v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

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478 CHAPTER 5. EUCLIDEAN DISTANCE MATRIXD(X) = D(X[0 √ 2V N ]) = D(Q p [0 √ ΛQ T ]) = D([0 √ ΛQ T ]) (1134)This suggests a way to find EDM D given −V T N DV N (confer (1013))[0D =δ ( −VN TDV )N] [1 T + 1 0 δ ( ) ] [−VNDV T T 0 0TN − 20 −VN TDV N](1009)5.12.2 0 geometric center. VAlternatively we may perform reconstruction using auxiliary matrix V(B.4.1) and Gram matrix −V DV 1 (912) instead; to find a generating list2for polyhedronP − α c (1135)whose geometric center has been translated to the origin. Redimensioningdiagonalization factors Q, Λ∈R N×N and unknown Q p ∈ R n×N , (1036)−V DV = 2V X T XV Q √ ΛQ T pQ p√ΛQ T QΛQ T (1136)where the geometrically centered generating list constitutes (confer (1132))XV = 1 √2Q p√ΛQ T ∈ R n×N= [x 1 − 1 N X1 x 2 − 1 N X1 x 3 − 1 N X1 · · · x N − 1 N X1 ] (1137)where α c = 1 N X1. ( The simplest choice for Q p is [ I 0 ]∈ R r×N .Now EDM D can be uniquely made from the list found: (891)D(X) = D(XV ) = D( 1 √2Q p√ΛQ T ) = D( √ ΛQ T ) 1 2(1138)This EDM is, of course, identical to (1134). Similarly to (1009), from −V DVwe can find EDM D (confer (1000))D = δ(−V DV 1 2 )1T + 1δ(−V DV 1 2 )T − 2(−V DV 1 2 ) (999)

5.12. LIST RECONSTRUCTION 479(a)(c)(b)(d)(f)(e)Figure 134: Map of United States of America showing some state boundariesand the Great Lakes. All plots made by connecting 5020 points. Anydifference in scale in (a) through (d) is artifact of plotting routine.(a) Shows original map made from decimated (latitude, longitude) data.(b) Original map data rotated (freehand) to highlight curvature of Earth.(c) Map isometrically reconstructed from an EDM (from distance only).(d) Same reconstructed map illustrating curvature.(e)(f) Two views of one isotonic reconstruction (from comparative distance);problem (1147) with no sort constraint Πd (and no hidden line removal).

478 CHAPTER 5. EUCLIDEAN DISTANCE MATRIXD(X) = D(X[0 √ 2V N ]) = D(Q p [0 √ ΛQ T ]) = D([0 √ ΛQ T ]) (1134)This suggests a way to find EDM D given −V T N DV N (confer (1013))[0D =δ ( −VN TDV )N] [1 T + 1 0 δ ( ) ] [−VNDV T T 0 0TN − 20 −VN TDV N](1009)5.12.2 0 geometric center. VAlternatively we may perform reconstruction using auxiliary matrix V(B.4.1) and Gram matrix −V DV 1 (912) instead; to find a generating list2for polyhedronP − α c (1135)whose geometric center has been translated to the origin. Redimensioningdiagonalization factors Q, Λ∈R N×N and unknown Q p ∈ R n×N , (1036)−V DV = 2V X T XV Q √ ΛQ T pQ p√ΛQ T QΛQ T (1136)where the geometrically centered generating list constitutes (confer (1132))XV = 1 √2Q p√ΛQ T ∈ R n×N= [x 1 − 1 N X1 x 2 − 1 N X1 x 3 − 1 N X1 · · · x N − 1 N X1 ] (1137)where α c = 1 N X1. ( The simplest choice for Q p is [ I 0 ]∈ R r×N .Now EDM D can be uniquely made from the list found: (891)D(X) = D(XV ) = D( 1 √2Q p√ΛQ T ) = D( √ ΛQ T ) 1 2(1138)This EDM is, of course, identical to (1134). Similarly to (1009), from −V DVwe can find EDM D (confer (1000))D = δ(−V DV 1 2 )1T + 1δ(−V DV 1 2 )T − 2(−V DV 1 2 ) (999)

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