v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

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444 CHAPTER 5. EUCLIDEAN DISTANCE MATRIXinjective on domain S N h because S N⊥c ∩ S N h = 0. Revising the argument ofthis inner-product form (1009), we get another flavorD ( [−VN TDV )N =0δ ( −VN TDV )N] [1 T + 1 0 δ ( −VN TDV ) ] TNand we obtain mutual inversion of operators V N and D , for D ∈ S N h[ 0 0T− 20 −VN TDV N(1012)]orD = D ( V N (D) ) (1013)−V T NDV N = V N(D(−VTN DV N ) ) (1014)S N h = D ( V N (S N h ) ) (1015)−V T N S N h V N = V N(D(−VTN S N h V N ) ) (1016)Substituting Θ T Θ ← Φ into inner-product form EDM definition (958),any EDM may be expressed by the new flavor[ ]0D(Φ) 1δ(Φ)T + 1 [ 0 δ(Φ) ] [ ] 0 0 T T− 2∈ EDM N0 Φ⇔(1017)Φ ≽ 0where this D is a linear surjective operator onto EDM N by definition,injective because it has no nullspace on domain S N−1+ . More broadly,aff D(S N−1+ )= D(aff S N−1+ ) (127),S N h = D(S N−1 )S N−1 = V N (S N h )(1018)demonstrably isomorphisms, and by bijectivity of this inner-product form:such thatEDM N = D(S N−1+ ) (1019)S N−1+ = V N (EDM N ) (1020)N(T(V N )) = N(V) ⊇ N(V N ) ⊇ S N⊥c= N(V)where the equality S N⊥c = N(V) is known (E.

5.7. EMBEDDING IN AFFINE HULL 4455.7 Embedding in affine hullThe affine hull A (78) of a point list {x l } (arranged columnar in X ∈ R n×N(76)) is identical to the affine hull of that polyhedron P (86) formed from allconvex combinations of the x l ; [61,2] [307,17]A = aff X = aff P (1021)Comparing hull definitions (78) and (86), it becomes obvious that the x land their convex hull P are embedded in their unique affine hull A ;A ⊇ P ⊇ {x l } (1022)Recall: affine dimension r is a lower bound on embedding, equal todimension of the subspace parallel to that nonempty affine set A in whichthe points are embedded. (2.3.1) We define dimension of the convex hull Pto be the same as dimension r of the affine hull A [307,2], but r is notnecessarily equal to rank of X (1041).For the particular example illustrated in Figure 115, P is the triangle inunion with its relative interior while its three vertices constitute the entirelist X . Affine hull A is the unique plane that contains the triangle, so affinedimension r = 2 in that example while rank of X is 3. Were there only twopoints in Figure 115, then the affine hull would instead be the unique linepassing through them; r would become 1 while rank would then be Determining affine dimensionKnowledge of affine dimension r becomes important because we lose anyabsolute offset common to all the generating x l in R n when reconstructingconvex polyhedra given only distance information. (5.5.1) To calculate r , wefirst remove any offset that serves to increase dimensionality of the subspacerequired to contain polyhedron P ; subtracting any α ∈ A in the affine hullfrom every list member will work,translating A to the origin: 5.33X − α1 T (1023)A − α = aff(X − α1 T ) = aff(X) − α (1024)P − α = conv(X − α1 T ) = conv(X) − α (1025)5.33 The manipulation of hull functions aff and conv follows from their definitions.

5.7. EMBEDDING IN AFFINE HULL 4455.7 Embedding in affine hullThe affine hull A (78) of a point list {x l } (arranged columnar in X ∈ R n×N(76)) is identical to the affine hull of that polyhedron P (86) formed from allconvex combinations of the x l ; [61,2] [307,17]A = aff X = aff P (1021)Comparing hull definitions (78) and (86), it becomes obvious that the x land their convex hull P are embedded in their unique affine hull A ;A ⊇ P ⊇ {x l } (1022)Recall: affine dimension r is a lower bound on embedding, equal todimension of the subspace parallel to that nonempty affine set A in whichthe points are embedded. (2.3.1) We define dimension of the convex hull Pto be the same as dimension r of the affine hull A [307,2], but r is notnecessarily equal to rank of X (1041).For the particular example illustrated in Figure 115, P is the triangle inunion with its relative interior while its three vertices constitute the entirelist X . Affine hull A is the unique plane that contains the triangle, so affinedimension r = 2 in that example while rank of X is 3. Were there only twopoints in Figure 115, then the affine hull would instead be the unique linepassing through them; r would become 1 while rank would then be Determining affine dimensionKnowledge of affine dimension r becomes important because we lose anyabsolute offset common to all the generating x l in R n when reconstructingconvex polyhedra given only distance information. (5.5.1) To calculate r , wefirst remove any offset that serves to increase dimensionality of the subspacerequired to contain polyhedron P ; subtracting any α ∈ A in the affine hullfrom every list member will work,translating A to the origin: 5.33X − α1 T (1023)A − α = aff(X − α1 T ) = aff(X) − α (1024)P − α = conv(X − α1 T ) = conv(X) − α (1025)5.33 The manipulation of hull functions aff and conv follows from their definitions.

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