ) (1229)⋆In5.10.1 we proposed the expression for EDM DD = t11 T − E ∈ EDM N (1098)where t∈ R + and E belongs to the parametrized elliptope E N t . We furtherpropose, for any particular t>0EDM N = cone{t11 T − E N t } (1230)Proof. Pending. Exercise. EDM cone from elliptope.Relationship of the translated negated elliptope with the EDM cone isillustrated in Figure 141. Prove whether it holds thatEDM N = limt→∞t11 T − E N t (1231)

6.6. VECTORIZATION & PROJECTION INTERPRETATION 5176.6 Vectorization & projection interpretationInE. we learn: −V DV can be interpreted as orthogonal projection[6,2] of vectorized −D ∈ S N h on the subspace of geometrically centeredsymmetric matricesS N c = {G∈ S N | G1 = 0} (1998)= {G∈ S N | N(G) ⊇ 1} = {G∈ S N | R(G) ⊆ N(1 T )}= {V Y V | Y ∈ S N } ⊂ S N (1999)≡ {V N AVN T | A ∈ SN−1 }(990)because elementary auxiliary matrix V is an orthogonal projector (B.4.1).Yet there is another useful projection interpretation:Revising the fundamental matrix criterion for membership to the EDMcone (886), 6.9〈zz T , −D〉 ≥ 0 ∀zz T | 11 T zz T = 0D ∈ S N h}⇔ D ∈ EDM N (1232)this is equivalent, of course, to the Schoenberg criterion−VN TDV }N ≽ 0⇔ D ∈ EDM N (910)D ∈ S N hbecause N(11 T )= R(V N ). When D ∈ EDM N , correspondence (1232)means −z T Dz is proportional to a nonnegative coefficient of orthogonalprojection (E.6.4.2, Figure 143) of −D in isometrically isomorphicR N(N+1)/2 on the range of each and every vectorized ( symmetricdyad (B.1) in the nullspace of 11 T ; id est, on each and every member ofT { svec(zz T ) | z ∈ N(11 T )= R(V N ) } ⊂ svec ∂ S N += { svec(V N υυ T V T N ) | υ ∈ RN−1} (1233)whose dimension isdim T = N(N − 1)/2 (1234)6.9 N(11 T )= N(1 T ) and R(zz T )= R(z)

6.6. VECTORIZATION & PROJECTION INTERPRETATION 5176.6 Vectorization & projection interpretationInE. we learn: −V DV can be interpreted as orthogonal projection[6,2] of vectorized −D ∈ S N h on the subspace of geometrically centeredsymmetric matricesS N c = {G∈ S N | G1 = 0} (1998)= {G∈ S N | N(G) ⊇ 1} = {G∈ S N | R(G) ⊆ N(1 T )}= {V Y V | Y ∈ S N } ⊂ S N (1999)≡ {V N AVN T | A ∈ SN−1 }(990)because elementary auxiliary matrix V is an orthogonal projector (B.4.1).Yet there is another useful projection interpretation:Revising the fundamental matrix criterion for membership to the EDMcone (886), 6.9〈zz T , −D〉 ≥ 0 ∀zz T | 11 T zz T = 0D ∈ S N h}⇔ D ∈ EDM N (1232)this is equivalent, of course, to the Schoenberg criterion−VN TDV }N ≽ 0⇔ D ∈ EDM N (910)D ∈ S N hbecause N(11 T )= R(V N ). When D ∈ EDM N , correspondence (1232)means −z T Dz is proportional to a nonnegative coefficient of orthogonalprojection (E.6.4.2, Figure 143) of −D in isometrically isomorphicR N(N+1)/2 on the range of each and every vectorized ( symmetricdyad (B.1) in the nullspace of 11 T ; id est, on each and every member ofT { svec(zz T ) | z ∈ N(11 T )= R(V N ) } ⊂ svec ∂ S N += { svec(V N υυ T V T N ) | υ ∈ RN−1} (1233)whose dimension isdim T = N(N − 1)/2 (1234)6.9 N(11 T )= N(1 T ) and R(zz T )= R(z)

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