v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

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36 CHAPTER 2. CONVEX GEOMETRY2.1 Convex setA set C is convex iff for all Y, Z ∈ C and 0≤µ≤1µY + (1 − µ)Z ∈ C (1)Under that defining condition on µ , the linear sum in (1) is called a convexcombination of Y and Z . If Y and Z are points in real finite-dimensionalEuclidean vector space R n or R m×n (matrices), then (1) represents theclosed line segment joining them. All line segments are thereby convex sets.Apparent from the definition, a convex set is a connected set. [258,3.4,3.5][42, p.2] A convex set can, but does not necessarily, contain the origin 0.An ellipsoid centered at x = a (Figure 13, p.41), given matrix C ∈ R m×n{x∈ R n | ‖C(x − a)‖ 2 = (x − a) T C T C(x − a) ≤ 1} (2)is a good icon for a convex set. subspaceA nonempty subset R of real Euclidean vector space R n is called a subspace(2.5) if every vector 2.2 of the form αx + βy , for α,β∈R , is in R whenevervectors x and y are. [250,2.3] A subspace is a convex set containing theorigin, by definition. [307, p.4] Any subspace is therefore open in the sensethat it contains no boundary, but closed in the sense [258,2]It is not difficult to showR + R = R (3)R = −R (4)as is true for any subspace R , because x∈ R ⇔ −x∈ R . Given any x∈ RR = x + R (5)The intersection of an arbitrary collection of subspaces remains asubspace. Any subspace not constituting the entire ambient vector space R nis a proper subspace; e.g., 2.3 any line through the origin in two-dimensionalEuclidean space R 2 . The vector space R n is itself a conventional subspace,inclusively, [227,2.1] although not proper.2.1 This particular definition is slablike (Figure 11) in R n when C has nontrivial nullspace.2.2 A vector is assumed, throughout, to be a column vector.2.3 We substitute abbreviation e.g. in place of the Latin exempli gratia.

2.1. CONVEX SET 372.1.2 linear independenceArbitrary given vectors in Euclidean space {Γ i ∈ R n , i=1... N} are linearlyindependent (l.i.) if and only if, for all ζ ∈ R NΓ 1 ζ 1 + · · · + Γ N−1 ζ N−1 − Γ N ζ N = 0 (6)has only the trivial solution ζ = 0 ; in other words, iff no vector from thegiven set can be expressed as a linear combination of those remaining.Geometrically, two nontrivial vector subspaces are linearly independent iffthey intersect only at the origin. preservation of linear independence(confer2.4.2.4,2.10.1) Linear transformation preserves linear dependence.[227, p.86] Conversely, linear independence can be preserved under lineartransformation. Given Y = [y 1 y 2 · · · y N ]∈ R N×N , consider the mappingT(Γ) : R n×N → R n×N ΓY (7)whose domain is the set of all matrices Γ∈ R n×N holding a linearlyindependent set columnar. Linear independence of {Γy i ∈ R n , i=1... N}demands, by definition, there exist no nontrivial solution ζ ∈ R N toΓy 1 ζ i + · · · + Γy N−1 ζ N−1 − Γy N ζ N = 0 (8)By factoring out Γ , we see that triviality is ensured by linear independenceof {y i ∈ R N }.2.1.3 Orthant:name given to a closed convex set that is the higher-dimensionalgeneralization of quadrant from the classical Cartesian partition of R 2 ; aCartesian cone. The most common is the nonnegative orthant R n + or R n×n+(analogue to quadrant I) to which membership denotes nonnegative vectorormatrix-entries respectively; e.g.,R n + {x∈ R n | x i ≥ 0 ∀i} (9)The nonpositive orthant R n − or R n×n− (analogue to quadrant III) denotesnegative and 0 entries. Orthant convexity 2.4 is easily verified bydefinition (1).2.4 All orthants are selfdual simplicial cones. (,

2.1. CONVEX SET 372.1.2 linear independenceArbitrary given vectors in Euclidean space {Γ i ∈ R n , i=1... N} are linearlyindependent (l.i.) if and only if, for all ζ ∈ R NΓ 1 ζ 1 + · · · + Γ N−1 ζ N−1 − Γ N ζ N = 0 (6)has only the trivial solution ζ = 0 ; in other words, iff no vector from thegiven set can be expressed as a linear combination of those remaining.Geometrically, two nontrivial vector subspaces are linearly independent iffthey intersect only at the origin. preservation of linear independence(confer2.4.2.4,2.10.1) Linear transformation preserves linear dependence.[227, p.86] Conversely, linear independence can be preserved under lineartransformation. Given Y = [y 1 y 2 · · · y N ]∈ R N×N , consider the mappingT(Γ) : R n×N → R n×N ΓY (7)whose domain is the set of all matrices Γ∈ R n×N holding a linearlyindependent set columnar. Linear independence of {Γy i ∈ R n , i=1... N}demands, by definition, there exist no nontrivial solution ζ ∈ R N toΓy 1 ζ i + · · · + Γy N−1 ζ N−1 − Γy N ζ N = 0 (8)By factoring out Γ , we see that triviality is ensured by linear independenceof {y i ∈ R N }.2.1.3 Orthant:name given to a closed convex set that is the higher-dimensionalgeneralization of quadrant from the classical Cartesian partition of R 2 ; aCartesian cone. The most common is the nonnegative orthant R n + or R n×n+(analogue to quadrant I) to which membership denotes nonnegative vectorormatrix-entries respectively; e.g.,R n + {x∈ R n | x i ≥ 0 ∀i} (9)The nonpositive orthant R n − or R n×n− (analogue to quadrant III) denotesnegative and 0 entries. Orthant convexity 2.4 is easily verified bydefinition (1).2.4 All orthants are selfdual simplicial cones. (,

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