v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

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270 CHAPTER 3. GEOMETRY OF CONVEX FUNCTIONSFigure 79: Iconic unimodal differentiable quasiconvex function of twovariables graphed in R 2 × R on some open disc in R 2 . Note reversal ofcurvature in direction of gradient.Unlike convex functions, quasiconvex functions are not necessarilycontinuous; e.g., quasiconcave rank(X) on S M + ( and card(x)on R M + . Although insufficient for convex functions, convexity of each andevery sublevel set serves as a definition of quasiconvexity: Definition. Quasiconvex multidimensional function.Scalar-, vector-, or matrix-valued function g(X) : R p×k →S M is a quasiconvexfunction of matrix X iff domg is a convex set and the sublevel setcorresponding to each and every S ∈ S ML Sg = {X ∈ dom g | g(X) ≼ S } ⊆ R p×k (631)is convex. Vectors are compared with respect to the nonnegative orthant R M +while matrices are with respect to the positive semidefinite cone S M + .Convexity of the superlevel set corresponding to each and every S ∈ S M ,likewiseL S g = {X ∈ domg | g(X) ≽ S } ⊆ R p×k (644)is necessary and sufficient for quasiconcavity.△

3.9. SALIENT PROPERTIES 2713. Exercise. Nonconvexity of matrix product.Consider real function f on a positive definite domain[ ] [X1rel int SN+f(X) = tr(X 1 X 2 ) , X ∈ domf X 2 rel int S N +](645)with superlevel setsL s f = {X ∈ dom f | 〈X 1 , X 2 〉 ≥ s } (646)Prove: f(X) is not quasiconcave except when N = 1, nor is it quasiconvexunless X 1 = X 2 .3.8.1 bilinearBilinear function 3.27 x T y of vectors x and y is quasiconcave (monotonic) onthe entirety of the nonnegative orthants only when vectors are of dimension quasilinearWhen a function is simultaneously quasiconvex and quasiconcave, it is calledquasilinear. Quasilinear functions are completely determined by convexlevel sets. One-dimensional function f(x) = x 3 and vector-valued signumfunction sgn(x) , for example, are quasilinear. Any monotonic function isquasilinear 3.28 (,3.9 no.4, but not vice versa; Exercise Salient propertiesof convex and quasiconvex functions1.A convex function is assumed continuous but not necessarilydifferentiable on the relative interior of its domain. [307,10]A quasiconvex function is not necessarily a continuous function.2. convex epigraph ⇔ convexity ⇒ quasiconvexity ⇔ convex sublevel sets.convex hypograph ⇔ concavity ⇒ quasiconcavity ⇔ convex superlevel.monotonicity ⇒ quasilinearity ⇔ convex level sets.3.27 Convex envelope of bilinear functions is well known. [3]3.28 e.g., a monotonic concave function is quasiconvex, but dare not confuse these terms.

3.9. SALIENT PROPERTIES 2713. Exercise. Nonconvexity of matrix product.Consider real function f on a positive definite domain[ ] [X1rel int SN+f(X) = tr(X 1 X 2 ) , X ∈ domf X 2 rel int S N +](645)with superlevel setsL s f = {X ∈ dom f | 〈X 1 , X 2 〉 ≥ s } (646)Prove: f(X) is not quasiconcave except when N = 1, nor is it quasiconvexunless X 1 = X 2 .3.8.1 bilinearBilinear function 3.27 x T y of vectors x and y is quasiconcave (monotonic) onthe entirety of the nonnegative orthants only when vectors are of dimension quasilinearWhen a function is simultaneously quasiconvex and quasiconcave, it is calledquasilinear. Quasilinear functions are completely determined by convexlevel sets. One-dimensional function f(x) = x 3 and vector-valued signumfunction sgn(x) , for example, are quasilinear. Any monotonic function isquasilinear 3.28 (,3.9 no.4, but not vice versa; Exercise Salient propertiesof convex and quasiconvex functions1.A convex function is assumed continuous but not necessarilydifferentiable on the relative interior of its domain. [307,10]A quasiconvex function is not necessarily a continuous function.2. convex epigraph ⇔ convexity ⇒ quasiconvexity ⇔ convex sublevel sets.convex hypograph ⇔ concavity ⇒ quasiconcavity ⇔ convex superlevel.monotonicity ⇒ quasilinearity ⇔ convex level sets.3.27 <strong>Convex</strong> envelope of bilinear functions is well known. [3]3.28 e.g., a monotonic concave function is quasiconvex, but dare not confuse these terms.

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