v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

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110 CHAPTER 2. CONVEX GEOMETRY2. Theorem. (Klee) Extremes. [330,3.6] [307,18, p.166](confer2.3.2, Any closed convex set containing no lines can beexpressed as the convex hull of its extreme points and extreme rays. ⋄It follows that any element of a convex set containing no lines maybe expressed as a linear combination of its extreme elements; e.g.,Example GeneratorsIn the narrowest sense, generators for a convex set comprise any collectionof points and directions whose convex hull constructs the set.When the extremes theorem applies, the extreme points and directionsare called generators of a convex set. An arbitrary collection of generatorsfor a convex set includes its extreme elements as a subset; the set of extremeelements of a convex set is a minimal set of generators for that convex set.Any polyhedral set has a minimal set of generators whose cardinality is finite.When the convex set under scrutiny is a closed convex cone, coniccombination of generators during construction is implicit as shown inExample and Example So, a vertex at the origin (if itexists) becomes benign.We can, of course, generate affine sets by taking the affine hull of anycollection of points and directions. We broaden, thereby, the meaning ofgenerator to be inclusive of all kinds of hulls.Any hull of generators is loosely called a vertex-description. (2.3.4)Hulls encompass subspaces, so any basis constitutes generators for avertex-description; span basis R(A). Example. Application of extremes theorem.Given an extreme point at the origin and N extreme rays, denoting the i thextreme direction by Γ i ∈ R n , then their convex hull is (86)P = { [0 Γ 1 Γ 2 · · · Γ N ] aζ | a T 1 = 1, a ≽ 0, ζ ≥ 0 }{= [Γ1 Γ 2 · · · Γ N ]aζ | a T 1 ≤ 1, a ≽ 0, ζ ≥ 0 }{= [Γ1 Γ 2 · · · Γ N ]b | b ≽ 0 } (188)⊂ R na closed convex set that is simply a conic hull like (103).

2.8. CONE BOUNDARY 1112.8.2 Exposed direction2. Definition. Exposed point & direction of pointed convex cone.[307,18] (confer2. a convex cone has a vertex, an exposed point, it resides at theorigin; there can be only one.In the closure of a pointed convex cone, an exposed direction is thedirection of a one-dimensional exposed face that is a ray emanatingfrom the origin.{exposed directions} ⊆ {extreme directions}△For a proper cone in vector space R n with n ≥ 2, we can say more:{exposed directions} = {extreme directions} (189)It follows from Lemma for any pointed closed convex cone, thereis one-to-one correspondence of one-dimensional exposed faces with exposeddirections; id est, there is no one-dimensional exposed face that is not a raybase 0.The pointed closed convex cone EDM 2 , for example, is a ray inisomorphic subspace R whose relative boundary ( is the origin.The conventionally exposed directions of EDM 2 constitute the empty set∅ ⊂ {extreme direction}. This cone has one extreme direction belonging toits relative interior; an idiosyncrasy of dimension Connection between boundary and extremes2. Theorem. Exposed. [307,18.7] (confer2. closed convex set C containing no lines (and whose dimension is atleast 2) can be expressed as closure of the convex hull of its exposed pointsand exposed rays.⋄From Theorem,rel ∂ C = C \ rel int C (24)= conv{exposed points and exposed rays} \ rel int C= conv{extreme points and extreme rays} \ rel int C⎫⎪⎬⎪⎭(190)

110 CHAPTER 2. CONVEX GEOMETRY2. Theorem. (Klee) Extremes. [330,3.6] [307,18, p.166](confer2.3.2, Any closed convex set containing no lines can beexpressed as the convex hull of its extreme points and extreme rays. ⋄It follows that any element of a convex set containing no lines maybe expressed as a linear combination of its extreme elements; e.g.,Example GeneratorsIn the narrowest sense, generators for a convex set comprise any collectionof points and directions whose convex hull constructs the set.When the extremes theorem applies, the extreme points and directionsare called generators of a convex set. An arbitrary collection of generatorsfor a convex set includes its extreme elements as a subset; the set of extremeelements of a convex set is a minimal set of generators for that convex set.Any polyhedral set has a minimal set of generators whose cardinality is finite.When the convex set under scrutiny is a closed convex cone, coniccombination of generators during construction is implicit as shown inExample and Example So, a vertex at the origin (if itexists) becomes benign.We can, of course, generate affine sets by taking the affine hull of anycollection of points and directions. We broaden, thereby, the meaning ofgenerator to be inclusive of all kinds of hulls.Any hull of generators is loosely called a vertex-description. (2.3.4)Hulls encompass subspaces, so any basis constitutes generators for avertex-description; span basis R(A). Example. Application of extremes theorem.Given an extreme point at the origin and N extreme rays, denoting the i thextreme direction by Γ i ∈ R n , then their convex hull is (86)P = { [0 Γ 1 Γ 2 · · · Γ N ] aζ | a T 1 = 1, a ≽ 0, ζ ≥ 0 }{= [Γ1 Γ 2 · · · Γ N ]aζ | a T 1 ≤ 1, a ≽ 0, ζ ≥ 0 }{= [Γ1 Γ 2 · · · Γ N ]b | b ≽ 0 } (188)⊂ R na closed convex set that is simply a conic hull like (103).

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