v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

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482 CHAPTER 5. EUCLIDEAN DISTANCE MATRIXλ(−V T N OV N) j90080070060050040030020010001 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10jFigure 135: Largest ten eigenvalues, of −V T N OV N for map of USA, sorted bynonincreasing value. Isotonic cartographyTo test Borg & Groenen’s conjecture, suppose we make a complete sort-indexmatrix O ∈ S N h ∩ R N×N+ for the map of the USA and then substitute O in placeof EDM D in the reconstruction process of5.12. Whereas EDM D returnedonly three significant eigenvalues (1140), the sort-index matrix O is generallynot an EDM (certainly not an EDM with corresponding affine dimension 3)so returns many more. The eigenvalues, calculated with absolute numericalerror approximately 5E-7, are plotted in Figure 135: (In the code onWıκımization, matrix O is normalized by (N(N −1)/2) 2 .)λ(−V T N OV N ) = [880.1 463.9 186.1 46.20 17.12 9.625 8.257 1.701 0.7128 0.6460 · · · ] T(1145)The extra eigenvalues indicate that affine dimension corresponding to anEDM near O is likely to exceed 3. To realize the map, we must simultaneouslyreduce that dimensionality and find an EDM D closest to O in somesense 5.58 while maintaining the known comparative distance relationship.For example: given permutation matrix Π expressing the known sortingaction like (1142) on entries5.58 a problem explored more in7.

5.13. RECONSTRUCTION EXAMPLES 483d 1 √2dvec D =⎡⎢⎣⎤d 12d 13d 23d 14d 24d 34⎥⎦.d N−1,N∈ R N(N−1)/2 (1146)of unknown D ∈ S N h , we can make sort-index matrix O input to theoptimization problemminimize ‖−VN T(D − O)V N ‖ FDsubject to rankVN TDV N ≤ 3(1147)Πd ∈ K M+D ∈ EDM Nthat finds the EDM D (corresponding to affine dimension not exceeding 3 inisomorphic dvec EDM N ∩ Π T K M+ ) closest to O in the sense of Schoenberg(910).Analytical solution to this problem, ignoring the sort constraintΠd ∈ K M+ , is known [353]: we get the convex optimization [sic] (7.1)minimize ‖−VN T(D − O)V N ‖ FDsubject to rankVN TDV N ≤ 3(1148)D ∈ EDM NOnly the three largest nonnegative eigenvalues in (1145) need be retained tomake list (1132); the rest are discarded. The reconstruction from EDM Dfound in this manner is plotted in Figure 134e-f. Matlab code is onWıκımization. From these plots it becomes obvious that inclusion of thesort constraint is necessary for isotonic reconstruction.That sort constraint demands: any optimal solution D ⋆ must possess theknown comparative distance relationship that produces the original ordinaldistance data O (1144). Ignoring the sort constraint, apparently, violates it.Yet even more remarkable is how much the map reconstructed using onlyordinal data still resembles the original map of the USA after suffering themany violations produced by solving relaxed problem (1148). This suggeststhe simple reconstruction techniques of5.12 are robust to a significantamount of noise.

482 CHAPTER 5. EUCLIDEAN DISTANCE MATRIXλ(−V T N OV N) j90080070060050040030020010001 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10jFigure 135: Largest ten eigenvalues, of −V T N OV N for map of USA, sorted bynonincreasing value. Isotonic cartographyTo test Borg & Groenen’s conjecture, suppose we make a complete sort-indexmatrix O ∈ S N h ∩ R N×N+ for the map of the USA and then substitute O in placeof EDM D in the reconstruction process of5.12. Whereas EDM D returnedonly three significant eigenvalues (1140), the sort-index matrix O is generallynot an EDM (certainly not an EDM with corresponding affine dimension 3)so returns many more. The eigenvalues, calculated with absolute numericalerror approximately 5E-7, are plotted in Figure 135: (In the code onWıκımization, matrix O is normalized by (N(N −1)/2) 2 .)λ(−V T N OV N ) = [880.1 463.9 186.1 46.20 17.12 9.625 8.257 1.701 0.7128 0.6460 · · · ] T(1145)The extra eigenvalues indicate that affine dimension corresponding to anEDM near O is likely to exceed 3. To realize the map, we must simultaneouslyreduce that dimensionality and find an EDM D closest to O in somesense 5.58 while maintaining the known comparative distance relationship.For example: given permutation matrix Π expressing the known sortingaction like (1142) on entries5.58 a problem explored more in7.

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