v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

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50 CHAPTER 2. CONVEX GEOMETRY2. Corollary. Projection on subspace. 2.10 (1934) [307,3]Orthogonal projection of a convex set on a subspace or nonempty affine setis another convex set.⋄Again, the converse is false. Shadows, for example, are umbral projectionsthat can be convex when the body providing the shade is not.2.2 Vectorized-matrix inner productEuclidean space R n comes equipped with a linear vector inner-product〈y,z〉 y T z (33)We prefer those angle brackets to connote a geometric rather than algebraicperspective; e.g., vector y might represent a hyperplane normal (2.4.2).Two vectors are orthogonal (perpendicular) to one another if and only iftheir inner product vanishes;y ⊥ z ⇔ 〈y,z〉 = 0 (34)When orthogonal vectors each have unit norm, then they are orthonormal.A vector inner-product defines Euclidean norm (vector 2-norm,A.7.1)‖y‖ 2 = ‖y‖ √ y T y , ‖y‖ = 0 ⇔ y = 0 (35)For linear operator A , the adjoint operator A T is defined by [227,3.10]〈y,A T z〉 〈Ay,z〉 (36)For linear operation on a vector, represented by real matrix A , the adjointoperator A T is its transposition.The vector inner-product for matrices is calculated just as it is for vectors;by first transforming a matrix in R p×k to a vector in R pk by concatenatingits columns in the natural order. For lack of a better term, we shall callthat linear bijective (one-to-one and onto [227, App.A1.2]) transformation2.10 For hyperplane representations see2.4.2. For projection of convex sets on hyperplanessee [371,6.6]. A nonempty affine set is called an affine subset ( Orthogonalprojection of points on affine subsets is reviewed inE.4.

2.2. VECTORIZED-MATRIX INNER PRODUCT 51vectorization. For example, the vectorization of Y = [y 1 y 2 · · · y k ] ∈ R p×k[166] [327] is⎡ ⎤y 1yvec Y ⎢ 2⎥⎣ . ⎦ ∈ Rpk (37)y kThen the vectorized-matrix inner-product is trace of matrix inner-product;for Z ∈ R p×k , [61,2.6.1] [199,0.3.1] [382,8] [365,2.2]where (A.1.1)〈Y , Z〉 tr(Y T Z) = vec(Y ) T vec Z (38)tr(Y T Z) = tr(ZY T ) = tr(YZ T ) = tr(Z T Y ) = 1 T (Y ◦ Z)1 (39)and where ◦ denotes the Hadamard product 2.11 of matrices [159,1.1.4]. Theadjoint A T operation on a matrix can therefore be defined in like manner:〈Y , A T Z〉 〈AY , Z〉 (40)Take any element C 1 from a matrix-valued set in R p×k , for example, andconsider any particular dimensionally compatible real vectors v and w .Then vector inner-product of C 1 with vw T is〈vw T , C 1 〉 = 〈v , C 1 w〉 = v T C 1 w = tr(wv T C 1 ) = 1 T( (vw T )◦ C 1)1 (41)Further, linear bijective vectorization is distributive with respect toHadamard product; id est,vec(Y ◦ Z) = vec(Y ) ◦ vec(Z) (42) Example. Application of inverse image theorem.Suppose set C ⊆ R p×k were convex. Then for any particular vectors v ∈ R pand w ∈ R k , the set of vector inner-productsY v T Cw = 〈vw T , C〉 ⊆ R (43)2.11 Hadamard product is a simple entrywise product of corresponding entries from twomatrices of like size; id est, not necessarily square. A commutative operation, theHadamard product can be extracted from within a Kronecker product. [202, p.475]

2.2. VECTORIZED-MATRIX INNER PRODUCT 51vectorization. For example, the vectorization of Y = [y 1 y 2 · · · y k ] ∈ R p×k[166] [327] is⎡ ⎤y 1yvec Y ⎢ 2⎥⎣ . ⎦ ∈ Rpk (37)y kThen the vectorized-matrix inner-product is trace of matrix inner-product;for Z ∈ R p×k , [61,2.6.1] [199,0.3.1] [382,8] [365,2.2]where (A.1.1)〈Y , Z〉 tr(Y T Z) = vec(Y ) T vec Z (38)tr(Y T Z) = tr(ZY T ) = tr(YZ T ) = tr(Z T Y ) = 1 T (Y ◦ Z)1 (39)and where ◦ denotes the Hadamard product 2.11 of matrices [159,1.1.4]. Theadjoint A T operation on a matrix can therefore be defined in like manner:〈Y , A T Z〉 〈AY , Z〉 (40)Take any element C 1 from a matrix-valued set in R p×k , for example, andconsider any particular dimensionally compatible real vectors v and w .Then vector inner-product of C 1 with vw T is〈vw T , C 1 〉 = 〈v , C 1 w〉 = v T C 1 w = tr(wv T C 1 ) = 1 T( (vw T )◦ C 1)1 (41)Further, linear bijective vectorization is distributive with respect toHadamard product; id est,vec(Y ◦ Z) = vec(Y ) ◦ vec(Z) (42) Example. Application of inverse image theorem.Suppose set C ⊆ R p×k were convex. Then for any particular vectors v ∈ R pand w ∈ R k , the set of vector inner-productsY v T Cw = 〈vw T , C〉 ⊆ R (43)2.11 Hadamard product is a simple entrywise product of corresponding entries from twomatrices of like size; id est, not necessarily square. A commutative operation, theHadamard product can be extracted from within a Kronecker product. [202, p.475]

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