v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

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114 CHAPTER 2. CONVEX GEOMETRY2. Definition. Positive semidefinite cone.The set of all symmetric positive semidefinite matrices of particulardimension M is called the positive semidefinite cone:S M + { A ∈ S M | A ≽ 0 }= { A ∈ S M | y T Ay ≥0 ∀ ‖y‖ = 1 }= ⋂ {A ∈ S M | 〈yy T , A〉 ≥ 0 }(191)‖y‖=1= {A ∈ S M + | rankA ≤ M }formed by the intersection of an infinite number of halfspaces ( invectorized variable 2.37 A , each halfspace having partial boundary containingthe origin in isomorphic R M(M+1)/2 . It is a unique immutable proper conein the ambient space of symmetric matrices S M .The positive definite (full-rank) matrices comprise the cone interiorint S M + = { A ∈ S M | A ≻ 0 }= { A ∈ S M | y T Ay>0 ∀ ‖y‖ = 1 }= ⋂ {A ∈ S M | 〈yy T , A〉 > 0 }‖y‖=1= {A ∈ S M + | rankA = M }(192)while all singular positive semidefinite matrices (having at least one0 eigenvalue) reside on the cone boundary (Figure 43); (A.7.5)∂S M + = { A ∈ S M | A ≽ 0, A ⊁ 0 }= { A ∈ S M | min{λ(A) i , i=1... M } = 0 }= { A ∈ S M + | 〈yy T , A〉=0 for some ‖y‖ = 1 }= {A ∈ S M + | rankA < M }(193)where λ(A)∈ R M holds the eigenvalues of A .The only symmetric positive semidefinite matrix in S M +0-eigenvalues resides at the origin. (A.△having M2.37 infinite in number when M >1. Because y T A y=y T A T y , matrix A is almost alwaysassumed symmetric. (A.2.1)

2.9. POSITIVE SEMIDEFINITE (PSD) CONE 115γsvec ∂ S 2 +[ α ββ γ]α√2βMinimal set of generators are the extreme directions: svec{yy T | y ∈ R M }Figure 43: (d’Aspremont) Truncated boundary of PSD cone in S 2 plotted inisometrically isomorphic R 3 via svec (56); 0-contour of smallest eigenvalue(193). Lightest shading is closest, darkest shading is farthest and inside shell.Entire boundary can be constructed{ from an√ aggregate of rays ( exclusively from origin: κ 2 [z12 2z1 z 2 z2 2 ] T | κ∈ R , z ∈ R 2} .A circular cone in this dimension (, each and every ray on boundarycorresponds to an extreme direction but such is not the case in any higherdimension (confer Figure 24). PSD cone geometry is not as simple in higherdimensions [26,II.12] although PSD cone is selfdual (377) in ambient realspace of symmetric matrices. [195,II] PSD cone has no two-dimensionalface in any dimension, its only extreme point residing at 0.

114 CHAPTER 2. CONVEX GEOMETRY2. Definition. Positive semidefinite cone.The set of all symmetric positive semidefinite matrices of particulardimension M is called the positive semidefinite cone:S M + { A ∈ S M | A ≽ 0 }= { A ∈ S M | y T Ay ≥0 ∀ ‖y‖ = 1 }= ⋂ {A ∈ S M | 〈yy T , A〉 ≥ 0 }(191)‖y‖=1= {A ∈ S M + | rankA ≤ M }formed by the intersection of an infinite number of halfspaces ( invectorized variable 2.37 A , each halfspace having partial boundary containingthe origin in isomorphic R M(M+1)/2 . It is a unique immutable proper conein the ambient space of symmetric matrices S M .The positive definite (full-rank) matrices comprise the cone interiorint S M + = { A ∈ S M | A ≻ 0 }= { A ∈ S M | y T Ay>0 ∀ ‖y‖ = 1 }= ⋂ {A ∈ S M | 〈yy T , A〉 > 0 }‖y‖=1= {A ∈ S M + | rankA = M }(192)while all singular positive semidefinite matrices (having at least one0 eigenvalue) reside on the cone boundary (Figure 43); (A.7.5)∂S M + = { A ∈ S M | A ≽ 0, A ⊁ 0 }= { A ∈ S M | min{λ(A) i , i=1... M } = 0 }= { A ∈ S M + | 〈yy T , A〉=0 for some ‖y‖ = 1 }= {A ∈ S M + | rankA < M }(193)where λ(A)∈ R M holds the eigenvalues of A .The only symmetric positive semidefinite matrix in S M +0-eigenvalues resides at the origin. (A.△having M2.37 infinite in number when M >1. Because y T A y=y T A T y , matrix A is almost alwaysassumed symmetric. (A.2.1)

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