v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

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358 CHAPTER 4. SEMIDEFINITE PROGRAMMINGcolumn-sum of X must also be unity. It is this combination of nonnegativity,sum, and sum square constraints that extracts the permutation matrices:(Figure 105) given nonzero vectors A, BminimizeX∈R n×n , G i ∈ S n+1subject to∑‖A − XB‖ 1 + w n 〈G i , W i 〉[ i=1 ] ⎫Gi (1:n, 1:n) X(:, i) ⎬G i =X(:, i) T ≽ 01⎭ ,trG i = 2i=1... n(794)X T 1 = 1X1 = 1X ≥ 0where w ≈10 positively weights the rank regularization term. Optimalsolutions G ⋆ i are key to finding direction matrices W i for the next iterationof semidefinite programs (794) (795):minimizeW i ∈ S n+1 〈G ⋆ i , W i 〉subject to 0 ≼ W i ≼ ItrW i = n⎫⎪⎬, i=1... n (795)⎪⎭Direction matrices thus found lead toward rank-1 matrices G ⋆ i on subsequentiterations. Constraint on trace of G ⋆ i normalizes the i th column of X ⋆ to unitybecause (confer p.419)[ ] XG ⋆ i =⋆ (:, i) [ X ⋆ (:, i) T 1]1(796)at convergence. Binary-valued X ⋆ column entries result from the furthersum constraint X1=1. Columnar orthogonality is a consequence of thefurther transpose-sum constraint X T 1=1 in conjunction with nonnegativityconstraint X ≥ 0 ; but we leave proof of orthogonality an exercise. Theoptimal objective value is 0 for both semidefinite programs when vectors Aand B are related by permutation. In any case, optimal solution X ⋆ becomesa permutation matrix Ξ .

4.6. CARDINALITY AND RANK CONSTRAINT EXAMPLES 359Because there are n direction matrices W i to find, it can be advantageousto invoke a known closed-form solution for each from page 658. What makesthis combinatorial problem more tractable are relatively small semidefiniteconstraints in (794). (confer (790)) When a permutation A of vector B exists,number of iterations can be as small as 1. But this combinatorial Procrustesproblem can be made even more challenging when vector A has repeatedentries.solution via cardinality constraintNow the idea is to force solution at a vertex of permutation polyhedron (100)by finding a solution of desired sparsity. Because permutation matrix X isn-sparse by assumption, this combinatorial Procrustes problem may insteadbe formulated as a compressed sensing problem with convex iteration oncardinality of vectorized X (4.5.1): given nonzero vectors A, BminimizeX∈R n×n ‖A − XB‖ 1 + w〈X , Y 〉subject to X T 1 = 1X1 = 1X ≥ 0where direction vector Y is an optimal solution tominimizeY ∈R n×n 〈X ⋆ , Y 〉subject to 0 ≤ Y ≤ 11 T Y 1 = n 2 − n(525)(797)each a linear program. In this circumstance, use of closed-form solution fordirection vector Y is discouraged. When vector A is a permutation of B ,both linear programs have objectives that converge to 0. When vectors A andB are permutations and no entries of A are repeated, optimal solution X ⋆can be found as soon as the first iteration.In any case, X ⋆ = Ξ is a permutation matrix. Exercise. Combinatorial Procrustes constraints.Assume that the objective of semidefinite program (794) is 0 at optimality.Prove that the constraints in program (794) are necessary and sufficientto produce a permutation matrix as optimal solution. Alternatively andequivalently, prove those constraints necessary and sufficient to optimallyproduce a nonnegative orthogonal matrix.

4.6. CARDINALITY AND RANK CONSTRAINT EXAMPLES 359Because there are n direction matrices W i to find, it can be advantageousto invoke a known closed-form solution for each from page 658. What makesthis combinatorial problem more tractable are relatively small semidefiniteconstraints in (794). (confer (790)) When a permutation A of vector B exists,number of iterations can be as small as 1. But this combinatorial Procrustesproblem can be made even more challenging when vector A has repeatedentries.solution via cardinality constraintNow the idea is to force solution at a vertex of permutation polyhedron (100)by finding a solution of desired sparsity. Because permutation matrix X isn-sparse by assumption, this combinatorial Procrustes problem may insteadbe formulated as a compressed sensing problem with convex iteration oncardinality of vectorized X (4.5.1): given nonzero vectors A, BminimizeX∈R n×n ‖A − XB‖ 1 + w〈X , Y 〉subject to X T 1 = 1X1 = 1X ≥ 0where direction vector Y is an optimal solution tominimizeY ∈R n×n 〈X ⋆ , Y 〉subject to 0 ≤ Y ≤ 11 T Y 1 = n 2 − n(525)(797)each a linear program. In this circumstance, use of closed-form solution fordirection vector Y is discouraged. When vector A is a permutation of B ,both linear programs have objectives that converge to 0. When vectors A andB are permutations and no entries of A are repeated, optimal solution X ⋆can be found as soon as the first iteration.In any case, X ⋆ = Ξ is a permutation matrix. Exercise. Combinatorial Procrustes constraints.Assume that the objective of semidefinite program (794) is 0 at optimality.Prove that the constraints in program (794) are necessary and sufficientto produce a permutation matrix as optimal solution. Alternatively andequivalently, prove those constraints necessary and sufficient to optimallyproduce a nonnegative orthogonal matrix.

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