v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

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258 CHAPTER 3. GEOMETRY OF CONVEX FUNCTIONSWhen f(X) : R p →R is a real differentiable convex function with vectorargument on open convex domain, there is simplification of the first-ordercondition (607); for each and every X,Y ∈ domff(Y ) ≥ f(X) + ∇f(X) T (Y − X) (608)From this we can find ∂H − a unique [371, p.220-229] nonvertical [199,B.1.2]hyperplane [ ](2.4), expressed in terms of function gradient, supporting epifXat : videlicet, defining f(Y /∈ domf) ∞ [61,3.1.7]f(X)[ Yt]∈ epif ⇔ t ≥ f(Y ) ⇒ [ ∇f(X) T−1 ]([ Yt]−[ ]) X≤ 0f(X)(609)This means, for each and every point X in the domain of a convex real[ function ] f(X) , there exists a hyperplane ∂H − [ in R p ] × R having normal∇f(X)Xsupporting the function epigraph at ∈ ∂H−1f(X)−{[ Y∂H − =t] [ ] Rp∈R[∇f(X) T −1 ]([ Yt]−[ ]) } X= 0f(X)(610)Such a hyperplane is strictly supporting whenever a function is strictlyconvex. One such supporting hyperplane (confer Figure 29a) is illustratedin Figure 77 for a convex quadratic.From (608) we deduce, for each and every X,Y ∈ domf in the domain,∇f(X) T (Y − X) ≥ 0 ⇒ f(Y ) ≥ f(X) (611)meaning, the gradient at X identifies a supporting hyperplane there in R p{Y ∈ R p | ∇f(X) T (Y − X) = 0} (612)to the convex sublevel sets of convex function f (confer (559))L f(X) f {Z ∈ domf | f(Z) ≤ f(X)} ⊆ R p (613)illustrated for an arbitrary convex real function in Figure 78 and Figure 67.That supporting hyperplane is unique for twice differentiable f . [219, p.501]

3.6. GRADIENT 259αβα ≥ β ≥ γ∇f(X)Y−Xγ{Z | f(Z) = α}{Y | ∇f(X) T (Y − X) = 0, f(X)=α} (612)Figure 78:(confer Figure 67) Shown is a plausible contour plot in R 2 of somearbitrary real differentiable convex function f(Z) at selected levels α , β ,and γ ; contours of equal level f (level sets) drawn in the function’s domain.A convex function has convex sublevel sets L f(X) f (613). [307,4.6] Thesublevel set whose boundary is the level set at α , for instance, comprisesall the shaded regions. For any particular convex function, the familycomprising all its sublevel sets is nested. [199, p.75] Were sublevel sets notconvex, we may certainly conclude the corresponding function is neitherconvex. Contour plots of real affine functions are illustrated in Figure 26and Figure 73.

258 CHAPTER 3. GEOMETRY OF CONVEX FUNCTIONSWhen f(X) : R p →R is a real differentiable convex function with vectorargument on open convex domain, there is simplification of the first-ordercondition (607); for each and every X,Y ∈ domff(Y ) ≥ f(X) + ∇f(X) T (Y − X) (608)From this we can find ∂H − a unique [371, p.220-229] nonvertical [199,B.1.2]hyperplane [ ](2.4), expressed in terms of function gradient, supporting epifXat : videlicet, defining f(Y /∈ domf) ∞ [61,3.1.7]f(X)[ Yt]∈ epif ⇔ t ≥ f(Y ) ⇒ [ ∇f(X) T−1 ]([ Yt]−[ ]) X≤ 0f(X)(609)This means, for each and every point X in the domain of a convex real[ function ] f(X) , there exists a hyperplane ∂H − [ in R p ] × R having normal∇f(X)Xsupporting the function epigraph at ∈ ∂H−1f(X)−{[ Y∂H − =t] [ ] Rp∈R[∇f(X) T −1 ]([ Yt]−[ ]) } X= 0f(X)(610)Such a hyperplane is strictly supporting whenever a function is strictlyconvex. One such supporting hyperplane (confer Figure 29a) is illustratedin Figure 77 for a convex quadratic.From (608) we deduce, for each and every X,Y ∈ domf in the domain,∇f(X) T (Y − X) ≥ 0 ⇒ f(Y ) ≥ f(X) (611)meaning, the gradient at X identifies a supporting hyperplane there in R p{Y ∈ R p | ∇f(X) T (Y − X) = 0} (612)to the convex sublevel sets of convex function f (confer (559))L f(X) f {Z ∈ domf | f(Z) ≤ f(X)} ⊆ R p (613)illustrated for an arbitrary convex real function in Figure 78 and Figure 67.That supporting hyperplane is unique for twice differentiable f . [219, p.501]

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