v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

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300 CHAPTER 4. SEMIDEFINITE PROGRAMMINGwhose rank does not satisfy upper bound (272), we posit existence of a setof perturbations{t j B j | t j ∈ R , B j ∈ S n , j =1... n} (704)such that, for some 0≤i≤n and scalars {t j , j =1... i} ,X ⋆ +i∑t j B j (705)j=1becomes an extreme point of A ∩ S n + and remains an optimal solution of(649P). Membership of (705) to affine subset A is secured for the i thperturbation by demanding〈B i , A j 〉 = 0, j =1... m (706)while membership to the positive semidefinite cone S n + is insured by smallperturbation (715). Feasibility of (705) is insured in this manner, optimalityis proved in4.3.3.The following simple algorithm has very low computational intensity andlocates an optimal extreme point, assuming a nontrivial solution: Procedure. Rank reduction. [Wıκımization]initialize: B i = 0 ∀ifor iteration i=1...n{1. compute a nonzero perturbation matrix B i of X ⋆ + i−1 ∑j=1t j B j2. maximize t isubject to X ⋆ + i ∑j=1t j B j ∈ S n +}

4.3. RANK REDUCTION 301A rank-reduced optimal solution is theni∑X ⋆ ← X ⋆ + t j B j (707)j=14.3.2 Perturbation formPerturbations of X ⋆ are independent of constants C ∈ S n and b∈R m inprimal and dual problems (649). Numerical accuracy of any rank-reducedresult, found by perturbation of an initial optimal solution X ⋆ , is thereforequite dependent upon initial accuracy of X ⋆ . Definition. Matrix step function. (conferA. the signum-like quasiconcave real function ψ : S n → Rψ(Z) { 1, Z ≽ 0−1, otherwise(708)The value −1 is taken for indefinite or nonzero negative semidefiniteargument.△Deza & Laurent [113,31.5.3] prove: every perturbation matrix B i ,i=1... n , is of the formB i = −ψ(Z i )R i Z i R T i ∈ S n (709)where∑i−1X ⋆ R 1 R1 T , X ⋆ + t j B j R i Ri T ∈ S n (710)j=1where the t j are scalars and R i ∈ R n×ρ is full-rank and skinny where( )∑i−1ρ rank X ⋆ + t j B jj=1(711)

4.3. RANK REDUCTION 301A rank-reduced optimal solution is theni∑X ⋆ ← X ⋆ + t j B j (707)j=14.3.2 Perturbation formPerturbations of X ⋆ are independent of constants C ∈ S n and b∈R m inprimal and dual problems (649). Numerical accuracy of any rank-reducedresult, found by perturbation of an initial optimal solution X ⋆ , is thereforequite dependent upon initial accuracy of X ⋆ . Definition. Matrix step function. (conferA. the signum-like quasiconcave real function ψ : S n → Rψ(Z) { 1, Z ≽ 0−1, otherwise(708)The value −1 is taken for indefinite or nonzero negative semidefiniteargument.△Deza & Laurent [113,31.5.3] prove: every perturbation matrix B i ,i=1... n , is of the formB i = −ψ(Z i )R i Z i R T i ∈ S n (709)where∑i−1X ⋆ R 1 R1 T , X ⋆ + t j B j R i Ri T ∈ S n (710)j=1where the t j are scalars and R i ∈ R n×ρ is full-rank and skinny where( )∑i−1ρ rank X ⋆ + t j B jj=1(711)

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