v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

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294 CHAPTER 4. SEMIDEFINITE PROGRAMMINGWe can reformulate this minimal cardinality Boolean problem (680) as asemidefinite program: First transform the variablex (ˆx + 1) 1 2(688)so ˆx i ∈ {−1, 1} ; equivalently,minimize ‖(ˆx + 1) 1‖ ˆx2 0subject to A(ˆx + 1) 1 = b 2δ(ˆxˆx T ) = 1(689)where δ is the main-diagonal linear operator (A.1). By assigning (B.1)[ ˆxG =1] [ ˆx T 1] =[ X ˆxˆx T 1][ ˆxˆxT ˆxˆx T 1]∈ S n+1 (690)problem (689) becomes equivalent to: (Theorem A. 1 TˆxX∈ S n , ˆx∈R nsubject to A(ˆx + 1) 1[ = b 2] X ˆxG = (≽ 0)ˆx T 1δ(X) = 1rankG = 1(691)where solution is confined to rank-1 vertices of the elliptope in S n+1( by the rank constraint, the positive semidefiniteness, and theequality constraints δ(X)=1. The rank constraint makes this problemnonconvex; by removing it 4.15 we get the semidefinite program4.15 Relaxed problem (692) can also be derived via Lagrange duality; it is a dual of adual program [sic] to (691). [304] [61,5, exer.5.39] [377,IV] [150,11.3.4] The relaxedproblem must therefore be convex having a larger feasible set; its optimal objective valuerepresents a generally loose lower bound (1683) on the optimal objective of problem (691).

4.2. FRAMEWORK 295minimize 1 TˆxX∈ S n , ˆx∈R nsubject to A(ˆx + 1) 1[ = b 2] X ˆxG =ˆx T 1δ(X) = 1≽ 0(692)whose optimal solution x ⋆ (688) is identical to that of minimal cardinalityBoolean problem (680) if and only if rankG ⋆ =1.Hope 4.16 of acquiring a rank-1 solution is not ill-founded because 2 nelliptope vertices have rank 1, and we are minimizing an affine function ona subset of the elliptope (Figure 130) containing rank-1 vertices; id est, byassumption that the feasible set of minimal cardinality Boolean problem(680) is nonempty, a desired solution resides on the elliptope relativeboundary at a rank-1 vertex. 4.17For that data given in (682), our semidefinite program solversdpsol [384][385] (accurate in solution to approximately 1E-8) 4.18 finds optimal solutionto (692)⎡round(G ⋆ ) =⎢⎣1 1 1 −1 1 1 −11 1 1 −1 1 1 −11 1 1 −1 1 1 −1−1 −1 −1 1 −1 −1 11 1 1 −1 1 1 −11 1 1 −1 1 1 −1−1 −1 −1 1 −1 −1 1⎤⎥⎦(693)near a rank-1 vertex of the elliptope in S n+1 (Theorem; its sorted4.16 A more deterministic approach to constraining rank and cardinality is in4. Confinement to the elliptope can be regarded as a kind of normalization akin tomatrix A column normalization suggested in [120] and explored in Example A typically ignored limitation of interior-point solution methods is their relativeaccuracy of only about 1E-8 on a machine using 64-bit (double precision) floating-pointarithmetic; id est, optimal solution x ⋆ cannot be more accurate than square root ofmachine epsilon (ǫ=2.2204E-16). Nonzero primal−dual objective difference is not a goodmeasure of solution accuracy.

294 CHAPTER 4. SEMIDEFINITE PROGRAMMINGWe can reformulate this minimal cardinality Boolean problem (680) as asemidefinite program: First transform the variablex (ˆx + 1) 1 2(688)so ˆx i ∈ {−1, 1} ; equivalently,minimize ‖(ˆx + 1) 1‖ ˆx2 0subject to A(ˆx + 1) 1 = b 2δ(ˆxˆx T ) = 1(689)where δ is the main-diagonal linear operator (A.1). By assigning (B.1)[ ˆxG =1] [ ˆx T 1] =[ X ˆxˆx T 1][ ˆxˆxT ˆxˆx T 1]∈ S n+1 (690)problem (689) becomes equivalent to: (Theorem A. 1 TˆxX∈ S n , ˆx∈R nsubject to A(ˆx + 1) 1[ = b 2] X ˆxG = (≽ 0)ˆx T 1δ(X) = 1rankG = 1(691)where solution is confined to rank-1 vertices of the elliptope in S n+1( by the rank constraint, the positive semidefiniteness, and theequality constraints δ(X)=1. The rank constraint makes this problemnonconvex; by removing it 4.15 we get the semidefinite program4.15 Relaxed problem (692) can also be derived via Lagrange duality; it is a dual of adual program [sic] to (691). [304] [61,5, exer.5.39] [377,IV] [150,11.3.4] The relaxedproblem must therefore be convex having a larger feasible set; its optimal objective valuerepresents a generally loose lower bound (1683) on the optimal objective of problem (691).

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