v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

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424 CHAPTER 5. EUCLIDEAN DISTANCE MATRIX5. Example. Tandem trilateration in wireless sensor network.Given three known absolute point-positions in R 2 (three anchors ˇx 3 , ˇx 4 , ˇx 5 ),two unknown sensors x 1 , x 2 ∈ R 2 have absolute position determinable fromtheir noiseless distances-square (as indicated in Figure 123) assuming theanchors exhibit no rotational or reflective symmetry in their affine hull(5.5.2). This example differs from Example in so far as trilaterationof each sensor is now in terms of one unknown position: the other sensor. Weexpress this localization as a convex optimization problem (a semidefiniteprogram,4.1) in terms of list X [x 1 x 2 ˇx 3 ˇx 4 ˇx 5 ]∈ R 2×5 and Grammatrix G∈ S 5 (900) via relaxation (937):minimize trGG∈S 5 , X∈R2×5 subject to tr(GΦ i1 ) = ďi1 , i = 2, 4, 5tr(GΦ i2 ) = ďi2 , i = 3, 5tr ( )Ge i e T i = ‖ˇx i ‖ 2 , i = 3, 4, 5tr(G(e i e T j + e j e T i )/2) = ˇx T i ˇx j , 3 ≤ i < j = 4, 5X(:, 3:5) = [ ˇx 3 ˇx 4 ˇx 5 ][ ] I XX T≽ 0G(944)whereΦ ij = (e i − e j )(e i − e j ) T ∈ S N + (889)This problem realization is fragile because of the unknown distances betweensensors and anchors. Yet there is no more information we may include beyondthe 11 independent equality constraints on the Gram matrix (nonredundantconstraints not antithetical) to reduce the feasible set. 5.17Exhibited in Figure 124 are two mistakes in solution X ⋆ (:,1:2) dueto a rank-3 optimal Gram matrix G ⋆ . The trace objective is a heuristicminimizing convex envelope of quasiconcave function 5.18 rankG. (, A rank-2 optimal Gram matrix can be found and the errorscorrected by choosing a different normal for the linear objective function,5.17 By virtue of their dimensioning, the sensors are already constrained to R 2 the affinehull of the anchors.5.18 Projection on that nonconvex subset of all N ×N-dimensional positive semidefinitematrices, in an affine subset, whose rank does not exceed 2 is a problem considered difficultto solve. [353,4]

5.4. EDM DEFINITION 425now implicitly the identity matrix I ; id est,trG = 〈G , I 〉 ← 〈G , δ(u)〉 (945)where vector u ∈ R 5 is randomly selected. A random search for a goodnormal δ(u) in only a few iterations is quite easy and effective because:the problem is small, an optimal solution is known a priori to exist in twodimensions, a good normal direction is not necessarily unique, and (wespeculate) because the feasible affine-subset slices the positive semidefinitecone thinly in the Euclidean sense. 5.19We explore ramifications of noise and incomplete data throughout; theirindividual effect being to expand the optimal solution set, introducing moresolutions and higher-rank solutions. Hence our focus shifts in4.4 todiscovery of a reliable means for diminishing the optimal solution set byintroduction of a rank constraint.Now we illustrate how a problem in distance geometry can be solvedwithout equality constraints representing measured distance; instead, wehave only upper and lower bounds on distances measured: Example. Wireless location in a cellular telephone network.Utilizing measurements of distance, time of flight, angle of arrival, or signalpower in the context of wireless telephony, multilateration is the processof localizing (determining absolute position of) a radio signal source • byinferring geometry relative to multiple fixed base stations ◦ whose locationsare known.We consider localization of a cellular telephone by distance geometry,so we assume distance to any particular base station can be inferred fromreceived signal power. On a large open flat expanse of terrain, signal-powermeasurement corresponds well with inverse distance. But it is not uncommonfor measurement of signal power to suffer 20 decibels in loss caused by factorssuch as multipath interference (signal reflections), mountainous terrain,man-made structures, turning one’s head, or rolling the windows up in anautomobile. Consequently, contours of equal signal power are no longercircular; their geometry is irregular and would more aptly be approximated5.19 The log det rank-heuristic from7.2.2.4 does not work here because it chooses thewrong normal. Rank reduction ( is unsuccessful here because Barvinok’s upperbound ( on rank of G ⋆ is 4.

5.4. EDM DEFINITION 425now implicitly the identity matrix I ; id est,trG = 〈G , I 〉 ← 〈G , δ(u)〉 (945)where vector u ∈ R 5 is randomly selected. A random search for a goodnormal δ(u) in only a few iterations is quite easy and effective because:the problem is small, an optimal solution is known a priori to exist in twodimensions, a good normal direction is not necessarily unique, and (wespeculate) because the feasible affine-subset slices the positive semidefinitecone thinly in the Euclidean sense. 5.19We explore ramifications of noise and incomplete data throughout; theirindividual effect being to expand the optimal solution set, introducing moresolutions and higher-rank solutions. Hence our focus shifts in4.4 todiscovery of a reliable means for diminishing the optimal solution set byintroduction of a rank constraint.Now we illustrate how a problem in distance geometry can be solvedwithout equality constraints representing measured distance; instead, wehave only upper and lower bounds on distances measured: Example. Wireless location in a cellular telephone network.Utilizing measurements of distance, time of flight, angle of arrival, or signalpower in the context of wireless telephony, multilateration is the processof localizing (determining absolute position of) a radio signal source • byinferring geometry relative to multiple fixed base stations ◦ whose locationsare known.We consider localization of a cellular telephone by distance geometry,so we assume distance to any particular base station can be inferred fromreceived signal power. On a large open flat expanse of terrain, signal-powermeasurement corresponds well with inverse distance. But it is not uncommonfor measurement of signal power to suffer 20 decibels in loss caused by factorssuch as multipath interference (signal reflections), mountainous terrain,man-made structures, turning one’s head, or rolling the windows up in anautomobile. Consequently, contours of equal signal power are no longercircular; their geometry is irregular and would more aptly be approximated5.19 The log det rank-heuristic from7.2.2.4 does not work here because it chooses thewrong normal. Rank reduction ( is unsuccessful here because Barvinok’s upperbound ( on rank of G ⋆ is 4.

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