v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

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434 CHAPTER 5. EUCLIDEAN DISTANCE MATRIX5.4.3.3 Inner-product form, discussionWe deduce that knowledge of interpoint distance is equivalent to knowledgeof distance and angle from the perspective of one point, x 1 in our chosencase. The total amount of information N(N −1)/2 in Θ T Θ is unchanged 5.24with respect to EDM D .5.5 InvarianceWhen D is an EDM, there exist an infinite number of corresponding N-pointlists X (76) in Euclidean space. All those lists are related by isometrictransformation: rotation, reflection, and translation (offset or shift).5.5.1 TranslationAny translation common among all the points x l in a list will be cancelled inthe formation of each d ij . Proof follows directly from (887). Knowing thattranslation α in advance, we may remove it from the list constituting thecolumns of X by subtracting α1 T . Then it stands to reason by list-formdefinition (891) of an EDM, for any translation α∈ R nD(X − α1 T ) = D(X) (971)In words, interpoint distances are unaffected by offset; EDM D is translationinvariant. When α = x 1 in particular,[x 2 −x 1 x 3 −x 1 · · · x N −x 1 ] = X √ 2V N ∈ R n×N−1 (960)and so(D(X −x 1 1 T ) = D(X −Xe 1 1 T ) = D X[0 √ ])2V N= D(X) (972)5.24 The reason for amount O(N 2 ) information is because of the relative measurements.Use of a fixed reference in measurement of angles and distances would reduce requiredinformation but is antithetical. In the particular case n = 2, for example, ordering allpoints x l (in a length-N list) by increasing angle of vector x l − x 1 with respect tox 2 − x 1 , θ i1j becomes equivalent to j−1 ∑θ k,1,k+1 ≤ 2π and the amount of information isreduced to 2N −3; rather, O(N).k=i

5.5. INVARIANCE 4355. Example. Translating geometric center to origin.We might choose to shift the geometric center α c of an N-point list {x l }(arranged columnar in X) to the origin; [352] [163]α = α c Xb c X1 1 N ∈ P ⊆ A (973)where A represents the list’s affine hull. If we were to associate a point-massm l with each of the points x l in the list, then their center of mass(or gravity) would be ( ∑ x l m l )/ ∑ m l . The geometric center is the sameas the center of mass under the assumption of uniform mass density acrosspoints. [219] The geometric center always lies in the convex hull P of the list;id est, α c ∈ P because b T c 1=1 and b c ≽ 0 . 5.25 Subtracting the geometriccenter from every list member,X − α c 1 T = X − 1 N X11T = X(I − 1 N 11T ) = XV ∈ R n×N (974)where V is the geometric centering matrix (913). So we have (confer (891))D(X) = D(XV ) = δ(V T X T XV )1 T +1δ(V T X T XV ) T −2V T X T XV ∈ EDM N5.5.1.1 Gram-form invarianceFollowing from (975) and the linear Gram-form EDM operator (903):(975)D(G) = D(V GV ) = δ(V GV )1 T + 1δ(V GV ) T − 2V GV ∈ EDM N (976)The Gram-form consequently exhibits invariance to translation by a doublet(B.2) u1 T + 1u T D(G) = D(G − (u1 T + 1u T )) (977)because, for any u∈ R N , D(u1 T + 1u T )=0. The collection of all suchdoublets forms the nullspace (993) to the operator; the translation-invariantsubspace S N⊥c (2000) of the symmetric matrices S N . This means matrix Gis not unique and can belong to an expanse more broad than a positivesemidefinite cone; id est, G∈ S N + − S N⊥c . So explains Gram matrix sufficiencyin EDM definition (903). 5.265.25 Any b from α = Xb chosen such that b T 1 = 1, more generally, makes an auxiliaryV -matrix. (B.4.5)5.26 A constraint G1=0 would prevent excursion into the translation-invariant subspace(numerical unboundedness).

5.5. INVARIANCE 4355. Example. Translating geometric center to origin.We might choose to shift the geometric center α c of an N-point list {x l }(arranged columnar in X) to the origin; [352] [163]α = α c Xb c X1 1 N ∈ P ⊆ A (973)where A represents the list’s affine hull. If we were to associate a point-massm l with each of the points x l in the list, then their center of mass(or gravity) would be ( ∑ x l m l )/ ∑ m l . The geometric center is the sameas the center of mass under the assumption of uniform mass density acrosspoints. [219] The geometric center always lies in the convex hull P of the list;id est, α c ∈ P because b T c 1=1 and b c ≽ 0 . 5.25 Subtracting the geometriccenter from every list member,X − α c 1 T = X − 1 N X11T = X(I − 1 N 11T ) = XV ∈ R n×N (974)where V is the geometric centering matrix (913). So we have (confer (891))D(X) = D(XV ) = δ(V T X T XV )1 T +1δ(V T X T XV ) T −2V T X T XV ∈ EDM N5.5.1.1 Gram-form invarianceFollowing from (975) and the linear Gram-form EDM operator (903):(975)D(G) = D(V GV ) = δ(V GV )1 T + 1δ(V GV ) T − 2V GV ∈ EDM N (976)The Gram-form consequently exhibits invariance to translation by a doublet(B.2) u1 T + 1u T D(G) = D(G − (u1 T + 1u T )) (977)because, for any u∈ R N , D(u1 T + 1u T )=0. The collection of all suchdoublets forms the nullspace (993) to the operator; the translation-invariantsubspace S N⊥c (2000) of the symmetric matrices S N . This means matrix Gis not unique and can belong to an expanse more broad than a positivesemidefinite cone; id est, G∈ S N + − S N⊥c . So explains Gram matrix sufficiencyin EDM definition (903). 5.265.25 Any b from α = Xb chosen such that b T 1 = 1, more generally, makes an auxiliaryV -matrix. (B.4.5)5.26 A constraint G1=0 would prevent excursion into the translation-invariant subspace(numerical unboundedness).

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