v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

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334 CHAPTER 4. SEMIDEFINITE PROGRAMMINGx ≽ 0 is analogous to positive semidefiniteness; the notation means vector xbelongs to the nonnegative orthant R n + . Cardinality is quasiconcave on R n +just as rank is quasiconcave on S n + . [61,3.4.2] direction vectorWe propose that cardinality-constrained feasibility problem (530) can beequivalently expressed as a sequence of convex problems: for 0≤k ≤n−1minimizex∈R n 〈x , y〉subject to Ax = bx ≽ 0(156)n∑π(x ⋆ ) i =i=k+1minimizey∈R n 〈x ⋆ , y〉subject to 0 ≼ y ≼ 1y T 1 = n − k(525)where π is the (nonincreasing) presorting function. This sequence is iterateduntil x ⋆T y ⋆ vanishes; id est, until desired cardinality is achieved. But thisglobal convergence cannot always be guaranteed. 4.32Problem (525) is analogous to the rank constraint problem; (p.308)N∑λ(G ⋆ ) ii=k+1= minimizeW ∈ S N 〈G ⋆ , W 〉subject to 0 ≼ W ≼ ItrW = N − k(1700a)Linear program (525) sums the n−k smallest entries from vector x . Incontext of problem (530), we want n−k entries of x to sum to zero; id est,we want a globally optimal objective x ⋆T y ⋆ to vanish: more generally,n∑π(|x ⋆ |) i = 〈|x ⋆ |, y ⋆ 〉 0 (758)i=k+1defines global convergence for the iteration. Then n−k entries of x ⋆ arethemselves zero whenever their absolute sum is, and cardinality of x ⋆ ∈ R n is4.32 When it succeeds, a sequence may be regarded as a homotopy to minimal 0-norm.

4.5. CONSTRAINING CARDINALITY 3350R 3 +∂H(confer Figure 84)1∂H = {x | 〈x, 1〉 = κ}Figure 99: 1-norm heuristic for cardinality minimization can be interpreted asminimization of a hyperplane, ∂H with normal 1, over nonnegative orthantdrawn here in R 3 . Polar of direction vector y = 1 points toward origin.at most k . Optimal direction vector y ⋆ is defined as any nonnegative vectorfor which(530)find x ∈ R nsubject to Ax = bx ≽ 0‖x‖ 0 ≤ k≡minimizex∈R n 〈x , y ⋆ 〉subject to Ax = bx ≽ 0(156)Existence of such a y ⋆ , whose nonzero entries are complementary to thoseof x ⋆ , is obvious assuming existence of a cardinality-k solution x ⋆ . direction vector interpretation(confer4.4.1.1) Vector y may be interpreted as a negative search direction;it points opposite to direction of movement of hyperplane {x | 〈x , y〉= τ}in a minimization of real linear function 〈x , y〉 over the feasible set inlinear program (156). (p.75) Direction vector y is not unique. The feasibleset of direction vectors in (525) is the convex hull of all cardinality-(n−k)one-vectors; videlicet,

334 CHAPTER 4. SEMIDEFINITE PROGRAMMINGx ≽ 0 is analogous to positive semidefiniteness; the notation means vector xbelongs to the nonnegative orthant R n + . Cardinality is quasiconcave on R n +just as rank is quasiconcave on S n + . [61,3.4.2] direction vectorWe propose that cardinality-constrained feasibility problem (530) can beequivalently expressed as a sequence of convex problems: for 0≤k ≤n−1minimizex∈R n 〈x , y〉subject to Ax = bx ≽ 0(156)n∑π(x ⋆ ) i =i=k+1minimizey∈R n 〈x ⋆ , y〉subject to 0 ≼ y ≼ 1y T 1 = n − k(525)where π is the (nonincreasing) presorting function. This sequence is iterateduntil x ⋆T y ⋆ vanishes; id est, until desired cardinality is achieved. But thisglobal convergence cannot always be guaranteed. 4.32Problem (525) is analogous to the rank constraint problem; (p.308)N∑λ(G ⋆ ) ii=k+1= minimizeW ∈ S N 〈G ⋆ , W 〉subject to 0 ≼ W ≼ ItrW = N − k(1700a)Linear program (525) sums the n−k smallest entries from vector x . Incontext of problem (530), we want n−k entries of x to sum to zero; id est,we want a globally optimal objective x ⋆T y ⋆ to vanish: more generally,n∑π(|x ⋆ |) i = 〈|x ⋆ |, y ⋆ 〉 0 (758)i=k+1defines global convergence for the iteration. Then n−k entries of x ⋆ arethemselves zero whenever their absolute sum is, and cardinality of x ⋆ ∈ R n is4.32 When it succeeds, a sequence may be regarded as a homotopy to minimal 0-norm.

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