v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

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274 CHAPTER 4. SEMIDEFINITE PROGRAMMINGBy the fundamental theorem of Convex Optimization, any locally optimalpoint of a convex problem is globally optimal. [61,4.2.2] [306,1] Givenconvex real objective function g and convex feasible set D ⊆domg , whichis the set of all variable values satisfying the problem constraints, we pose ageneric convex optimization problemminimize g(X)Xsubject to X ∈ D(647)where constraints are abstract here in membership of variable X to convexfeasible set D . Inequality constraint functions of a convex optimizationproblem are convex while equality constraint functions are conventionallyaffine, but not necessarily so. Affine equality constraint functions, as opposedto the superset of all convex equality constraint functions having convex levelsets (, make convex optimization tractable.Similarly, the problemmaximize g(X)Xsubject to X ∈ D(648)is called convex were g a real concave function and feasible set D convex.As conversion to convex form is not always possible, there is much ongoingresearch to determine which problem classes have convex expression orrelaxation. [34] [59] [151] [277] [345] [149]4.1 Conic problemStill, we are surprised to see the relatively small number ofsubmissions to semidefinite programming (SDP) solvers, as thisis an area of significant current interest to the optimizationcommunity. We speculate that semidefinite programming issimply experiencing the fate of most new areas: Users have yet tounderstand how to pose their problems as semidefinite programs,and the lack of support for SDP solvers in popular modellinglanguages likely discourages submissions.−SIAM News, 2002. [115, p.9]

4.1. CONIC PROBLEM 275(confer p.162) Consider a conic problem (p) and its dual (d): [293,3.3.1][239,2.1] [240](p)minimize c T xxsubject to x ∈ KAx = bmaximize b T yy,ssubject to s ∈ K ∗A T y + s = c(d) (302)where K is a closed convex cone, K ∗ is its dual, matrix A is fixed, and theremaining quantities are vectors.When K is a polyhedral cone (2.12.1), then each conic problem becomesa linear program; the selfdual nonnegative orthant providing the prototypicalprimal linear program and its dual. [94,3-1] 4.2 More generally, eachoptimization problem is convex when K is a closed convex cone. Unlike theoptimal objective value, a solution to each convex problem is not necessarilyunique; in other words, the optimal solution set {x ⋆ } or {y ⋆ , s ⋆ } is convex andmay comprise more than a single point although the corresponding optimalobjective value is unique when the feasible set is nonempty.4.1.1 a Semidefinite programWhen K is the selfdual cone of positive semidefinite matrices S n + in thesubspace of symmetric matrices S n , then each conic problem is called asemidefinite program (SDP); [277,6.4] primal problem (P) having matrixvariable X ∈ S n while corresponding dual (D) has slack variable S ∈ S n andvector variable y = [y i ]∈ R m : [10] [11,2] [391,1.3.8](P)minimizeX∈ S n 〈C , X〉subject to X ≽ 0A svec X = bmaximizey∈R m , S∈S n 〈b, y〉subject to S ≽ 0svec −1 (A T y) + S = C(D)(649)This is the prototypical semidefinite program and its dual, where matrixC ∈ S n and vector b∈R m are fixed, as is⎡ ⎤svec(A 1 ) TA ⎣ . ⎦∈ R m×n(n+1)/2 (650)svec(A m ) Twhere A i ∈ S n , i=1... m , are given. Thus4.2 Dantzig explains reasoning behind a nonnegativity constraint: . . .negative quantitiesof activities are not possible. . . .a negative number of cases cannot be shipped.

274 CHAPTER 4. SEMIDEFINITE PROGRAMMINGBy the fundamental theorem of <strong>Convex</strong> <strong>Optimization</strong>, any locally optimalpoint of a convex problem is globally optimal. [61,4.2.2] [306,1] Givenconvex real objective function g and convex feasible set D ⊆domg , whichis the set of all variable values satisfying the problem constraints, we pose ageneric convex optimization problemminimize g(X)Xsubject to X ∈ D(647)where constraints are abstract here in membership of variable X to convexfeasible set D . Inequality constraint functions of a convex optimizationproblem are convex while equality constraint functions are conventionallyaffine, but not necessarily so. Affine equality constraint functions, as opposedto the superset of all convex equality constraint functions having convex levelsets (, make convex optimization tractable.Similarly, the problemmaximize g(X)Xsubject to X ∈ D(648)is called convex were g a real concave function and feasible set D convex.As conversion to convex form is not always possible, there is much ongoingresearch to determine which problem classes have convex expression orrelaxation. [34] [59] [151] [277] [345] [149]4.1 Conic problemStill, we are surprised to see the relatively small number ofsubmissions to semidefinite programming (SDP) solvers, as thisis an area of significant current interest to the optimizationcommunity. We speculate that semidefinite programming issimply experiencing the fate of most new areas: Users have yet tounderstand how to pose their problems as semidefinite programs,and the lack of support for SDP solvers in popular modellinglanguages likely discourages submissions.−SIAM News, 2002. [115, p.9]

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