v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

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272 CHAPTER 3. GEOMETRY OF CONVEX FUNCTIONS3.log-convex ⇒ convex ⇒ quasiconvex.concave ⇒ quasiconcave ⇐ log-concave ⇐ positive concave. 3.294. The line theorem ( translates identically to quasiconvexity(quasiconcavity). [61,3.4.2]5.g convex ⇔ −g concaveg quasiconvex ⇔ −g quasiconcaveg log-convex ⇔ 1/g log-concave(translation, homogeneity) Function convexity, concavity,quasiconvexity, and quasiconcavity are invariant to offset andnonnegative scaling.6. (affine transformation of argument) Composition g(h(X)) of convex(concave) function g with any affine function h : R m×n → R p×kremains convex (concave) in X ∈ R m×n , where h(R m×n ) ∩ domg ≠ ∅ .[199,B.2.1] Likewise for the quasiconvex (quasiconcave) functions g .7. – Nonnegatively weighted sum of convex (concave) functionsremains convex (concave). (– Nonnegatively weighted nonzero sum of strictly convex(concave) functions remains strictly convex (concave).– Nonnegatively weighted maximum (minimum) of convex 3.30(concave) functions remains convex (concave).– Pointwise supremum (infimum) of convex (concave) functionsremains convex (concave). (Figure 74) [307,5] –Sum of quasiconvex functions not necessarily quasiconvex.– Nonnegatively weighted maximum (minimum) of quasiconvex(quasiconcave) functions remains quasiconvex (quasiconcave).– Pointwise supremum (infimum) of quasiconvex (quasiconcave)functions remains quasiconvex (quasiconcave).3.29 Log-convex means: logarithm of function f is convex on dom f .3.30 Supremum and maximum of convex functions are proven convex by intersection ofepigraphs.

Chapter 4Semidefinite programmingPrior to 1984, linear and nonlinear programming, 4.1 one a subsetof the other, had evolved for the most part along unconnectedpaths, without even a common terminology. (The use of“programming” to mean “optimization” serves as a persistentreminder of these differences.)−Forsgren, Gill, & Wright (2002) [145]Given some practical application of convex analysis, it may at first seempuzzling why a search for its solution ends abruptly with a formalizedstatement of the problem itself as a constrained optimization. Theexplanation is: typically we do not seek analytical solution because there arerelatively few. (3.5.2,C) If a problem can be expressed in convex form,rather, then there exist computer programs providing efficient numericalglobal solution. [167] [384] [385] [383] [348] [336] The goal, then, becomesconversion of a given problem (perhaps a nonconvex or combinatorialproblem statement) to an equivalent convex form or to an alternation ofconvex subproblems convergent to a solution of the original problem:4.1 nascence of polynomial-time interior-point methods of solution [363] [381].Linear programming ⊂ (convex ∩ nonlinear) programming.2001 Jon Dattorro. co&edg version 2010.10.26. All rights reserved.citation: Dattorro, Convex Optimization & Euclidean Distance Geometry,Mεβoo Publishing USA, 2005, v2010.10.26.273

272 CHAPTER 3. GEOMETRY OF CONVEX FUNCTIONS3.log-convex ⇒ convex ⇒ quasiconvex.concave ⇒ quasiconcave ⇐ log-concave ⇐ positive concave. 3.294. The line theorem ( translates identically to quasiconvexity(quasiconcavity). [61,3.4.2]5.g convex ⇔ −g concaveg quasiconvex ⇔ −g quasiconcaveg log-convex ⇔ 1/g log-concave(translation, homogeneity) Function convexity, concavity,quasiconvexity, and quasiconcavity are invariant to offset andnonnegative scaling.6. (affine transformation of argument) Composition g(h(X)) of convex(concave) function g with any affine function h : R m×n → R p×kremains convex (concave) in X ∈ R m×n , where h(R m×n ) ∩ domg ≠ ∅ .[199,B.2.1] Likewise for the quasiconvex (quasiconcave) functions g .7. – Nonnegatively weighted sum of convex (concave) functionsremains convex (concave). (– Nonnegatively weighted nonzero sum of strictly convex(concave) functions remains strictly convex (concave).– Nonnegatively weighted maximum (minimum) of convex 3.30(concave) functions remains convex (concave).– Pointwise supremum (infimum) of convex (concave) functionsremains convex (concave). (Figure 74) [307,5] –Sum of quasiconvex functions not necessarily quasiconvex.– Nonnegatively weighted maximum (minimum) of quasiconvex(quasiconcave) functions remains quasiconvex (quasiconcave).– Pointwise supremum (infimum) of quasiconvex (quasiconcave)functions remains quasiconvex (quasiconcave).3.29 Log-convex means: logarithm of function f is convex on dom f .3.30 Supremum and maximum of convex functions are proven convex by intersection ofepigraphs.

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