v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

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162 CHAPTER 2. CONVEX GEOMETRYwe have strong duality and then a saddle value [152] exists. (Figure 58)[304, p.3] Consider primal conic problem (p) (over cone K) and itscorresponding dual problem (d): [293,3.3.1] [239,2.1] [240] givenvectors α , β and matrix constant C(p)minimize α T xxsubject to x ∈ KCx = βmaximize β T zy , zsubject to y ∈ K ∗C T z + y = α(d) (302)Observe: the dual problem is also conic, and its objective function valuenever exceeds that of the primal;α T x ≥ β T zx T (C T z + y) ≥ (Cx) T zx T y ≥ 0(303)which holds by definition (297). Under the sufficient condition: (302p) is aconvex problem 2.61 satisfying Slater’s condition (p.285), then equalityx ⋆T y ⋆ = 0 (304)is achieved; which is necessary and sufficient for optimality (;each problem (p) and (d) attains the same optimal value of its objective andeach problem is called a strong dual to the other because the duality gap(optimal primal−dual objective difference) becomes 0. Then (p) and (d) aretogether equivalent to the minimax problemminimize α T x − β T zx,y,zsubject to x ∈ K ,y ∈ K ∗Cx = β , C T z + y = α(p)−(d) (305)whose optimal objective always has the saddle value 0 (regardless of theparticular convex cone K and other problem parameters). [359,3.2] Thusdetermination of convergence for either primal or dual problem is facilitated.Were convex cone K polyhedral (2.12.1), then problems (p) and (d)would be linear programs. Selfdual nonnegative orthant K yields the primal2.61 A convex problem, essentially, has convex objective function optimized over a convexset. (4) In this context, problem (p) is convex if K is a convex cone.

2.13. DUAL CONE & GENERALIZED INEQUALITY 163prototypical linear program and its dual. Were K a positive semidefinitecone, then problem (p) has the form of prototypical semidefinite program(649) with (d) its dual. It is sometimes possible to solve a primal problem byway of its dual; advantageous when the dual problem is easier to solve thanthe primal problem, for example, because it can be solved analytically, or hassome special structure that can be exploited. [61,5.5.5] ( Key properties of dual coneFor any cone, (−K) ∗ = −K ∗For any cones K 1 and K 2 , K 1 ⊆ K 2 ⇒ K ∗ 1 ⊇ K ∗ 2 [330,2.7](Cartesian product) For closed convex cones K 1 and K 2 , theirCartesian product K = K 1 × K 2 is a closed convex cone, andK ∗ = K ∗ 1 × K ∗ 2 (306)where each dual is determined with respect to a cone’s ambient space.(conjugation) [307,14] [109,4.5] [330, p.52] When K is any convexcone, dual of the dual cone equals closure of the original cone;K ∗∗ = K (307)is the intersection of all halfspaces about the origin that contain K .Because K ∗∗∗ = K ∗ always holds,K ∗ = (K) ∗ (308)When convex cone K is closed, then dual of the dual cone is the originalcone; K ∗∗ = K ⇔ K is a closed convex cone: [330, p.53, p.95]K = {x ∈ R n | 〈y , x〉 ≥ 0 ∀y ∈ K ∗ } (309)If any cone K is full-dimensional, then K ∗ is pointed;K full-dimensional ⇒ K ∗ pointed (310)If the closure of any convex cone K is pointed, conversely, then K ∗ isfull-dimensional;K pointed ⇒ K ∗ full-dimensional (311)Given that a cone K ⊂ R n is closed and convex, K is pointed if and onlyif K ∗ − K ∗ = R n ; id est, iff K ∗ is full-dimensional. [55,3.3 exer.20]

2.13. DUAL CONE & GENERALIZED INEQUALITY 163prototypical linear program and its dual. Were K a positive semidefinitecone, then problem (p) has the form of prototypical semidefinite program(649) with (d) its dual. It is sometimes possible to solve a primal problem byway of its dual; advantageous when the dual problem is easier to solve thanthe primal problem, for example, because it can be solved analytically, or hassome special structure that can be exploited. [61,5.5.5] ( Key properties of dual coneFor any cone, (−K) ∗ = −K ∗For any cones K 1 and K 2 , K 1 ⊆ K 2 ⇒ K ∗ 1 ⊇ K ∗ 2 [330,2.7](Cartesian product) For closed convex cones K 1 and K 2 , theirCartesian product K = K 1 × K 2 is a closed convex cone, andK ∗ = K ∗ 1 × K ∗ 2 (306)where each dual is determined with respect to a cone’s ambient space.(conjugation) [307,14] [109,4.5] [330, p.52] When K is any convexcone, dual of the dual cone equals closure of the original cone;K ∗∗ = K (307)is the intersection of all halfspaces about the origin that contain K .Because K ∗∗∗ = K ∗ always holds,K ∗ = (K) ∗ (308)When convex cone K is closed, then dual of the dual cone is the originalcone; K ∗∗ = K ⇔ K is a closed convex cone: [330, p.53, p.95]K = {x ∈ R n | 〈y , x〉 ≥ 0 ∀y ∈ K ∗ } (309)If any cone K is full-dimensional, then K ∗ is pointed;K full-dimensional ⇒ K ∗ pointed (310)If the closure of any convex cone K is pointed, conversely, then K ∗ isfull-dimensional;K pointed ⇒ K ∗ full-dimensional (311)Given that a cone K ⊂ R n is closed and convex, K is pointed if and onlyif K ∗ − K ∗ = R n ; id est, iff K ∗ is full-dimensional. [55,3.3 exer.20]

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