v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization


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3.5. EPIGRAPH, SUBLEVEL SET 247partitioned feasible sets are not interdependent, and the fact that the originalproblem (though nonlinear) is convex simultaneously in both variables. 3.16But partitioning alone does not guarantee a projector as solution.To make orthogonal projector W a certainty, we must invoke a knownanalytical optimal solution to problem (575): Diagonalize optimal solutionfrom problem (574) x ⋆ x ⋆T QΛQ T (A.5.1) and set U ⋆ = Q(:, 1:k)∈ R n×kper (1700c);W = U ⋆ U ⋆T = x⋆ x ⋆T‖x ⋆ ‖ 2 + Q(:, 2:k)Q(:, 2:k)T (576)Then optimal solution (x ⋆ , U ⋆ ) to problem (573) is found, for small ǫ , byiterating solution to problem (574) with optimal (projector) solution (576)to convex problem (575).Proof. Optimal vector x ⋆ is orthogonal to the last n −1 columns oforthogonal matrix Q , sof ⋆ (574) = ‖x ⋆ ‖ 2 (1 − (1 + ǫ) −1 ) (577)after each iteration. Convergence of f(574) ⋆ is proven with the observation thatiteration (574) (575a) is a nonincreasing sequence that is bounded below by 0.Any bounded monotonic sequence in R is convergent. [258,1.2] [42,1.1]Expression (576) for optimal projector W holds at each iteration, therefore‖x ⋆ ‖ 2 (1 − (1 + ǫ) −1 ) must also represent the optimal objective value f(574)⋆at convergence.Because the objective f (573) from problem (573) is also bounded belowby 0 on the same domain, this convergent optimal objective value f(574) ⋆ (forpositive ǫ arbitrarily close to 0) is necessarily optimal for (573); id est,by (1683), andf ⋆ (574) ≥ f ⋆ (573) ≥ 0 (578)limǫ→0 +f⋆ (574) = 0 (579)Since optimal (x ⋆ , U ⋆ ) from problem (574) is feasible to problem (573), andbecause their objectives are equivalent for projectors by (570), then converged(x ⋆ , U ⋆ ) must also be optimal to (573) in the limit. Because problem (573)is convex, this represents a globally optimal solution.3.16 A convex problem has convex feasible set, and the objective surface has one and onlyone global minimum. [302, p.123]

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