v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

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368 CHAPTER 4. SEMIDEFINITE PROGRAMMINGTo transform max cut to its convex equivalent, first defineX = xx T ∈ S n (830)then max cut (822) becomesmaximize1X∈ S n 4〈X , δ(A1) − A〉subject to δ(X) = 1(X ≽ 0)rankX = 1(826)whose rank constraint can be regularized as inmaximize1X∈ S n 4subject to δ(X) = 1X ≽ 0〈X , δ(A1) − A〉 − w〈X , W 〉(827)where w ≈1000 is a nonnegative fixed weight, and W is a direction matrixdetermined fromn∑λ(X ⋆ ) ii=2= minimizeW ∈ S n 〈X ⋆ , W 〉subject to 0 ≼ W ≼ ItrW = n − 1(1700a)which has an optimal solution that is known in closed form. These twoproblems (827) and (1700a) are iterated until convergence as defined onpage 309.Because convex problem statement (827) is so elegant, it is numericallysolvable for large binary vectors within reasonable time. 4.41 To test ourconvex iterative method, we compare an optimal convex result to anactual solution of the max cut problem found by performing a brute forcecombinatorial search of (822) 4.42 for a tight upper bound. Search-time limitsbinary vector lengths to 24 bits (about five days CPU time). 98% accuracy,4.41 We solved for a length-250 binary vector in only a few minutes and convex iterationson a 2006 vintage laptop Core 2 CPU (Intel T7400@2.16GHz, 666MHz FSB).4.42 more computationally intensive than the proposed convex iteration by many ordersof magnitude. Solving max cut by searching over all binary vectors of length 100, forexample, would occupy a contemporary supercomputer for a million years.

4.6. CARDINALITY AND RANK CONSTRAINT EXAMPLES 369actually obtained, is independent of binary vector length (12, 13, 20, 24)when averaged over more than 231 problem instances including planar,randomized, and toroidal graphs. 4.43 When failure occurred, large andsmall errors were manifest. That same 98% average accuracy is presumedmaintained when binary vector length is further increased. A Matlabprogram is provided on Wıκımization. Example. Cardinality/rank problem.d’Aspremont, El Ghaoui, Jordan, & Lanckriet [95] propose approximating apositive semidefinite matrix A∈ S N + by a rank-one matrix having constrainton cardinality c : for 0 < c < Nminimize ‖A − zz T ‖ Fzsubject to cardz ≤ c(828)which, they explain, is a hard problem equivalent tomaximize x T Axxsubject to ‖x‖ = 1card x ≤ c(829)where z √ λx and where optimal solution x ⋆ is a principal eigenvector(1694) (A.5) of A and λ = x ⋆T Ax ⋆ is the principal eigenvalue [159, p.331]when c is true cardinality of that eigenvector. This is principal componentanalysis with a cardinality constraint which controls solution sparsity. Definethe matrix variableX xx T ∈ S N (830)whose desired rank is 1, and whose desired diagonal cardinalitycardδ(X) ≡ cardx (831)4.43 Existence of a polynomial-time approximation to max cut with accuracy provablybetter than 94.11% would refute NP-hardness; which Håstad believes to be highly unlikely.[181, thm.8.2] [182]

368 CHAPTER 4. SEMIDEFINITE PROGRAMMINGTo transform max cut to its convex equivalent, first defineX = xx T ∈ S n (830)then max cut (822) becomesmaximize1X∈ S n 4〈X , δ(A1) − A〉subject to δ(X) = 1(X ≽ 0)rankX = 1(826)whose rank constraint can be regularized as inmaximize1X∈ S n 4subject to δ(X) = 1X ≽ 0〈X , δ(A1) − A〉 − w〈X , W 〉(827)where w ≈1000 is a nonnegative fixed weight, and W is a direction matrixdetermined fromn∑λ(X ⋆ ) ii=2= minimizeW ∈ S n 〈X ⋆ , W 〉subject to 0 ≼ W ≼ ItrW = n − 1(1700a)which has an optimal solution that is known in closed form. These twoproblems (827) and (1700a) are iterated until convergence as defined onpage 309.Because convex problem statement (827) is so elegant, it is numericallysolvable for large binary vectors within reasonable time. 4.41 To test ourconvex iterative method, we compare an optimal convex result to anactual solution of the max cut problem found by performing a brute forcecombinatorial search of (822) 4.42 for a tight upper bound. Search-time limitsbinary vector lengths to 24 bits (about five days CPU time). 98% accuracy,4.41 We solved for a length-250 binary vector in only a few minutes and convex iterationson a 2006 vintage laptop Core 2 CPU (Intel T7400@2.16GHz, 666MHz FSB).4.42 more computationally intensive than the proposed convex iteration by many ordersof magnitude. Solving max cut by searching over all binary vectors of length 100, forexample, would occupy a contemporary supercomputer for a million years.

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