v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

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126 CHAPTER 2. CONVEX GEOMETRYwe may ignore the fact that vectorized nullspace svec basis N(A i ) is a propersubspace of the hyperplane. We may think instead in terms of wholehyperplanes because equivalence (1590) says that the positive semidefinitecone effectively filters that subset of the hyperplane, whose normal is A i ,that constitutes N(A i ).And so hyperplane intersection makes a line intersecting the positivesemidefinite cone but only at the origin. In this hypothetical example,smallest face containing those two matrices therefore comprises the entirecone because every positive semidefinite matrix has nullspace containing 0.The smaller the intersection, the larger the smallest face. Exercise. Disparate elements.Prove that (230) holds for an arbitrary set {A i ∈ S M + }. One way is by showing⋂ N(Ai ) ∩ S M + = conv({A i }) ⊥ ∩ S M + ; with perpendicularity ⊥ as in (373). 2.432.9.2.6 face of all PSD matrices having same principal submatrixNow we ask what is the smallest face of the positive semidefinite conecontaining all matrices having a principal submatrix in common; in otherwords, that face containing all PSD matrices (of any rank) with particularentries fixed − the smallest face containing all PSD matrices whose fixedentries correspond to some given principal submatrix ΦAΦ . To maintaingenerality, 2.44 we move an extracted principal submatrix ˆΦ T A ˆΦ∈ S rankΦ+ intoleading position via permutation Ξ from (228): for A∈ S M +[ΞAΞ T ˆΦT A ˆΦ BB T C]∈ S M + (231)By properties of partitioned PSD matrices inA.4.0.1,([basis NˆΦT A ˆΦ]) [ ]B 0B T ⊇C I − CC † (232)[ ] 0Hence N(ΞXΞ T ) ⊇ N(ΞAΞ T ) span in a smallest face F formulaI2.45because all PSD matrices, given fixed principal submatrix, are admitted:2.43 Hint: (1590) (1911).2.44 to fix any principal submatrix; not only leading principal submatrices.2.45 meaning, more pertinently, I − Φ is dropped from (227).

2.9. POSITIVE SEMIDEFINITE (PSD) CONE 127Define a set of all PSD matrices having fixed principal submatrix ΦAΦ{ [S Ξ ˆΦT T A ˆΦ]}BB T Ξ ≽ 0C ∣ B ∈ RrankΦ×M−rankΦ , C ∈ S M−rankΦ+ (233)SoF ( S M + ⊇ S ) = { X ∈ S M + | N(X) ⊇ N(S) }= {X ∈ S M + | 〈ˆΦU(I − ΥΥ † )U TˆΦT , X〉 = 0}{ [ ] [ ]}UΥΥ= Ξ T †0 ΥΥ0 T Ψ† U T 0I 0 T ΞI ∣ Ψ ∈ SM +M−rank Φ+rankΦAΦ≃ S+(234)In the case that ΦAΦ is a leading principal submatrix, then Ξ=I . Extreme directions of positive semidefinite coneBecause the positive semidefinite cone is pointed (, there is aone-to-one correspondence of one-dimensional faces with extreme directionsin any dimension M ; id est, because of the cone faces lemma ( direct correspondence of exposed faces to faces of S M + , it follows: thereis no one-dimensional face of the positive semidefinite cone that is not a rayemanating from the origin.Symmetric dyads constitute the set of all extreme directions: For M >1{yy T ∈ S M | y ∈ R M } ⊂ ∂S M + (235)this superset of extreme directions (infinite in number, confer (187)) for thepositive semidefinite cone is, generally, a subset of the boundary. By theextremes theorem (, the convex hull of extreme rays and the originis the positive semidefinite cone: ({ ∞}∑conv{yy T ∈ S M | y ∈ R M } = b i z i zi T | z i ∈ R M , b≽0 = S M + (236)i=1For two-dimensional matrices (M =2, Figure 43){yy T ∈ S 2 | y ∈ R 2 } = ∂S 2 + (237)

2.9. POSITIVE SEMIDEFINITE (PSD) CONE 127Define a set of all PSD matrices having fixed principal submatrix ΦAΦ{ [S Ξ ˆΦT T A ˆΦ]}BB T Ξ ≽ 0C ∣ B ∈ RrankΦ×M−rankΦ , C ∈ S M−rankΦ+ (233)SoF ( S M + ⊇ S ) = { X ∈ S M + | N(X) ⊇ N(S) }= {X ∈ S M + | 〈ˆΦU(I − ΥΥ † )U TˆΦT , X〉 = 0}{ [ ] [ ]}UΥΥ= Ξ T †0 ΥΥ0 T Ψ† U T 0I 0 T ΞI ∣ Ψ ∈ SM +M−rank Φ+rankΦAΦ≃ S+(234)In the case that ΦAΦ is a leading principal submatrix, then Ξ=I . Extreme directions of positive semidefinite coneBecause the positive semidefinite cone is pointed (, there is aone-to-one correspondence of one-dimensional faces with extreme directionsin any dimension M ; id est, because of the cone faces lemma ( direct correspondence of exposed faces to faces of S M + , it follows: thereis no one-dimensional face of the positive semidefinite cone that is not a rayemanating from the origin.Symmetric dyads constitute the set of all extreme directions: For M >1{yy T ∈ S M | y ∈ R M } ⊂ ∂S M + (235)this superset of extreme directions (infinite in number, confer (187)) for thepositive semidefinite cone is, generally, a subset of the boundary. By theextremes theorem (, the convex hull of extreme rays and the originis the positive semidefinite cone: ({ ∞}∑conv{yy T ∈ S M | y ∈ R M } = b i z i zi T | z i ∈ R M , b≽0 = S M + (236)i=1For two-dimensional matrices (M =2, Figure 43){yy T ∈ S 2 | y ∈ R 2 } = ∂S 2 + (237)

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