v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

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224 CHAPTER 3. GEOMETRY OF CONVEX FUNCTIONS3. Exercise. Cone of convex functions.Prove that relation (498) implies: The set of all convex vector-valuedfunctions forms a convex cone in some space. Indeed, any nonnegativelyweighted sum of convex functions remains convex. So trivial function f = 0is convex. Relatively interior to each face of this cone are the strictly convexfunctions of corresponding dimension. 3.6 How do convex real functions fitinto this cone? Where are the affine functions? Example. Conic origins of Lagrangian.The cone of convex functions, implied by membership relation (498), providesfoundation for what is known as a Lagrangian function. [252, p.398] [280]Consider a conic optimization problem, for proper cone K and affine subset Aconvex w.r.t ⎣ RM +KAminimize f(x)xsubject to g(x) ≽ K 0h(x) ∈ A(504)A Cartesian product of convex functions remains convex, so we may write[ ] ⎡ ⎤[ ] ⎡ ⎤ ⎡fg fg w⎦ ⇔ [ w T λ T ν T ] convex ∀⎣λ ⎦∈h h ν⎤⎣ RM∗ +K ∗ ⎦A ⊥(505)where A ⊥ is a normal cone to A . A normal cone to an affine subset is theorthogonal complement of its parallel subspace (E. relation (505) holds because of equality for h in convexitycriterion (497) and because normal-cone membership relation (451), givenpoint a∈A , becomesh ∈ A ⇔ 〈ν , h − a〉=0 for all ν ∈ A ⊥ (506)In other words: all affine functions are convex (with respect to any givenproper cone), all convex functions are translation invariant, whereas anyaffine function must satisfy (506).A real Lagrangian arises from the scalar term in (505); id est,[ ] fghL [w T λ T ν T ]= w T f + λ T g + ν T h (507)3.6 Strict case excludes cone’s point at origin and zero weighting.

3.2. PRACTICAL NORM FUNCTIONS, ABSOLUTE VALUE 2253.2 Practical norm functions, absolute valueTo some mathematicians, “all norms on R n are equivalent” [159, p.53];meaning, ratios of different norms are bounded above and below by finitepredeterminable constants. But to statisticians and engineers, all norms arecertainly not created equal; as evidenced by the compressed sensing (sparsity)revolution, begun in 2004, whose focus is predominantly 1-norm.A norm on R n is a convex function f : R n → R satisfying: for x,y ∈ R n ,α∈ R [227, p.59] [159, p.52]1. f(x) ≥ 0 (f(x) = 0 ⇔ x = 0) (nonnegativity)2. f(x + y) ≤ f(x) + f(y) 3.7 (triangle inequality)3. f(αx) = |α|f(x) (nonnegative homogeneity)Convexity follows by properties 2 and 3. Most useful are 1-, 2-, and ∞-norm:‖x‖ 1 = minimize 1 T tt∈R nsubject to −t ≼ x ≼ t(508)where |x| = t ⋆ (entrywise absolute value equals optimal t ). 3.8‖x‖ 2 = minimizet∈Rsubject tot[ tI xx T t]≽S n+1+0(509)where ‖x‖ 2 = ‖x‖ √ x T x = t ⋆ .‖x‖ ∞ = minimize tt∈Rsubject to −t1 ≼ x ≼ t1(510)where max{|x i | , i=1... n} = t ⋆ .‖x‖ 1 = minimizeα∈R n , β∈R n 1 T (α + β)subject to α,β ≽ 0x = α − β(511)3.7 ‖x + y‖ ≤ ‖x‖ + ‖y‖ for any norm, with equality iff x = κy where κ ≥ 0.3.8 Vector 1 may be replaced with any positive [sic] vector to get absolute value,theoretically, although 1 provides the 1-norm.

224 CHAPTER 3. GEOMETRY OF CONVEX FUNCTIONS3. Exercise. Cone of convex functions.Prove that relation (498) implies: The set of all convex vector-valuedfunctions forms a convex cone in some space. Indeed, any nonnegativelyweighted sum of convex functions remains convex. So trivial function f = 0is convex. Relatively interior to each face of this cone are the strictly convexfunctions of corresponding dimension. 3.6 How do convex real functions fitinto this cone? Where are the affine functions? Example. Conic origins of Lagrangian.The cone of convex functions, implied by membership relation (498), providesfoundation for what is known as a Lagrangian function. [252, p.398] [280]Consider a conic optimization problem, for proper cone K and affine subset Aconvex w.r.t ⎣ RM +KAminimize f(x)xsubject to g(x) ≽ K 0h(x) ∈ A(504)A Cartesian product of convex functions remains convex, so we may write[ ] ⎡ ⎤[ ] ⎡ ⎤ ⎡fg fg w⎦ ⇔ [ w T λ T ν T ] convex ∀⎣λ ⎦∈h h ν⎤⎣ RM∗ +K ∗ ⎦A ⊥(505)where A ⊥ is a normal cone to A . A normal cone to an affine subset is theorthogonal complement of its parallel subspace (E. relation (505) holds because of equality for h in convexitycriterion (497) and because normal-cone membership relation (451), givenpoint a∈A , becomesh ∈ A ⇔ 〈ν , h − a〉=0 for all ν ∈ A ⊥ (506)In other words: all affine functions are convex (with respect to any givenproper cone), all convex functions are translation invariant, whereas anyaffine function must satisfy (506).A real Lagrangian arises from the scalar term in (505); id est,[ ] fghL [w T λ T ν T ]= w T f + λ T g + ν T h (507)3.6 Strict case excludes cone’s point at origin and zero weighting.

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