v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

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282 CHAPTER 4. SEMIDEFINITE PROGRAMMING4. Example. Optimization over A ∩ S 3 + .Consider minimization of the real linear function 〈C , X〉 overa polyhedral feasible set;P A ∩ S 3 + (654)f0 ⋆ minimize 〈C , X〉Xsubject to X ∈ A ∩ S+3(655)As illustrated for particular vector C and hyperplane A = ∂H in Figure 81,this linear function is minimized on any X belonging to the face of Pcontaining extreme points {Γ 1 , Γ 2 } and all the rank-2 matrices in between;id est, on any X belonging to the face of PF(P) = {X | 〈C , X〉 = f ⋆ 0 } ∩ A ∩ S 3 + (656)exposed by the hyperplane {X | 〈C , X〉=f ⋆ 0 }. In other words, the set of alloptimal points X ⋆ is a face of P{X ⋆ } = F(P) = Γ 1 Γ 2 (657)comprising rank-1 and rank-2 positive semidefinite matrices. Rank 1 isthe upper bound on existence in the feasible set P for this case m = 1hyperplane constituting A . The rank-1 matrices Γ 1 and Γ 2 in face F(P)are extreme points of that face and (by transitivity ( extremepoints of the intersection P as well. As predicted by analogy to Barvinok’sProposition, the upper bound on rank of X existent in the feasibleset P is satisfied by an extreme point. The upper bound on rank of anoptimal solution X ⋆ existent in F(P) is thereby also satisfied by an extremepoint of P precisely because {X ⋆ } constitutes F(P) ; 4.7 in particular,{X ⋆ ∈ P | rankX ⋆ ≤ 1} = {Γ 1 , Γ 2 } ⊆ F(P) (658)As all linear functions on a polyhedron are minimized on a face, [94] [252][274] [280] by analogy we so demonstrate coexistence of optimal solutions X ⋆of (649P) having assorted rank.4.7 and every face contains a subset of the extreme points of P by the extremeexistence theorem ( This means: because the affine subset A and hyperplane{X | 〈C , X 〉 = f ⋆ 0 } must intersect a whole face of P , calculation of an upper bound onrank of X ⋆ ignores counting the hyperplane when determining m in (272).

4.1. CONIC PROBLEM 2834.1.2.3 Previous workBarvinok showed, [24,2.2] when given a positive definite matrix C and anarbitrarily small neighborhood of C comprising positive definite matrices,there exists a matrix ˜C from that neighborhood such that optimal solutionX ⋆ to (649P) (substituting ˜C) is an extreme point of A ∩ S n + and satisfiesupper bound (272). 4.8 Given arbitrary positive definite C , this meansnothing inherently guarantees that an optimal solution X ⋆ to problem (649P)satisfies (272); certainly nothing given any symmetric matrix C , as theproblem is posed. This can be proved by example: Example. (Ye) Maximal Complementarity.Assume dimension n to be an even positive number. Then the particularinstance of problem (649P),has optimal solution〈[ I 0minimizeX∈ S n 0 2Isubject to X ≽ 0X ⋆ =〈I , X〉 = n[ 2I 00 0] 〉, X(659)]∈ S n (660)with an equal number of twos and zeros along the main diagonal. Indeed,optimal solution (660) is a terminal solution along the central path taken bythe interior-point method as implemented in [391,2.5.3]; it is also a solutionof highest rank among all optimal solutions to (659). Clearly, rank of thisprimal optimal solution exceeds by far a rank-1 solution predicted by upperbound (272). Later developmentsThis rational example (659) indicates the need for a more generally applicableand simple algorithm to identify an optimal solution X ⋆ satisfying Barvinok’sProposition We will review such an algorithm in4.3, but first weprovide more background.4.8 Further, the set of all such ˜C in that neighborhood is open and dense.

282 CHAPTER 4. SEMIDEFINITE PROGRAMMING4. Example. <strong>Optimization</strong> over A ∩ S 3 + .Consider minimization of the real linear function 〈C , X〉 overa polyhedral feasible set;P A ∩ S 3 + (654)f0 ⋆ minimize 〈C , X〉Xsubject to X ∈ A ∩ S+3(655)As illustrated for particular vector C and hyperplane A = ∂H in Figure 81,this linear function is minimized on any X belonging to the face of Pcontaining extreme points {Γ 1 , Γ 2 } and all the rank-2 matrices in between;id est, on any X belonging to the face of PF(P) = {X | 〈C , X〉 = f ⋆ 0 } ∩ A ∩ S 3 + (656)exposed by the hyperplane {X | 〈C , X〉=f ⋆ 0 }. In other words, the set of alloptimal points X ⋆ is a face of P{X ⋆ } = F(P) = Γ 1 Γ 2 (657)comprising rank-1 and rank-2 positive semidefinite matrices. Rank 1 isthe upper bound on existence in the feasible set P for this case m = 1hyperplane constituting A . The rank-1 matrices Γ 1 and Γ 2 in face F(P)are extreme points of that face and (by transitivity ( extremepoints of the intersection P as well. As predicted by analogy to Barvinok’sProposition, the upper bound on rank of X existent in the feasibleset P is satisfied by an extreme point. The upper bound on rank of anoptimal solution X ⋆ existent in F(P) is thereby also satisfied by an extremepoint of P precisely because {X ⋆ } constitutes F(P) ; 4.7 in particular,{X ⋆ ∈ P | rankX ⋆ ≤ 1} = {Γ 1 , Γ 2 } ⊆ F(P) (658)As all linear functions on a polyhedron are minimized on a face, [94] [252][274] [280] by analogy we so demonstrate coexistence of optimal solutions X ⋆of (649P) having assorted rank.4.7 and every face contains a subset of the extreme points of P by the extremeexistence theorem ( This means: because the affine subset A and hyperplane{X | 〈C , X 〉 = f ⋆ 0 } must intersect a whole face of P , calculation of an upper bound onrank of X ⋆ ignores counting the hyperplane when determining m in (272).

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