v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

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172 CHAPTER 2. CONVEX GEOMETRYFrom membership relation (344), conversely, suppose we allow any y ∈ R m .Then because −x T Ay is unbounded below, x T (b −Ay)≥0 implies A T x=0:for y ∈ R mIn toto,A T x=0, b − Ay ∈ K ∗ ⇐ x T (b − Ay)≥ 0 ∀x ∈ K (346)b − Ay ∈ K ∗ ⇔ x T b ≥ 0, A T x=0 ∀x ∈ K (347)Vector x belongs to cone K but is also constrained to lie in a subspaceof R n specified by an intersection of hyperplanes through the origin{x∈ R n |A T x=0}. From this, alternative systems of generalized inequalitywith respect to pointed closed convex cones K and K ∗Ay ≼K ∗or in the alternativeb(348)x T b < 0, A T x=0, x ≽K0derived from (347) simply by taking the complementary sense of theinequality in x T b . These two systems are alternatives; if one system hasa solution, then the other does not. 2.64 [307, p.201]By invoking a strict membership relation between proper cones (326),we can construct a more exotic alternative strengthened by demand for aninterior point;b − Ay ≻0 ⇔ x T b > 0, A T x=0 ∀x ≽K ∗ K0, x ≠ 0 (349)2.64 If solutions at ±∞ are disallowed, then the alternative systems become insteadmutually exclusive with respect to nonpolyhedral cones. Simultaneous infeasibility of thetwo systems is not precluded by mutual exclusivity; called a weak alternative. Ye providesan example illustrating simultaneous [ ] infeasibility with [ respect ] to the positive semidefinitecone: x∈ S 2 1 00 1, y ∈ R , A = , and b = where x0 01 0T b means 〈x , b〉 .A better strategy than disallowing solutions at ±∞ is to demand an interior point asin (350) or Lemma Then question of simultaneous infeasibility is moot.

2.13. DUAL CONE & GENERALIZED INEQUALITY 173From this, alternative systems of generalized inequality [61, pages:50,54,262]Ay ≺K ∗or in the alternativeb(350)x T b ≤ 0, A T x=0, x ≽K0, x ≠ 0derived from (349) by taking complementary sense of the inequality in x T b .And from this, alternative systems with respect to the nonnegativeorthant attributed to Gordan in 1873: [160] [55,2.2] substituting A ←A Tand setting b = 0A T y ≺ 0or in the alternative(351)Ax = 0, x ≽ 0, ‖x‖ 1 = 1Ben-Israel collects related results from Farkas, Motzkin, Gordan, and Stiemkein Motzkin transposition theorem. [33]2.13.3 Optimality condition(confer2.13.10.1) The general first-order necessary and sufficient conditionfor optimality of solution x ⋆ to a minimization problem ((302p) for example)with real differentiable convex objective function f(x) : R n →R is [306,3]∇f(x ⋆ ) T (x − x ⋆ ) ≥ 0 ∀x ∈ C , x ⋆ ∈ C (352)where C is a convex feasible set, 2.65 and where ∇f(x ⋆ ) is the gradient (3.6) off with respect to x evaluated at x ⋆ . In words, negative gradient is normal toa hyperplane supporting the feasible set at a point of optimality. (Figure 67)Direct solution to variation inequality (352), instead of the correspondingminimization, spawned from calculus of variations. [250, p.178] [132, p.37]One solution method solves an equivalent fixed point-of-projection problemx = P C (x − ∇f(x)) (353)2.65 presumably nonempty set of all variable values satisfying all given problem constraints;the set of feasible solutions.

2.13. DUAL CONE & GENERALIZED INEQUALITY 173From this, alternative systems of generalized inequality [61, pages:50,54,262]Ay ≺K ∗or in the alternativeb(350)x T b ≤ 0, A T x=0, x ≽K0, x ≠ 0derived from (349) by taking complementary sense of the inequality in x T b .And from this, alternative systems with respect to the nonnegativeorthant attributed to Gordan in 1873: [160] [55,2.2] substituting A ←A Tand setting b = 0A T y ≺ 0or in the alternative(351)Ax = 0, x ≽ 0, ‖x‖ 1 = 1Ben-Israel collects related results from Farkas, Motzkin, Gordan, and Stiemkein Motzkin transposition theorem. [33]2.13.3 Optimality condition(confer2.13.10.1) The general first-order necessary and sufficient conditionfor optimality of solution x ⋆ to a minimization problem ((302p) for example)with real differentiable convex objective function f(x) : R n →R is [306,3]∇f(x ⋆ ) T (x − x ⋆ ) ≥ 0 ∀x ∈ C , x ⋆ ∈ C (352)where C is a convex feasible set, 2.65 and where ∇f(x ⋆ ) is the gradient (3.6) off with respect to x evaluated at x ⋆ . In words, negative gradient is normal toa hyperplane supporting the feasible set at a point of optimality. (Figure 67)Direct solution to variation inequality (352), instead of the correspondingminimization, spawned from calculus of variations. [250, p.178] [132, p.37]One solution method solves an equivalent fixed point-of-projection problemx = P C (x − ∇f(x)) (353)2.65 presumably nonempty set of all variable values satisfying all given problem constraints;the set of feasible solutions.

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