v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

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134 CHAPTER 2. CONVEX GEOMETRYwhich describe an intersection of four halfspaces in R m(m+1)/2 . Thatintersection creates the proper polyhedral cone K (2.12.1) whoseconstruction is illustrated in Figure 48. Drawn truncated is the boundaryof the positive semidefinite cone svec S 2 + and the bounding hyperplanessupporting K .Created by means of Geršgorin discs, K always belongs to the positivesemidefinite cone for any nonnegative value of p ∈ R m + . Hence any point inK corresponds to some positive semidefinite matrix A . Only the extremedirections of K intersect the positive semidefinite cone boundary in thisdimension; the four extreme directions of K are extreme directions of thepositive semidefinite cone. As p 1 /p 2 increases in value from 0, two extremedirections of K sweep the entire boundary of this positive semidefinite cone.Because the entire positive semidefinite cone can be swept by K , the systemof linear inequalities[Y T p1 ±psvec A 2 / √ ]2 00 ±p 1 / √ svec A ≽ 0 (252)2 p 2when made dynamic can replace a semidefinite constraint A≽0 ; id est, forgiven p where Y ∈ R m(m+1)/2×m2m−1butK = {z | Y T z ≽ 0} ⊂ svec S m + (253)svec A ∈ K ⇒ A ∈ S m + (254)∃p Y T svec A ≽ 0 ⇔ A ≽ 0 (255)In other words, diagonal dominance [202, p.349,7.2.3]A ii ≥m∑|A ij | , ∀i = 1... m (256)j=1j ≠ iis only a sufficient condition for membership to the PSD cone; but bydynamic weighting p in this dimension, it was made necessary andsufficient.In higher dimension (m > 2), boundary of the positive semidefinite coneis no longer constituted completely by its extreme directions (symmetric

2.9. POSITIVE SEMIDEFINITE (PSD) CONE 135rank-one matrices); its geometry becomes intricate. How all the extremedirections can be swept by an inscribed polyhedral cone, 2.49 similarly to theforegoing example, remains an open question. Exercise. Dual inscription.Find dual proper polyhedral cone K ∗ from Figure Boundary constituents of the positive semidefinite cone2. Lemma. Sum of positive semidefinite matrices.For A,B ∈ S M +rank(A + B) = rank(µA + (1 −µ)B) (257)over open interval (0, 1) of µ .Proof. Any positive semidefinite matrix belonging to the PSD conehas an eigenvalue decomposition that is a positively scaled sum of linearlyindependent symmetric dyads. By the linearly independent dyads definitioninB., rank of the sum A +B is equivalent to the number of linearlyindependent dyads constituting it. Linear independence is insensitive tofurther positive scaling by µ . The assumption of positive semidefinitenessprevents annihilation of any dyad from the sum A +B . Example. Rank function quasiconcavity. (confer3.8)For A,B ∈ R m×n [202,0.4]that follows from the fact [331,3.6]rankA + rankB ≥ rank(A + B) (258)dim R(A) + dim R(B) = dim R(A + B) + dim(R(A) ∩ R(B)) (259)For A,B ∈ S M +rankA + rankB ≥ rank(A + B) ≥ min{rankA, rankB} (1466)that follows from the factN(A + B) = N(A) ∩ N(B) , A,B ∈ S M + (160)2.49 It is not necessary to sweep the entire boundary in higher dimension.⋄

2.9. POSITIVE SEMIDEFINITE (PSD) CONE 135rank-one matrices); its geometry becomes intricate. How all the extremedirections can be swept by an inscribed polyhedral cone, 2.49 similarly to theforegoing example, remains an open question. Exercise. Dual inscription.Find dual proper polyhedral cone K ∗ from Figure Boundary constituents of the positive semidefinite cone2. Lemma. Sum of positive semidefinite matrices.For A,B ∈ S M +rank(A + B) = rank(µA + (1 −µ)B) (257)over open interval (0, 1) of µ .Proof. Any positive semidefinite matrix belonging to the PSD conehas an eigenvalue decomposition that is a positively scaled sum of linearlyindependent symmetric dyads. By the linearly independent dyads definitioninB., rank of the sum A +B is equivalent to the number of linearlyindependent dyads constituting it. Linear independence is insensitive tofurther positive scaling by µ . The assumption of positive semidefinitenessprevents annihilation of any dyad from the sum A +B . Example. Rank function quasiconcavity. (confer3.8)For A,B ∈ R m×n [202,0.4]that follows from the fact [331,3.6]rankA + rankB ≥ rank(A + B) (258)dim R(A) + dim R(B) = dim R(A + B) + dim(R(A) ∩ R(B)) (259)For A,B ∈ S M +rankA + rankB ≥ rank(A + B) ≥ min{rankA, rankB} (1466)that follows from the factN(A + B) = N(A) ∩ N(B) , A,B ∈ S M + (160)2.49 It is not necessary to sweep the entire boundary in higher dimension.⋄

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