v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

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182 CHAPTER 2. CONVEX GEOMETRYK = K ∗ ⇔ K = ⋂ {y | γ T y ≥ 0 } (379)γ∈G(K)In words: Cone K is selfdual iff its own extreme directions are inward-normalsto a (minimal) set of hyperplanes bounding halfspaces whose intersectionconstructs it. This means each extreme direction of K is normal to ahyperplane exposing one of its own faces; a necessary but insufficientcondition for selfdualness (Figure 62, for example).Selfdual cones are necessarily full-dimensional. [30,I] Their mostprominent representatives are the orthants (Cartesian cones), the positivesemidefinite cone S M + in the ambient space of symmetric matrices (377), andLorentz cone (178) [20,II.A] [61, exmp.2.25]. In three dimensions, a planecontaining the axis of revolution of a selfdual cone (and the origin) willproduce a slice whose boundary makes a right angle. Example. Linear matrix inequality. (confer2. a peculiar vertex-description for a convex cone K defined overa positive semidefinite cone (instead of a nonnegative orthant as indefinition (103)): for X ∈ S n + given A j ∈ S n , j =1... m⎧⎡⎨K = ⎣⎩⎧⎡⎨= ⎣⎩〈A 1 , X〉.〈A m , X〉⎤ ⎫⎬⎦ | X ≽ 0⎭ ⊆ Rm⎤ ⎫svec(A 1 ) T⎬. ⎦svec X | X ≽ 0svec(A m ) T ⎭ {A svec X | X ≽ 0}(380)where A∈ R m×n(n+1)/2 , and where symmetric vectorization svec is definedin (56). Cone K is indeed convex because, by (175)A svec X p1 , A svec X p2 ∈ K ⇒ A(ζ svec X p1 +ξ svec X p2 )∈ K for all ζ,ξ ≥ 0(381)since a nonnegatively weighted sum of positive semidefinite matrices must bepositive semidefinite. (A. Although matrix A is finite-dimensional, Kis generally not a polyhedral cone (unless m=1 or 2) simply because X ∈ S n + .

2.13. DUAL CONE & GENERALIZED INEQUALITY 183Theorem. Inverse image closedness. [199, prop.A.2.1.12][307, thm.6.7] Given affine operator g : R m → R p , convex set D ⊆ R m ,and convex set C ⊆ R p g −1 (rel int C)≠ ∅ , thenrel intg(D)=g(rel int D), rel intg −1 C =g −1 (rel int C), g −1 C =g −1 C(382)⋄By this theorem, relative interior of K may always be expressedrel int K = {A svec X | X ≻ 0} (383)Because dim(aff K)=dim(A svec S n ) (127) then, provided the vectorized A jmatrices are linearly independent,rel int K = int K (14)meaning, cone K is full-dimensional ⇒ dual cone K ∗ is pointed by (310).Convex cone K can be closed, by this corollary:Corollary. Cone closedness invariance. [56,3] [51,3]Given linear operator A : R p → ( R m and closed)convex cone X ⊆ R p ,convex cone K = A(X) is closed A(X) = A(X) if and only ifN(A) ∩ X = {0} or N(A) ∩ X rel∂X (384)Otherwise, K = A(X) ⊇ A(X) ⊇ A(X). [307, thm.6.6]⋄If matrix A has no nontrivial nullspace, then A svec X is an isomorphismin X between cone S n + and range R(A) of matrix A ; (, for convex cone K to be closed and have relative boundaryrel∂K = {A svec X | X ≽ 0, X ⊁ 0} (385)Now consider the (closed convex) dual cone:K ∗ = {y | 〈z , y〉 ≥ 0 for all z ∈ K} ⊆ R m= {y | 〈z , y〉 ≥ 0 for all z = A svec X , X ≽ 0}= {y | 〈A svec X , y〉 ≥ 0 for all X ≽ 0}= { y | 〈svec X , A T y〉 ≥ 0 for all X ≽ 0 }= { y | svec −1 (A T y) ≽ 0 } (386)

182 CHAPTER 2. CONVEX GEOMETRYK = K ∗ ⇔ K = ⋂ {y | γ T y ≥ 0 } (379)γ∈G(K)In words: Cone K is selfdual iff its own extreme directions are inward-normalsto a (minimal) set of hyperplanes bounding halfspaces whose intersectionconstructs it. This means each extreme direction of K is normal to ahyperplane exposing one of its own faces; a necessary but insufficientcondition for selfdualness (Figure 62, for example).Selfdual cones are necessarily full-dimensional. [30,I] Their mostprominent representatives are the orthants (Cartesian cones), the positivesemidefinite cone S M + in the ambient space of symmetric matrices (377), andLorentz cone (178) [20,II.A] [61, exmp.2.25]. In three dimensions, a planecontaining the axis of revolution of a selfdual cone (and the origin) willproduce a slice whose boundary makes a right angle. Example. Linear matrix inequality. (confer2. a peculiar vertex-description for a convex cone K defined overa positive semidefinite cone (instead of a nonnegative orthant as indefinition (103)): for X ∈ S n + given A j ∈ S n , j =1... m⎧⎡⎨K = ⎣⎩⎧⎡⎨= ⎣⎩〈A 1 , X〉.〈A m , X〉⎤ ⎫⎬⎦ | X ≽ 0⎭ ⊆ Rm⎤ ⎫svec(A 1 ) T⎬. ⎦svec X | X ≽ 0svec(A m ) T ⎭ {A svec X | X ≽ 0}(380)where A∈ R m×n(n+1)/2 , and where symmetric vectorization svec is definedin (56). Cone K is indeed convex because, by (175)A svec X p1 , A svec X p2 ∈ K ⇒ A(ζ svec X p1 +ξ svec X p2 )∈ K for all ζ,ξ ≥ 0(381)since a nonnegatively weighted sum of positive semidefinite matrices must bepositive semidefinite. (A. Although matrix A is finite-dimensional, Kis generally not a polyhedral cone (unless m=1 or 2) simply because X ∈ S n + .

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