v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

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220 CHAPTER 3. GEOMETRY OF CONVEX FUNCTIONS3.1 Convex function3.1.1 real and vector-valued functionVector-valued functionf(X) : R p×k →R M =⎡⎢⎣f 1 (X).f M (X)⎤⎥⎦ (495)assigns each X in its domain domf (a subset of ambient vector space R p×k )to a specific element [258, p.3] of its range (a subset of R M ). Function f(X)is linear in X on its domain if and only if, for each and every Y,Z ∈domfand α , β ∈ Rf(αY + βZ) = αf(Y ) + βf(Z) (496)A vector-valued function f(X) : R p×k →R M is convex in X if and only ifdomf is a convex set and, for each and every Y,Z ∈domf and 0≤µ≤1f(µY + (1 − µ)Z) ≼µf(Y ) + (1 − µ)f(Z) (497)R M +As defined, continuity is implied but not differentiability (nor smoothness). 3.2Apparently some, but not all, nonlinear functions are convex. Reversing senseof the inequality flips this definition to concavity. Linear (and affine3.4) 3.3functions attain equality in this definition. Linear functions are thereforesimultaneously convex and concave.Vector-valued functions are most often compared (182) as in (497) withrespect to the M-dimensional selfdual nonnegative orthant R M + , a propercone. 3.4 In this case, the test prescribed by (497) is simply a comparisonon R of each entry f i of a vector-valued function f . ( Thevector-valued function case is therefore a straightforward generalization ofconventional convexity theory for a real function. This conclusion followsfrom theory of dual generalized inequalities ( which assertsf convex w.r.t R M + ⇔ w T f convex ∀w ∈ G(R M∗+ ) (498)3.2 Figure 68b illustrates a nondifferentiable convex function. Differentiability is certainlynot a requirement for optimization of convex functions by numerical methods; e.g., [243].3.3 While linear functions are not invariant to translation (offset), convex functions are.3.4 Definition of convexity can be broadened to other (not necessarily proper) cones.Referred to in the literature as K-convexity, [294] R M∗+ (498) generalizes to K ∗ .

3.1. CONVEX FUNCTION 221f 1 (x)f 2 (x)(a)(b)Figure 68: Convex real functions here have a unique minimizer x ⋆ . Forx∈ R , f 1 (x)=x 2 =‖x‖ 2 2 is strictly convex whereas nondifferentiable functionf 2 (x)= √ x 2 =|x|=‖x‖ 2 is convex but not strictly. Strict convexity of a realfunction is only a sufficient condition for minimizer uniqueness.shown by substitution of the defining inequality (497). Discretization allowsrelaxation ( of a semiinfinite number of conditions {w ∈ R M∗+ } to:{w ∈ G(R M∗+ )} ≡ {e i ∈ R M , i=1... M } (499)(the standard basis for R M and a minimal set of generators ( for R M + )from which the stated conclusion follows; id est, the test for convexity of avector-valued function is a comparison on R of each entry.3.1.2 strict convexityWhen f(X) instead satisfies, for each and every distinct Y and Z in domfand all 0

220 CHAPTER 3. GEOMETRY OF CONVEX FUNCTIONS3.1 <strong>Convex</strong> function3.1.1 real and vector-valued functionVector-valued functionf(X) : R p×k →R M =⎡⎢⎣f 1 (X).f M (X)⎤⎥⎦ (495)assigns each X in its domain domf (a subset of ambient vector space R p×k )to a specific element [258, p.3] of its range (a subset of R M ). Function f(X)is linear in X on its domain if and only if, for each and every Y,Z ∈domfand α , β ∈ Rf(αY + βZ) = αf(Y ) + βf(Z) (496)A vector-valued function f(X) : R p×k →R M is convex in X if and only ifdomf is a convex set and, for each and every Y,Z ∈domf and 0≤µ≤1f(µY + (1 − µ)Z) ≼µf(Y ) + (1 − µ)f(Z) (497)R M +As defined, continuity is implied but not differentiability (nor smoothness). 3.2Apparently some, but not all, nonlinear functions are convex. Reversing senseof the inequality flips this definition to concavity. Linear (and affine3.4) 3.3functions attain equality in this definition. Linear functions are thereforesimultaneously convex and concave.Vector-valued functions are most often compared (182) as in (497) withrespect to the M-dimensional selfdual nonnegative orthant R M + , a propercone. 3.4 In this case, the test prescribed by (497) is simply a comparisonon R of each entry f i of a vector-valued function f . ( Thevector-valued function case is therefore a straightforward generalization ofconventional convexity theory for a real function. This conclusion followsfrom theory of dual generalized inequalities ( which assertsf convex w.r.t R M + ⇔ w T f convex ∀w ∈ G(R M∗+ ) (498)3.2 Figure 68b illustrates a nondifferentiable convex function. Differentiability is certainlynot a requirement for optimization of convex functions by numerical methods; e.g., [243].3.3 While linear functions are not invariant to translation (offset), convex functions are.3.4 Definition of convexity can be broadened to other (not necessarily proper) cones.Referred to in the literature as K-convexity, [294] R M∗+ (498) generalizes to K ∗ .

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